
hair care routine

Hair gummies

Hair Care Routine to Be Followed at Night

Hair requires care. And you know how important it is to maintain a hair care routine in this stressful environment which has so much pollution as well. This can make your hair look dull and even lead to hair thinning. Here, the hair care routine plays an essential role. It helps your hair grow thicker and longer. 

However, have you noticed that even after taking full care of your hair, why is it not growing to the length you want? It happens because your hair goes through so much during the day so you need to put some extra care and start following a hair care ritual at night. When you practise the night hair care regime, your hair starts breathing. Also, consuming biotin gummies can help provide nutrition to your hair and improve the scalp’s health. 

Therefore, we have listed down some practices that should be included in your night hair care routine…

1. Avoid Going to Sleep with Wet Hair

When you go for a bath and your hair is damp, they become prone to damage. This is the time they are very weak. That is why it is not recommended to brush your hair while they are wet. When hair strands get wet, the bonds of protein within hair weaken which makes hair more susceptible to ending up damaged.

2. Moisturise Your Hair

Your hair must be well-hydrated. Moisturizing locks the moisture in your hair’s strands. You can apply a leave-in conditioner, serum and an overnight treatment. Be sure to apply the correct hair mask for the hair type you have that can be used for nighttime. You can wash it off at the beginning of the day with the help of lukewarm water. A good night’s sleep with a moisturising treatment can help prevent breakage, lessen dryness and makes it easy to style it in the morning.

3. Massage Your Hair with Oil

Every hair lover must be aware that massaging your head and scalp is vital to maintain healthy hair. Hair oil is beneficial for many reasons. It promotes hair growth, relieves stress, strengthens hair and prevents dandruff. Additionally, it gives hair a shiny appearance. A healthy scalp is the key to gorgeous hair, so you should massage your scalp regularly before you go to sleep for about 2-5 minutes. 

Doing this ritual helps improve blood flow and keeps the scalp healthy. This will also help keep your hair from drying out and reduce friction among hair strands. However, in case you suffer from oily hair apply a small amount of hair oil since oily hair can attract hair dandruff by using oil.

4. Brush Your Hair

Hair needs to be groomed regularly. It is, therefore, essential to comb your hair prior to when you go to bed for a good night’s sleep. Brushing your hair every day for a few minutes encourages the growth of hair and can make it shiny. However, brushing your hair with a paddle brush prior to going to bed would ensure that your hair does not stick in a knot.

5. Let Your Hair Get Some Air

You might be in love with beautiful hair accessories and trendy extensions that increase the look of your locks. These accessories can make your hair look beautiful but it’s important to get them removed prior to getting ready to go to bed.

Imagine if you could rest comfortably in a formal dress. No, right? You are definitely going to put on loose, comfortable clothes prior to settling into the bed to let your body breathe. Also, make sure that you take out hair extensions and other accessories prior to sleeping to avoid hair drying and breakage.

6. Use Silk Bedsheets and Pillow Covers

Silk is the answer to the majority of hair issues. Silk is smooth and soft and its natural qualities assist in reducing friction between the hair during sleep. Friction can cause broken ends and hair breakage and damage to hair. Silk is smooth, so it won’t cause hair to become fragile or rough. It also lets hair lay down without getting pulled. The pillowcases made of cotton can cause dry, split hair so stay clear of them and change to silk pillowcases to ensure healthy, shiny hair.

7. Avoid Tying Your Hair Tightly

Tying your hair correctly is crucial when sleeping at night. You need to make sure that you do not use rubber, metal or plastic ties as they can cause friction to hair, which can further cause hair breakage. The best way to safeguard your hair when you rest is to let it flow without any hair tie. Hairstyles that are tight can damage and cause tangles in hair, which ultimately leads to the breakage of hair. 

8. Apply a Hair Care Treatment

A regular hair-care routine is required to avoid hair loss as well as dandruff, itchy, dry hair, and various other issues. If you want your hair to grow longer and thicker, it is essential to add DIY treatments for hair into the daily routine of hair care. You can create hair masks and then apply them to your hair as an overnight treatment to moisturise your hair.

The ideal time to pamper your hair and scalp using serums or masks is prior to nighttime. You should apply a moisturising serum on your scalp every night to stimulate hair follicles, and increase the growth of your hair. You can even apply an ointment for your hair and leave it as an overnight treatment to heal and nourish your hair. You can repeat the process twice every month, based on your hair type.

The right treatment that is suitable for your hair can be a challenge because there are numerous options available. Therefore, we have put down the method of these two DIY masks for hair that you can make at home.

  1. Take 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, and add five drops of essential oils of rosemary and peppermint essential oil. Mix it well and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Apply it for a night and then rinse it off with a sulphate free shampoo the next day.
  2. The second DIY hair mask process needs warm milk and honey. Mix the honey and milk in a bowl. Then with the help of brushes, apply it to your hair. Make sure you have a shower cap and wrap your head in it to rest without worrying about your clothes that are going to get dirty at night. Wash your hair using mild shampoo the next day.

In a Nutshell

Just like you maintain your hair at night, you need to take care of it during the night time too. In fact, your body including your scalp area heals during the night time. Hence, you need to start following a night hair care regime. Therefore, the above-highlighted points are perfect to give you an idea of what you should be doing during the night to nourish your hair. 
You know there’s another thing that you can do to your night hair care ritual: popping some hair gummies. The gummies named “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” can be ideal for your consumption. These gummies are packed with Folic acid, Biotin, Zinc, and Vitamins A to E. You just have to pop two of them in a day for nourishing your hair and scalp. Besides, these tasty treats provide shine to your hair and aid in its growth.

hair care

Straight, Curly, Or Wavy: Hair Care Routine Everyone Should Follow

Having healthy and shiny hair can make your confidence boost to another level. In the outside weather conditions, all the dust and pollen found in the environment can weaken your hair and make it lose its shine. These particles can actually get stuck in your scalp and start producing bacterial problems. As a result, you may begin experiencing problems including hair loss, frizziness, split ends, thinning of hair strands, and much more. Depending upon your hair type, the effect of these hair issues may vary. However, you can get rid of them by including certain habits in your hair care regime. Once you commence applying these habits, you may be able to see an improvement in your damaged and dull hair. 

Start scrolling down below and get the best hair care routines that you can follow to provide the ultimate nourishment and growth.

1. Put In Some Amount Of Hair Oil

Hair Oil

Your scalp area secretes a substance called Sebum. This oily substance is responsible for bacterial infections that can further cause scalp issues such as dandruff. This happens when your scalp is not given proper nutrition in the form of hair oil. 

Once you start including oil in your hair care routine, you will be able to see its amazing benefits. Applying hair oil also aids in the protection of follicles from the surfactants by filling up space in between the cells of cuticles. It has also been observed that oiling has stunning effects in reducing hair frizziness and split ends. 

Have a look at these other outstanding benefits that hair oiling provides!

  • Improves hair growth
  • Gives lustre to hair
  • Keeps you away from Premature Graying
  • Reduces Hair Fall
  • Relaxes stress
  • Minimizes Dandruff Issues
  • Makes your Hair Stronger

Including essential oils with your basic hair oil can also be helpful in supplying nourishment to your scalp area. Thus, to get the best outcome for them, you need to go through the steps highlighted below.

  • Begin by mixing your regular hair oil with some drops of essential oil of your choice. 
  • Simply warm the mixture.
  • Next, softly apply it to your scalp and hair.
  • Give a light massage for around 5 minutes. Let it sit for at least an hour.
  • Finally, wash off the oil with lukewarm water using a shampoo. 

2. Avoid Tying Your Hair Tightly

You might be tying your hair up tightly for days. However, you may not be aware of the fact that tying it very tightly can lead to hair breakage. In certain exceptional cases, doing so might result in a permanent hair loss situation. Such an instance appears when your hair is continuously being pulled up. Due to this, the hair follicles start to break. Therefore, to prevent hair damage, try tying up your hair loosely. 

3. Apply Conditioner While Washing Your Hair

Hair care

Conditioning your hair is as vital as oiling it. Once you have washed your hair with shampoo, the next important step is to put on the conditioner to maintain hair health. Make sure that you apply it only to the ends of your hair. Doing so will untangle your strands and also reduce frizziness. After your hair has dried up, it will look shiny and frizzfree. Furthermore, it is evident that conditioners help dry hair look better. 

4. Washing Hair Using Lukewarm/ Cool Water

In winters or other cold days, you might be inclined to wash your hair with hot water. However, it should be noted that hot water has a tendency to remove the necessary oils and water content from your scalp area. Thus, it is preferable to immediately switch this habit and begin using cold or lukewarm water. Washing hair with lukewarm water can cleanse your hair in the right way. This will ultimately permit the hair cuticles and open up the pores present in the region of the scalp. 

5. Limit The Usage Of Electric Straighteners Or Curlers

Do you regularly use electric straighteners/curling irons? Are you putting a lot of heat on your voluminous and shiny hair? In case your answer is a “Yes”, this hair care tip is just for you. Using straighteners or any other electric equipment to style your hair can cause damage to it. 

The heat produced while styling makes your hair thinner and weak. However, if you want to try multiple hairstyles via straighteners, you may apply Argan oil before you commence. Applying Argan oil can protect the hair strands from being damaged. Along with this, it can even add shine and moisture to your hair. 

6. Consume Prescribed Supplements

Apart from providing nourishment to your hair through oil, your hair follicles may require some other essential supplements too. These include supplements containing nutrients such as Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, etc. You can visit a trichologist who specializes in treating hair issues. They can recommend you the supplements as per your hair type that should be included in your diet. Also, taking prescribed supplements can prevent you from having allergies. You can even find hair gummies available in the market that already has all the ingredients required for having healthy hair.

7. Don’t Apply Shampoo Regularly

Although Shampoos are useful in cleaning the dirt and dust on your scalp, applying them regularly can make your hair weak from its roots. Instead, you can try a sulfate-free shampoo as it can assist you in removing extra grease and dirt that makes your hair look dull. However,use of shampoos majorly depends on certain factors including your hair type, your surroundings, and the type of your scalp. 

8. Remove Frizz With A Good Hair Serum

Hair care routine

One of the most important tips to manage your hair care routine is to make use of a good hair serum. The various proteins present in the serum allow the hair to restore the damage. In addition to this, applying hair serum is also necessary for reducing the annoying frizziness of the hair. Serums also prove to be beneficial in providing your hair with a smooth texture.

After you have washed and conditioned your hair, put a few drops of hair serum on your hand and then gently rub on your hair using both hands. Then gently apply it to the bottom part of the hair strands. Make sure that the serum is not applied to the scalp area. 


Adding different habits to your hair care routine can help you in getting the lustrous glow and shine you always wanted to have. We assume after reading the post, you might now have learnt various ways that can be followed to take good care of your hair. As some of them might already be known to you, we have outlined more details that can enhance your overall knowledge. 

Therefore, from applying hair oil to making use of conditioners, your hair needs care to make it healthy. Also, taking supplements or consuming hair gummies for your hair growth and nourishment is also a great idea apart from the other mentioned tips. Good hair is equal to confidence.