
Hair care

Hair growth

How to Fasten your Hair Growth Rate?

Hey there, lovely locks! Have you been waiting for ages for your hair to grow out? Beautiful and healthy hair is something that everyone desires. It can boost your confidence, make you feel good about yourself, and can and will define your features. However, you might also be struggling to achieve your hair goals, whether it’s growing out a pixie cut or trying to add more volume to your hair. 

Additionally, your hair can be impacted by various external factors, such as harsh styling products, heat styling tools, and environmental pollutants. These factors can cause damage to the hair shaft, leading to split ends, breakage, and slow hair growth. Therefore, by adopting healthy hair practices, you can prevent damage and enhance growth.

Don’t worry, we’ve got everything you need to boost the growth rate of your hair and unlock the secret to long, lustrous locks.Nutrition being the key to health from within. Thus, looking out for the best hair gummies in India can be thought of to fulfil all the needs of your hair. 

Here’s how you can boost the growth rate of your hair…

1. Use Hair Growth Products

Use Hair Growth Products

There are many hair growth products available on the market that can help in growing longer hair. Make sure to look for products that contain ingredients such as biotin, keratin, and collagen, which can help to strengthen the hair strands. Other ingredients to look for include essential oils such as rosemary, peppermint, and lavender, which can help to promote scalp health and boost the growth of your hair.

2. Avoid Heat Styling

Heat styling tools such as flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers can damage the hair strands and slow down growth. In case you have to use these tools, use them on a low heat setting and apply a heat protectant product to the hair beforehand. It is also important to avoid using heat styling tools on wet hair, as wet hair is more susceptible to damage.

3. Trim Your Hair Regularly

Trim Your Hair Regularly

Trimming your hair every 6-8 weeks can help to prevent split ends and breakage. When split ends are left untreated, they can cause the hair strands to break, which can make it difficult for the hair to grow longer. By trimming the ends of the hair regularly, you can prevent split ends from forming and boost the rate of hair growth.

4. Massage Your Scalp

Massaging the scalp can help to increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which can grow your hair longer. To massage the scalp, use your fingertips to apply gentle pressure to the scalp in circular motions. You can also use a scalp massaging tool, which can help to increase the effectiveness of the massage.

5. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential in growing healthy hair. Water helps to hydrate the hair strands, which can make them less prone to breakage. Additionally, water helps to flush toxins from the body, which can help to promote overall scalp health. Hence, you should  drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and add hydrating foods into your diet, such as watermelon, cucumber, and berries.

6. Use a Wide-Toothed Comb

Using a wide-tooth comb is much gentler on the hair strands than using a brush, which can cause breakage and damage. Start at the ends of your hair and work your way up, gently detangling as you go. Avoid brushing wet hair, as they are more prone to breakage.

7. Protect Your Hair While Sleeping

Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase can cause friction, which can lead to breakage and damage. Thus, try switching to a silk or satin pillowcase, which is much gentler on the hair strands. You can also try using a silk or satin hair cap to protect your hair while you sleep. If you prefer to sleep with your hair loose, try gently braiding it or twisting it into a loose bun to help prevent tangles.

8. Avoid Tight Hairstyles

Tight hairstyles such as braids, ponytails, and buns can cause tension on the hair strands, which can lead to breakage and damage. Instead, opt for looser hairstyles such as loose braids or a messy bun. In case you want to style your hair tightly, try using a soft, elastic hair tie and avoid pulling the hair too tightly.

9. Practise Stress Management

Stress can have a negative impact on hair growth, as it can cause hair to enter the resting phase prematurely. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help reduce stress levels and enhance the growth rate of your hair. Additionally, try to incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine, such as going for a walk, listening to calming music, or spending time in nature.

10. Get Enough Sleep 

Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health, and it can also assist in growing longer hair. However, you need to make sure that you take at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help your body function properly and grow healthier and longer hair. If you have trouble sleeping, try establishing a bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or drinking a cup of herbal tea before bed.

In the End

Healthy growth of hair is not just about achieving a desired look, but it’s also a reflection of your overall health. By taking care of your body and adopting healthy hair practices, you can fasten your hair growth and achieve the hair of your dreams. Achieving longer and healthier hair takes time, effort, and patience, but it’s worth it. 

Therefore, by taking the above-outlined tips into practice, you are sure to achieve your desired results. Nutrition is also important for hair. Thus, to supply all the required nutrients, you need to add on consuming biotin-infused gummies. So, you can go by the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies which are known to be the best hair gummies in India. The ingredients put in these tasty mixed-berry-flavoured gummies consist of Folic Acid, Vitamins A to E, Biotin, and Zinc. 

Popping just two of these delicious gummies can improve your scalp’s health leading to a healthier growth of your hair. Besides this, it would even make your hair thicker and shinier. In fact, the biotin present in these cute rabbit-shaped gummies is also beneficial for growing healthy nails.

Hair Growth

Which Foods Accelerate Hair Growth?

Having healthy, shiny, and thick hair is a desire for many of you. Being an important part of your appearance, it can greatly affect your self-esteem and confidence. Unfortunately, many factors, such as genetics, stress, hormonal imbalances, and poor nutrition, can negatively impact your hair health and lead to hair loss and slow hair growth

However, by incorporating certain foods and vitamins into your diet, you can promote healthy growth and prevent hair loss. From eggs and nuts to leafy greens and avocados, there are a number of foods that can accelerate growth, so you can have the luscious locks you’ve always wanted. 

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, and consuming an adequate amount of protein is essential for promoting the healthy growth of hair. In addition to protein, your hair also requires a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, Biotin, and vitamin C, to thrive. Therefore, besides including certain foods, you can also include biotin gummies in your routine as they can fulfil your body’s total requirement of nutrients for the healthy growth of your hair. 

Here are some of the foods that can boost your hair growth procedure…

1. Sweet Potatoes

Hair Growth

Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining a healthy scalp and boosting hair growth. Eating sweet potatoes regularly can help to improve the overall health of your hair.

2. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, are high in biotin, which is a B vitamin that is known to promote the healthy growth of hair. They also contain healthy fats and vitamins that are beneficial for hair health. Eating a handful of nuts or seeds each day can help to improve hair and scalp health.

3. Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as iron. These vitamins and minerals are important for hair health and can enhance your growth. Eating a diet that is rich in leafy greens can assist in boosting your hair growth and giving shine to them. You can make salads using your favourite greens and for uplifting the taste, add on some mixed herbs or oregano. 

4. Avocados

Avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, as well as vitamins B and E. These vitamins and fats help to keep the scalp and hair hydrated and enhance the longer growth of your hair.

5. Berries

Berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are high in antioxidants, which help to protect the hair from damage. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for promoting collagen production and improving hair growth.

6. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. These nutrients help to promote a healthy scalp and promote a lenghtier growth of hair. You can consume a cup of greek yoghurt with your afternoon meals or make raita out of it. 

7. Lentils

Lentils are something almost everyone has in their kitchen. However, do you know lentils can help in your hair’s growth? These are great sources of iron, biotin, and folic acid. These vitamins and minerals are essential for hair health and can assist in growing longer and shinier hair. 

8. Quinoa

Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids that are necessary for growing longer hair. It’s also a good source of iron, magnesium, and biotin. Using quinoa, you can make tasty salads, and khichdi and have it during breakfast or dinner. 

9. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a rich source of biotin, as well as protein and iron. These nutrients are essential for hair health and can boost the growth of your hair. You can make tasty chickpeas salad by putting your favourite veggies such as carrots, lettuce, etc., and mixing them together with some dressing. 

10. Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is the building block of hair. They also contain biotin, iron, and other vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair health. Eating eggs regularly can help in making your hair longer and reduce hair loss.

11. Brown Rice

Brown rice is a good source of magnesium, which helps to regulate blood flow to the scalp and grow your hair lengthier. It’s also a good source of biotin and vitamins B and E. Therefore, you just need to replace your white rice with brown rice and add it normally to your meals. 

To Conclude

Incorporating the right foods and vitamins into your diet is essential for promoting healthy    and preventing hair loss. By making simple changes to your diet and incorporating these hair-boosting foods and vitamins, you can achieve healthy, strong, and beautiful hair. 

It’s also important to note that consuming these foods and vitamins in your diet is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to enhancing healthy hair growth. In combination with a healthy lifestyle and regular hair care routine, you can ensure that your hair is the best it can be. Therefore, it is recommended to intake biotin gummies in your routine for an added advantage. Hence, you can start with the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies. 

These mixed berries-flavoured tasty treats have essential nutrients such as Biotin, Zinc, Folic acid, and Vitamins A to E. Chewing simple two of these delicious gummies per day can help you grow your hair lengthier. Besides this, it would also improve your scalp health making your hair follicles grow stronger and boosting their shine. So, make sure to add these and enjoy the benefits of luscious, healthy locks!

Hair gummies

Hair Care Routine to Be Followed at Night

Hair requires care. And you know how important it is to maintain a hair care routine in this stressful environment which has so much pollution as well. This can make your hair look dull and even lead to hair thinning. Here, the hair care routine plays an essential role. It helps your hair grow thicker and longer. 

However, have you noticed that even after taking full care of your hair, why is it not growing to the length you want? It happens because your hair goes through so much during the day so you need to put some extra care and start following a hair care ritual at night. When you practise the night hair care regime, your hair starts breathing. Also, consuming biotin gummies can help provide nutrition to your hair and improve the scalp’s health. 

Therefore, we have listed down some practices that should be included in your night hair care routine…

1. Avoid Going to Sleep with Wet Hair

When you go for a bath and your hair is damp, they become prone to damage. This is the time they are very weak. That is why it is not recommended to brush your hair while they are wet. When hair strands get wet, the bonds of protein within hair weaken which makes hair more susceptible to ending up damaged.

2. Moisturise Your Hair

Your hair must be well-hydrated. Moisturizing locks the moisture in your hair’s strands. You can apply a leave-in conditioner, serum and an overnight treatment. Be sure to apply the correct hair mask for the hair type you have that can be used for nighttime. You can wash it off at the beginning of the day with the help of lukewarm water. A good night’s sleep with a moisturising treatment can help prevent breakage, lessen dryness and makes it easy to style it in the morning.

3. Massage Your Hair with Oil

Every hair lover must be aware that massaging your head and scalp is vital to maintain healthy hair. Hair oil is beneficial for many reasons. It promotes hair growth, relieves stress, strengthens hair and prevents dandruff. Additionally, it gives hair a shiny appearance. A healthy scalp is the key to gorgeous hair, so you should massage your scalp regularly before you go to sleep for about 2-5 minutes. 

Doing this ritual helps improve blood flow and keeps the scalp healthy. This will also help keep your hair from drying out and reduce friction among hair strands. However, in case you suffer from oily hair apply a small amount of hair oil since oily hair can attract hair dandruff by using oil.

4. Brush Your Hair

Hair needs to be groomed regularly. It is, therefore, essential to comb your hair prior to when you go to bed for a good night’s sleep. Brushing your hair every day for a few minutes encourages the growth of hair and can make it shiny. However, brushing your hair with a paddle brush prior to going to bed would ensure that your hair does not stick in a knot.

5. Let Your Hair Get Some Air

You might be in love with beautiful hair accessories and trendy extensions that increase the look of your locks. These accessories can make your hair look beautiful but it’s important to get them removed prior to getting ready to go to bed.

Imagine if you could rest comfortably in a formal dress. No, right? You are definitely going to put on loose, comfortable clothes prior to settling into the bed to let your body breathe. Also, make sure that you take out hair extensions and other accessories prior to sleeping to avoid hair drying and breakage.

6. Use Silk Bedsheets and Pillow Covers

Silk is the answer to the majority of hair issues. Silk is smooth and soft and its natural qualities assist in reducing friction between the hair during sleep. Friction can cause broken ends and hair breakage and damage to hair. Silk is smooth, so it won’t cause hair to become fragile or rough. It also lets hair lay down without getting pulled. The pillowcases made of cotton can cause dry, split hair so stay clear of them and change to silk pillowcases to ensure healthy, shiny hair.

7. Avoid Tying Your Hair Tightly

Tying your hair correctly is crucial when sleeping at night. You need to make sure that you do not use rubber, metal or plastic ties as they can cause friction to hair, which can further cause hair breakage. The best way to safeguard your hair when you rest is to let it flow without any hair tie. Hairstyles that are tight can damage and cause tangles in hair, which ultimately leads to the breakage of hair. 

8. Apply a Hair Care Treatment

A regular hair-care routine is required to avoid hair loss as well as dandruff, itchy, dry hair, and various other issues. If you want your hair to grow longer and thicker, it is essential to add DIY treatments for hair into the daily routine of hair care. You can create hair masks and then apply them to your hair as an overnight treatment to moisturise your hair.

The ideal time to pamper your hair and scalp using serums or masks is prior to nighttime. You should apply a moisturising serum on your scalp every night to stimulate hair follicles, and increase the growth of your hair. You can even apply an ointment for your hair and leave it as an overnight treatment to heal and nourish your hair. You can repeat the process twice every month, based on your hair type.

The right treatment that is suitable for your hair can be a challenge because there are numerous options available. Therefore, we have put down the method of these two DIY masks for hair that you can make at home.

  1. Take 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, and add five drops of essential oils of rosemary and peppermint essential oil. Mix it well and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Apply it for a night and then rinse it off with a sulphate free shampoo the next day.
  2. The second DIY hair mask process needs warm milk and honey. Mix the honey and milk in a bowl. Then with the help of brushes, apply it to your hair. Make sure you have a shower cap and wrap your head in it to rest without worrying about your clothes that are going to get dirty at night. Wash your hair using mild shampoo the next day.

In a Nutshell

Just like you maintain your hair at night, you need to take care of it during the night time too. In fact, your body including your scalp area heals during the night time. Hence, you need to start following a night hair care regime. Therefore, the above-highlighted points are perfect to give you an idea of what you should be doing during the night to nourish your hair. 
You know there’s another thing that you can do to your night hair care ritual: popping some hair gummies. The gummies named “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” can be ideal for your consumption. These gummies are packed with Folic acid, Biotin, Zinc, and Vitamins A to E. You just have to pop two of them in a day for nourishing your hair and scalp. Besides, these tasty treats provide shine to your hair and aid in its growth.

Hair masks

Hair Masks to Make Hair Shinier

Are you too experiencing dry, dull and frizzy hair? No wonder this weather has been going harsh on your hair. The pollution and multiple styling products that you have been using on the hair would be damaging its health and making it rougher. Thus, at this time, you need to give your hair special attention and care so that it can remain in the best condition. 

Therefore, you can try putting on hair masks for scalp and hair nourishment. Just as you put face masks on your face to moisturise and nourish the skin, hair masks also play a similar role. You can make these hair masks easily at your house with some effective ingredients. 

This would not only be pocket friendly but also reduce the chances of having any side effects. There are even biotin gummies that provide nutrition to your hair to make it thicker and longer. This can be added to your daily routine and significant results can be experienced over time. 

Scroll down and get to know more about some outstanding natural hair masks that can make your hair smooth and shiny…

1. Olive Oil & Brown Sugar Hair Mask

Brown sugar functions as an exfoliant which helps to eliminate sebum and sweat that accumulates on the scalp. Alternatively, olive oil helps to add moisture to your hair. It’s among the most effective homemade hair masks because the brown sugar mask can help soothe dry, itchy and flaky scalps. It can even help you get rid of skin cell debris. A hair mask for dry hair can also help treat damaged hair and dull locks from the sun which can add water and shine to your hair.

  • Mix two spoons of brown sugar, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a small bowl
  • Then rub this mixture into your hair. Make sure that you cover each strand
  • Massage the scrub gently into your scalp with small circular movements
  • Keep the face mask for about 15 minutes
  • Further, rinse the area with cool water.
  • Wash normally using conditioner and shampoo.

2. Coconut Oil & Curry Leaves Hair Mask

Infused with beta-carotene as well as proteins, curry leaves can aid in preventing hair loss. Coconut oil helps to improve scalp health, increases hair growth, and provides shine, lustre and softness to hair. A hair mask made from scratch is a nutritious solution for those struggling with hair loss, thinning hair and other issues such as lice, or excessive hair breakage.

  • You need to first warm 10-15 fresh curry leaves in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil until they start to pop.
  • Wait until the mixture has been completely cooled.
  • Then apply it to your scalp and hair equally.
  • Put on your mask for around 15 minutes prior to washing it off.
  • Finally, clean your hair with a sulphate-free shampoo.

3. Honey & Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Mask

Dry, lifeless and brittle hair can benefit from this moisturising homemade hair mask to give shine and life to the hair. The combination of apple cider vinegar would ensure that your hair stays hydrated from root to tip. This hair mask is great for all hair types.

  • Put one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in a bowl.
  • You can even add an egg to this mix to provide more nutrition to your hair.
  • After this, mix all ingredients thoroughly and let them sit for around 30-40 mins before washing.
  • Wash it off using shampoo and conditioner. 

4. Coconut Oil & Cinnamon Hair Mask

Almond oil is a great oil for hair. It provides intense moisturisation as well as shine to your hair. Almond oil works as an anti-dryness hair mask and makes your hair soft, smooth and shiny. Besides this, cinnamon aids in maintaining blood circulation and induces faster hair growth. 

  • To make a hair mask out of them, you need to put 2 teaspoons of coconut oil into one bowl and place it in a microwave for around 30 seconds.
  • Now, add a few drops of essential oil or 1/4 cup of grounded cinnamon.
  • Massage the oil lightly on the scalp, and gradually shift it towards the length and tips.
  • Allow this mask to rest for approximately 15-30 mins.
  • Then rinse it off as you normally wash your hair.

5. Banana & Avocado Hair Mask 

Banana is rich in potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It is hence very beneficial to treat your scalp and hair. This hair mask infused with bananas fights hair dandruff, softens it and protects hair’s natural elasticity. Apart from this, it helps prevent breakage and split ends. 

Avocado, however, in turn, aids in nourishing and rejuvenating the scalp. The amino acids, proteins and vitamins found in avocado can help to promote longer and healthier hair strands. This DIY hair mask is one the most effective ways to treat your hair and thus you should try to make and use it every month.

  • Mix half of an avocado and a banana together with 2 teaspoons of olive oil.
  • Blend the mixture thoroughly until it’s smooth and creamy.
  • Then massage the mixture on your scalp.
  • Now, cover your hair using a shower cap.
  • Soak a towel with hot water.
  • Then squeeze out the excess water from the towel.
  • Cover the towel over your head and wait 20-30 mins until the towel is cool.
  • Shampoo your hair with a mild one and rinse with lukewarm water.

6. Honey & Yoghurt Hair Mask

With a high protein content, yoghurt helps to nourish hair, making it healthier and stronger. Its antifungal properties calm the scalp, ease frizz and reduce hair fall. Honey’s emollient properties help keep moisture in hair and prevent breakage. 

Honey is a great conditioner for hair follicles and hair shafts, preventing hair fall. Creating a mix of them helps to restore your dull and dry hair back to shape. You should use this nourishing treatment every week to replenish and maintain your locks. 

  • You have to mix two tablespoons of yoghurt and one tablespoon of honey.
  • Then apply the mask on your hair, starting from the beginning to end.
  • Apply the mask thoroughly for a couple of minutes.
  • Let this mask sit for about 15 minutes prior to washing it off with lukewarm water. 
  • Once you are done, clean your hair properly.
  • Lastly, apply conditioner to finish it off. 

On the Whole

As you use face masks to keep your skin glowing and cleaner, you should also try out hair masks as well for your hair and scalp. There are numerous hair masks readily available in the market. However, if you are planning to go with the natural ones, you would surely make them at home with some minimal ingredients. 

Hence, the hair masks that have been provided in the post would be helpful for you. Along with doing this, you can start with the consumption of hair gummies. Thus, you can try out the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies. The tasty treats have a delicious mixed berry flavour and are packed with Zinc, Biotin, Vitamins A to E, and Folic acid. 

These are beneficial as they promote hair growth, enhance your scalp’s health, and make them smoother and silkier. To gain these, you just have to pop two of these cute rabbit-shaped gummies during the day.

hair gummies

10 Ayurvedic Remedies You Should Surely Try to Prevent Hair Loss

Sometimes, your crowning glory can become a problem, especially if it starts to thin. It can be difficult to sleep at night if you see tangled hair and wavy strands. This issue can further lead to hair loss. Constant hair loss can be very distressing and can lead to a negative psychological effect on your mental well-being. The main culprits are your hectic lifestyle, pollution and uncertified hair care products. 

Although there are many hair fall prevention products in the market, not all of them can protect hair from loss. The harmful chemicals found in these products can cause hair damage. Therefore, it is important to get rid of these chemical-leached hair products. There can be some other medical reasons too for losing hair such as weight loss, low iron levels, irregular diets, stress, thyroid and hormonal imbalances. 

Hair fall can be controlled by a healthy body system. To put it another way, hair fall must be addressed at its root. You need to cleanse your body on the inside. This is where Ayurvedic practices can be very helpful. Therefore, following some ayurvedic remedies can be helpful in preventing hair loss issues. Consumption of vegetarian biotin gummies can also be your partner in overcoming hair loss.

Scroll down through these ayurvedic remedies to help reduce hair loss…

1. Coconut

Coconuts are rich in medium-chain fatty acids, such as capric and lauric acid. These fatty acids have antimicrobial and antifungal qualities that help prevent the formation of free radicals which can be harmful to hair growth. Coconut milk is also great for increasing hair length. 

You can easily make your coconut milk at home with some simple steps: 

  • For about five minutes, grate coconut and cook the pieces in a saucepan.
  • Cool it down and then strain.
  • You can also add one teaspoon each of methi and crushed black pepper to it.
  • Apply it now to your scalp and hair.
  • Rinse this milk with shampoo after 30 minutes.

2. Reetha

Another ingredient used for hair care is reetha, also known as soapnuts. It has been used for centuries. Reetha, a saponin, is responsible for maintaining healthy hair.

To prepare reetha shampoo at home, go through the following steps:

  • You can take several pieces of soap nuts.
  • Now, boil them in around 500 ml of water.
  • Allow the mixture to cool overnight.
  • Use this mix as a shampoo by straining it.

3. Yoghurt

Yoghurt has numerous amazing properties. It is rich in Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D, that are known to improve the health of your hair follicles. You need to apply this mixture at least once a week.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of yoghurt and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Apply the mix using a brush to the scalp and roots of your hair.
  • It should then be left for at least 30 minutes.
  • Rinse this yoghurt mix with normal water.

4. Amla

Amla is an excellent ingredient to maintain your hair’s health.  Amla oil is rich in essential fatty acids that strengthen hair follicles. Amla is a good source of Vitamin C to prevent premature greying. The high iron, powerful antioxidants, gallic acid and carotene levels in Vitamin C enhances hair growth. It also relieves dry scalp itching by reducing dandruff.

  • To make a paste, combine lime juice with amla powder. 
  • Then massage it into your hair and scalp.
  • Cover your head with a shower cap so that the paste doesn’t dry out.
  • Let it sit for at least an hour, then rinse with regular water.

5. Methi

Methi also known as fenugreek has many benefits, including the promotion of hair growth. Methi, among other benefits, can also repair hair follicles. To control hair fall, you need to do this activity three times a week.  

  • Soak 2-3 tablespoons of methi seeds overnight in water.
  • Make a paste of the mixture and apply it to your hair and scalp.
  • Allow the paste to sit on your head for approximately half an hour.
  • Further, rinse with normal running water.

6. Jojoba

It is another amazing natural ingredient that can prevent hair loss if used regularly. It also has antifungal properties.  Jojoba is high in Vitamin E, 9 fatty acids, and Omega 6. It also contains a saturated fatty acid which fights free radicals, which can have adverse effects on hair. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by its use in ancient folk remedies around the globe. Jojoba oil has the ability to unclog hair follicles as well. This can be purchased from any well-respected natural hair care brand.  

Here are some ways you can add jojoba into your hair care routine

  • You need to heat jojoba oil in a pan. 
  • When it becomes warm, apply it to your hair and down to the tips.
  • Allow it to rest for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Finally, wash your hair using shampoo.

7. Bhringraj

Bhringraj, a proven natural ingredient, is an essential hair care ingredient. Massaging your hair with Bhringraj oil can promote faster hair growth. Bhringraj grows best in moist places.

You can make your own version of Bhringraj oil at home, even though there are many natural cosmetic companies that produce it.

  • Take a few leaves of bhringraj and dry them in the sunlight for a few days.
  • Place the leaves in the container of coconut oil.
  • For at least two days, leave the container outside in the sun.
  • Wait for the oil colour to change to a lighter green shade.
  • Then apply it to your scalp and leave it there for at least a night.

8. Neem

You can also rely on the miracle ingredient neem. It has been praised for its ability to prevent hair loss. The Neem leaf can also stimulate the growth of hair. 

  • Make a paste from the leaves of neem.
  • Then add some warm water and apply it to your hair. 
  •  Pull your hair and wrap them up in a towel for at least an hour.
  • Use shampoo now to wash your hair.

9. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can be used to reduce hair loss. Aloe vera is also a powerful tool for treating scalp problems. Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes that can assist in repairing damaged cells and improving follicle health. Aloe Vera can also be used to relieve scalp irritation and combat dandruff.

  • The Aloe Vera stalk should be removed and the pulp extracted.
  • Leave the pulp on your scalp and hair for approximately an hour.
  • Now, rinse it with regular water.
  • For improved hair growth, do this three to four days per week.

10. Shikakai

Shikakai is often used as a natural shampoo alternative due to its hair-cleansing abilities. Shikakai is high in vitamins A, C, D, and K. This can provide nutrition to your hair and keep it healthy.

Here’s how to use shikakai to stimulate hair growth:

  • Make your own shikakai powder by drying the pods in sunlight for a few days, then grinding it in a mixer.
  • Add about 2 tablespoons of this powder to the jar containing coconut oil.
  • Keep the container in a dark, cool place for approximately 15 days.
  • Before use, shake the bottle. Use this product at least two times every week to massage your scalp.
To Conclude

Try out ayurvedic remedies that can show a significant enhancement in your hair health. This would eventually reduce your hair loss and even prevent other hair problems. Using them properly will strengthen them and even make them smoother and glossier. And do you know there is another amazing reason for using these remedies for hair growth? They are 100% organic and eventually safe to use. 
You can also begin consuming hair gummies that can be helpful in improving your hair health. Hence, the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies can be tried. The yummy rabbit-shaped treats by “Power Gummies” are filled with Vitamin A to E, Zinc, Biotin, and a number of other beneficial elements. Grab on simply two of them during the day and notice an improvement in your hair’s texture and length.

hair growth gummies

10 Foods that can Aid in Reducing Hair Loss

Hair fall is a common problem these days. It is pretty prevalent in women, owing to the fact that the hair moves through 3 phases: growth, transitioning, and shedding. As a result, approximately 25-100 hairs fall out naturally every day. Consequently, hair loss becomes an issue once we start to lose beyond this amount of hair. However, like the majority of issues in life, people only consider addressing this problem when it has gotten out of hand instead of avoiding it before it is too bad. 

The cause of this issue lies in the pollution and dust in our surroundings. Even our lifestyle and diet are some of the critical factors that can affect your hair growth. Eating foods such as avocado, spinach, or oats can help provide nutrition to the hair. Popping biotin gummies or supplements containing biotin as an ingredient can be advantageous in overcoming hair fall issues. 

Here’s a list of foods that should be included in your diet in order to enhance your hair’s health and thus make it longer and stronger…

1. Spinach 

Spinach is a vital meal for preventing hair loss since it is high in vitamins and minerals, including iron, folate, vitamin A, and C, which are all necessary for hair production. In addition to being rich in iron, spinach promotes hair health. In case you don’t like the Indian-style spinach sabzi, you can make a smoothie using it and other leafy green veggies such as kale, combined with almond milk and peanut butter.

2. Avocado

Vitamin E increases both hair growth and density. Hence, avocados are high in vitamin E. A moderate avocado offers approximately 21% of your daily Vitamin E requirements. Vitamin E is also high in fatty acids, a shortage of which is related to loss of hair. Avocado can be served with bread and spices. 

3. Carrots

Carrots are not only good for your eyes, but they are also a good source of Vitamin A for your hair. They are incredibly nourishing for the hair and scalp and help to keep the hair nourished out from roots to the ends, making them an excellent addition to your meal for hair loss. Carrots can be eaten as a snack with a dip or added to other recipes such as vegetable chaat, fried rice, and so on.

4. Black Beans

Rajma is packed with protein and folate, each of which are needed for hair development. It is also high in fibre. In addition, black beans have been related to increasing hair thickness. Thus, this can be your superfood if you are experiencing thinning of hair. Include it in your classic rajma chawal menu or make the famous Local black beans in Mexican style.

5. Seeds

Seeds are high in Vitamin E, selenium, and zinc making them one of the most beneficial diets for preventing hair loss. Just 28 grams of sunflower seeds provides almost 50% of your daily dose of Vitamin E. Other seeds with omega-3 fatty acids include chia seeds and flaxseeds. All of these ingredients combine to provide an effective diet for reducing hair loss. You can include them in your cornflakes or salad dish for a satisfying crunch.

6. Oats

Oats aren’t only high in fibre, but are also high in vital nutrients such as zinc, omega-6 fatty acids, and iron. These nutrients are known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and are necessary for maintaining hair and skin health. You can eat oatmeal for breakfast a few times each week to make sure your hair receives all of the nutrients it would need.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is high in Vitamin C and can assist your body to absorb iron efficiently, boosting hair development and avoiding hair loss. Hence to add the vitamin C magic, you need to eat all those other citrus fruits as well. You can grind fresh kiwi juice or can even simply add some cut pieces to your cereal dish with some other fruits and nuts for a delicious breakfast.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which aids in the absorption of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for hair density and sebum production, which makes your hair healthy and hydrated naturally. Cooking vegetable cutlets or sautéing them with a little garnish is one of the methods to incorporate sweet potatoes into your dinner.

9. French Beans

Beans, being one of the best plant-based protein sources, are high in folate, biotin, iron, and zinc . While beans can be added to any Indian dinner, they can also be used in a number of Asian and Continental cuisines, creating them a flexible and cost-effective alternative.

10. Chickpeas & Lentils

Chickpeas and lentils are both high in folic acid. They also assist the body to manufacture extra red blood cells. As a result, they are critical for hair development and strength. Whereas lentils are incredibly versatile, particularly in Indian cuisine, chickpeas can be utilised to make hummus. Therefore , you can fulfil both your hunger and your hair requirement at the same time.

On the Whole

Diet is very important in boosting your hair growth. Hence, including the above provided list of foods in your regular meals can be helpful in promoting your hair’s health. This would thus make your hair stronger and longer. Also make sure that you eat these foods in the right proportion. However, to stimulate this process at a faster rate it is recommended to consume some biotin-rich hair gummies

Chewing the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies can be thought of here. These gummies have multiple nourishing ingredients such as Zinc, Biotin, and Vitamins A-E. The gummies are even certified by ISO, FDA, and Fssai. Therefore, grab on and chew simply two of these yummy gummies that can enhance your hair health and increase the length of your hair.

hair gummies

10 Ways to Get Rid of Your Dry & Frizzy Hair

Amidst your busy schedule from work to home, you may tend to forget to take care of yourself. Even after eating healthy foods, you may forget that your external body parts need concentration too. Not giving proper focus on especially your hair can result in damaging it. This damage can make it dry and even frizzy. The humidity in the environment, sweat, hair styling and other such factors can worsen your hair’s health. 

However, the way you treat your hair prior to washing it or after you have washed it maintains its quality. Thus, it is important that you take care of them both these times. Choosing a proper shampoo or conditioning it afterwards makes your hair look beautiful from the outside. Dry hair even needs hydration which you can fulfill by trying the steam therapy.

As you will move down further, numerous ways would be made available to assist you in minimizing your frizzy and dry hair problem. Some biotin gummies or supplements rich in vitamins can be effective in treating this issue as well. 

1. Do not Shampoo your Hair on a Daily Basis

Your hair might feel like it needs to be washed every day because of the dirt, sweat, pollution, and stress around you. However, you will be surprised to learn that your hair doesn’t need a daily shampoo despite all the stress and pollution. Over shampooing your hair can cause it to become dry, damaged, and frizzy. Thus, you need to check on how often you shampoo it. You then need to limit this process to two times a week.

2. Conditioning is Necessary After Shampoo

It is important to use the right shampoo, but that alone will not make a difference. You should always use the correct conditioner with your shampoo. The right conditioner for your hair type will nourish it, making it shiny, soft and healthy.

3. Be Gentle with Your Hair

Treat your hair gently and with love. Do not rub, comb, or pull your damp hair. This will cause hair damage and further lead to breakage. It can also cause hair loss and damage to your scalp.

4. Apply Hair Mask

You can nourish your hair with a hair mask the same way you nourish your skin by using a facial mask. A hair mask can make your hair look great, even if it’s damaged. This will lock in moisture, give your hair shine, repair damage, and make it healthier. A nourishing hair mask is a great option for enhancing your hair’s shine and texture.

5. Trim Your Hair on a Regular Basis

Long hair is great, but it is not a good idea to skip trimming. Maintaining good hair health requires regular trimming. You should choose the right hairstyle for you and trim it every month.

6. Give a Hot Oil Massage to the Scalp

Massaging is the first step in your hair care routine. Doing it with oil is a quick way to fix split ends, breakage, dandruff, frizzy hair, and itchy scalps. Regular oiling makes hair smoother, manageable, and less frizzy. It also increases your hair volume and strengthens the follicles. Thus, you should use only natural, nourishing oils for your head massage.

7. Go to a Hair Spa

Hair spas are a great addition to your hair care routine. These treatments can deeply condition your hair and reverse damage from chemical-based products and heat styling. You have two options: you can either buy hair-nourishing products at home or hire a professional to do it. A regular hair spa is essential for everyone, regardless of whether you are looking for a hair treatment routine for women or men.

8. Hydrate your Hair with a Steam Therapy

Did you know that steaming your hair can make it healthier and stronger? The steam’s heat hydrates dry hair and keeps it moist. Not limited to this, it even promotes hair growth and softens it. Therefore, steaming is a great way to get rid of dry hair.

9. Brush Your Hair Properly

After you get out of the shower, dry your hair gently using a towel and then start to brush upwards. To smoothen the cuticles, use a round brush. However, your hair is at its weakest when it’s wet, so, do not brush it at this time.

10. Opt for the Appropriate Shampoo

Your first step in hair care for women should be to properly wash your hair. When you have to wash your hair, make sure you choose the right shampoo. Every hair type is unique so you should only use a shampoo made for you. A natural shampoo without toxic chemicals or artificial fragrances is a great choice. 

Sulfate-free shampoos, on the other hand, maintain hair’s natural oil levels and allow them to retain more moisture. You should also ensure that you purchase shampoo according to your hair type when shopping for hair products. It will nourish, cleanse and strengthen your hair follicles.


We hope that the multiple ways that have been mentioned above can aid in the reduction of your dry and frizzy hair.  An additional tip also awaits you: Remember to drink a lot of water during the day and include green leafy vegetables that can give nourishment to your hair. Following all the given ways along with this small tip can bring a huge change to your hair’s quality. 

You can also give a try on hair gummies that are can be effective in regaining hair growth and texture. As they would provide the right amount of nutrition, your hair health would start improving. Hence, the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies can be consumed to fulfill this need. These cute little rabbit-shaped treats contain Zinc, Vitamins A to E, and Biotin. They have also been flavoured as mixed berries and have been certified by Fssai and FDA . Hence, simply chewing two of them in a day can result in beautiful and stronger hair. 

Healthy gummies in a fun way!

Beard growth gummies

9 Amazing Hair Care Tips for Men

Men are always overlooked when it comes to maintaining hair. However, the only thing men are more worried about among all body parts is their hair. Most of you may have noticed men constantly fixing their hair. Dude…do you do the same?  No worries! It is just because a good hair day can boost your confidence to another level and we surely agree with that. So, my dear men, it’s time that you start following some hair care tips that will enhance your hair growth and give you that ultimate good hair for which you have been waiting. 

Also, including some of these tips will help you with your long-term improvement in hair health. The tips you will be going through are quite easy and don’t require enough time. There’s also a small tip for you: You can even start chewing biotin gummies which would help your body in fulfilling the biotin requirement for good hair growth. 

Come on then…let us start with these beneficial hair care tips:

1. Bath in lukewarm or cold water 

Extremely cold showers can block blood capillaries that line the scalp. These blood capillaries are a source of vital nutrients and should be functioning properly to have the best effectiveness. However, suddenly reducing them could be damaging to your hair’s health. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you should wash your hair in steaming hot water. This can ruin your hair, as it pulls out the natural oils that are present on the scalp. Ideally, you should wash your hair using lukewarm water.

2. Avoid wearing tight or rigid caps

The use of hats with tight fittings can result in a condition known as traction Alopecia. When this happens, people are more likely to experience hair loss. Thus, you should avoid wearing caps or hats when you have wet hair. They can permanently harm the hair’s texture. 

So, you should pat the hair to dry it after shampooing, and put on an easy hat that looks nice and shields your hair from serious damage. Additionally, people with greasy or oily hair are recommended to not wear hats. A lot of oil and grease could damage hair if you choose to exert too much tension on the hair.

3. Instead of rubbing your hair, pat it dry

Hair that is moist is more brittle and vulnerable to damage. Hence, it is recommended to gently pat your hair with a towel to dry it. After applying shampoo or hair wash, it’s advised to gently dry your hair using a dry, clean towel. This will enhance the hair’s texture, and help prevent breakage. 

4. Apply Shampoo on Dry Hair to Clear Wax

This is among the best methods for getting rid of wax from hair that is dry. This method can be used for fresh and healthy hair. Apply shampoo to dry hair, and after that, you can rinse it off with either cold or lukewarm water. This will take away the wax leaving you with a clear and clean scalp. Use this method every week to eliminate the wax particles completely out of your hair.

5. Avoid Rinsing Your Hair Too Often

The most common error made by everyone is excessive hair washing or washing your hair more frequently. You need to limit this to two to three times per week. Moreover, you should regularly change your hair’s appearance by conditioning it. This will ensure that your hair is healthy and will help you prevent the loss of essential oils from the scalp.

6. Take Prevention Against Chlorine Water

The chlorine that is found in pools can be very damaging to the scalp since the hair can become weak and dry. Therefore, the most effective way to protect your hair from the damaging consequences of chlorine is to saturate your hair with water that is clean and then apply a mild conditioner prior to entering the pool. As an alternate option, you could wear a swim cap too.

7. Try to Reduce the Use of Hair Products

Utilizing excessive amounts of hair gel, hair wax or hair spray, or any other hair products makes your hair appear unnatural and heavy. You should also not expose your hair’s delicate locks to excessive temperatures. You also need to avoid using dryers for rapidly drying delicate hair. 

Let them dry straight. It could take some extra time however, it would surely stop the hair’s delicateness from getting thin. If you’re using a hair dryer in order to dry out your hair be sure you keep it on the mild heat framework.

8. Keep Yourself Healthy

Your hair is the very first thing people notice about you and your hair’s health is the reflection of your daily life. Men’s hair care regime means that you must eat healthy food, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. You should also take your time sleeping and try to be positive.

9. Intake Plenty of Water

Hair is of course required for maintaining your body health. Thus, hair requires water too!  The loss of water in your hair immediately stops growth. Drinking at least 2 litres of water daily can aid in the health of your hair by expanding its growth. It is also preferable to use soft water while washing your hair so that it gets nourished from the outside too. If it’s not getting the required water, the ends of your hair can break or turn brittle.


Eating healthy or drinking lots of water would not only be effective for your hair but also for your entire body. This would even be beneficial in the long run. We now hope that these small ideas for your hair care would start affecting your growth and quality of hair. Some of them would gradually throw out results while a few of them may be rapid. 

Nevertheless, you can include some hair gummies in your routine as well. While searching for the best hair gummies that can enhance your hair health, you can stop by the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies. These tasty treats by ‘Power Gummies” have mixed berry flavour and are packed with Biotin, Zinc, and Vitamins A to E. Besides this, they are gluten and gelatin free which makes them perfect for consumption. 

Discover a Happier, Healthier You!

hair gummies


You’ll find a lot of advice about your hair care, from conditioning to oiling to not oiling. Your mother will tell you to oil your hair, while your hairdresser will recommend the latest trend like hair spa, Moroccan oil, strengthening not rebonding, and all. When you lack proper nutrition or suffer from deficiencies in the body, hair cells are the first to suffer. Your diet should include foods containing iron, such as leaves, fish, pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and cereals. Twelve milligrams of iron are recommended daily. In addition to strengthening your hair, protein is also necessary. Here are some considerations to make when considering treatment options.

1. Choose shampoos and conditioners that are appropriate for your hair type

If you have a particular hair type, make sure you choose the correct shampoo and conditioner. If you have dry hair, you should buy a shampoo designed for it.

 Also, double-check the ingredients. Many shampoos contain additives that can be damaging to your hair. Soft and shiny hair can be achieved by using products that contain dimethicone and guar hydroxypropyltrimonium chloride.

2. Maintain a healthy diet

Maintaining good hair health begins with eating healthily. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and chicken can nourish your hair and body. As well as drinking plenty of water, make sure you are getting enough nutrition. Maintaining proper hydration of your skin and hair requires drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Reduce your consumption of fatty or fried foods, as well as salt and sugar.

3. Limit your use of hair products

Too often using a hair dryer and straightener can cause the hair to weaken and break because of the increased pressure they put on it. Other dangers include dry hair and split ends. Give your hair a break by using them once or twice a week. 

4. Properly brush or comb hair

This may seem obvious, but incorrect or overly forceful brushing can cause damage to your hair. Brush wet hair only if necessary or use a comb.

5. Protect your hair while swimming

Unfortunately, it isn’t always good for your hair. You may suffer from dry, brittle, and broken hair as a result of swimming pool chlorine.

6. Take care of yourself with deep conditioning

Make sure your hair receives a deep conditioning treatment once a week to prevent dryness and brittle hair strands.

7. Visit your hairdresser regularly as well

Having your hair professionally groomed on a monthly or six-weekly basis is a good idea. Your hair’s condition will also be maintained while addressing any potential issues.

When we talk about hair care, what exactly do we mean?

Regular cleaning and cosmetic routines are essential for maintaining and protecting your hair’s condition. Each person has a different hair type, determined by the type of hair color and appearance they have. Hair can be classified into three types:

  • Normal hair is the most natural-looking of the three options. It tends to keep its style and also looks good. This hair does not have to be dry or greasy, and it can be treated with regular shampoo and/or conditioner.
  • Dry hair feels or appears dull. It easily becomes tangled and is difficult to comb or brush. If it has been colored, bleached, or permed, it is susceptible to any of these issues. 
  • Greasy/fine hair appears flat and lifeless. It easily becomes greasy and is difficult to manage. For greasy hair, use a shampoo and/or conditioner formulated with oil-absorbing ingredients.
  • Salon treatments such as braiding, perming, coloring, and bleaching produce beautiful hair but use them sparingly. Hair loss can be caused by excessive styling, better you should avoid it.

Fashion may cause some to suffer, but you should never jeopardize your hair, which is a crucial part of your identity. Pregnancy, illness, certain medications, or lifestyle factors can all have an effect on your hair, but these are usually temporary. Even if your hair is affected by any of these, it is still important to take care of it.  Taking care of your hair entails washing it on a regular basis to remove dirt buildup and maintain its condition. 

The hair care routines listed below will help to reduce the risk of hair loss:

Allow your hair to ‘hang’ naturally while washing it in warm water. Hairdressers usually check the water temperature with you when you go to the salon. If it’s too hot, say so.

  • Shampooing: Make sure to massage it into your scalp and hair after taking a small amount in your palm.
  • Cleaning: After removing the lather, rinse your hair again to ensure that all lather is removed.
  • Conditioning: apply this to your hair after you’ve removed the shampoo. Repeat the procedure as described for shampooing.
  • Rubbing: Using a towel, dry your hair and comb or brush it to remove knots or tangles. A hair dryer can be used if letting it dry naturally is not possible. 

Final Thoughts

You can avoid bad hair days if you use chemical-free products designed for your specific hair type, eat well, avoid heat styling, and follow all of the above tips! Most importantly, consult your doctor if you are experiencing excessive hair loss and damage despite following a good hair care routine. When combined with regular visits to the hairdresser, your hair will look and feel fantastic.

hair serum | hair gummies

10 Hair Serums That Can Help Replenish Your Damaged and Frizzy Hair

Summer heat and scorching UV rays can evoke many hair and skin related (not-so-wanted) beauty problems. From Oily-sticky skin, clogged pores, and ( visibly) frizzy hair, these summer caused issues are hard to abide by unless you have a permanent 50% membership at your favorite salon. You have to use a gazillion hair products to achieve any hairstyle with summer frizzy hair.

Fortunately, many options are available in the market for you to choose from. We took charge of finding out the best serums available in the market that cater to Indian hair texture and temperatures. Before styling, you can use the serum and go about your day without worrying about frizz. 

Here Are the Ten Serums You Should Definitely Get To Tame Your Frizzy Hair and Revere the Damage: 

  • L’Oreal Paris Elseve Extraordinary Oil Hair Serum: This serum can completely transform your hair, especially if you are tired of unmanageable, dull hair and frizzy hair. This serum leaves your hair silky soft and benefits you with the lightweight formula of the Extraordinary Oil Serum-infused with a blend of 6 rare flower oils – Lotus, Chamomile, Flax, Tiare, Rose and sunflower. You can use this before shampooing as a pre-care ritual for nourishment and even after post-shower to detangle your hair. You can also use this before using heat tools as a heat protectant- Some use it as an overnight DIY spa treatment
  • Tresemme Keratin Smooth Hair Serum: This serum is formulated to restore hair keratin and leave your hair visibly straight plus smoother. Tresemme Keratin Smooth Hair Serum is infused with the goodness of Camellia Oil and nurtures each strand, making them silky smooth. It provides hydration to your hair needs, improves elasticity and strengthens your hair. This nourishing serum controls frizz for up to 3 days; this is curated to cater to Indian temperatures- and is suitable for naturally and chemically treated hair. Tresemme Keratin Smooth Hair Serum tackles split ends, tames unruly hair and makes them more manageable.
  • L’Oreal Professionnel Absolut Repair Oil 10-In-1 Multi-benefit Leave-In Hair Serum: If you are for an allrounder product that can underestimate your hairstyling process and minimizes the damage, then this 10 in 1 Serum Spray is your saviour! The professional formula of the 10 in 1 Perfecting* Multipurpose Spray instantly provides damaged hair with ten benefits. It has nourishing properties, allows resurfacing, reduces split ends, has a lightweight formula to minimize greasiness, and adds softness. You can manage your hair with just a few spritzes. It helps detangle and control frizz, plus the best part is that it protects you from pollution. This Leave-In Hair Serum is also heat protection up to 230°C/450°F. 
  • Wella Professional Luminous Oil Reflections Smoothening Oil: This serum helps protect and prevent natural lipid degeneration for a smooth and reflective surface. Wella Professional Luminous Oil Reflections Smoothing Oil can protect hair cuticles from free radicals, and it also helps cleanse the impurities off your hair due to minerals. It replenishes your tresses and provides the nourishment they need. It adds shine and enhances light reflection. 
  • The Body Shop Grapeseed Glossing Serum: This serum contains Grape seed oil, rich in essential fatty acids. It helps protect the hair shaft from moisture loss by coating it, which also helps smooth the hair. It contains oils that cause no buildup on the hair. This serum contains no silicon, plus regular use can coat your hair to ensure that they are never dull and thin. You can expect smooth texture, fewer tangles, malleable, and gives hair a natural sheen. It hydrates the hair, especially if you wish for smooth and straight hair. 
  • Sebastian Professional Taming Elixir Weightless Smoothing Creme Serum: This serum is formulated with essential avocado oil to help eliminate frizzy or uncontrollable hair; it also gives flexible control and leaves hair soft, supple & manageable to use. It glides on your hair properly through your damp hair for light-definition & frizz control. You can use this as a heat protectant. 
  • Innisfree Camellia Essential Hair Oil Serum: Innisfree Camellia Essential Hair Oil Serum is derived from fermented and fresh camellia oil from Jeju Island to provide ample nourishment plus a lustrous shine. This serum helps to achieve a healthy shine and reverses damaged hair. The ingredients in this serum are considered nurturing, and fermented camellia oil fills the holes of damaged hair and camellia oil coats the cuticles. This hair serum revitalizes damaged hair affected by frequent salon treatments and dyeing. This serum gets absorbed in your strands smoothly, making it easy to use. 
  • MCaffeine Coffee Frizz & Hair Fall Control Hair Serum with Walnut & Argan Oil: This serum is loaded with Pure Arabica Coffee; it can improve hair manageability and strengthens hair strands. MCaffeine Coffee Frizz & Hair Fall Control Hair Serum is loaded with coffee oil, Caffeine, Walnut Oil, and Argan Oil. Coffee Oil & Caffeine amplify the strength of your hair, improve its shine and fight hair dullness. It also has Walnut Oil that reduces frizz and improves hair manageability, just like argan oil. The Coffee Hair Serum is one of the best hair serums for women & men.
  • BBLUNT Intense Moisture Hair Serum with Jojoba & Vitamin E, No Parabens, Sulphates: This serum boosts moisture, minimizes fizz, plus helps manage your hair better. BBLUNT Intense Moisture Hair Serum has Avocado, Jojoba, and Vitamin E, enabling your hair to restore the lost moisture and nourish while protecting from heat & UV damage. It can tame the frizz, lessen dryness and count oodles of hydration, resulting in smooth and shiny hair. It has a unique colour-protect formula- plus paraben and sulphate-free. It is curated for Indian hair textures, and it simply helps keep the damage and dryness far away. 
  • TIGI Bed Head Control Freak Frizz Control Serum: This serum can help control the frizz, plus this straightening serum promises to fight the frizz and stomp the curl. The formulation is a light, greaseless, humidity-resistant formula that adds a glossy finish, leaves your hair smooth and silky, and is great for naturally curly or frizzy hair. It controls humidity impacts, plus you can use it as a thermal protectant.