
biotin gummies

Hair growth

6 Foods That Boost Your Hair Growth

6 Foods That Boost Your Hair Growth

Are you tired of bad hair days? Do you also want to have long, gorgeous hair that makes everyone stare? Well, the secret to growing longer hair might be hiding in your kitchen! Hair growth is a complex process that depends on various factors such as genetics, age, hormones, and overall health. 

While some of these factors may be beyond your control, you can still make changes to your diet to grow your hair longer. The foods you eat can have a significant impact on the health of your hair, as they provide the necessary nutrients that your hair needs to grow and remain strong. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, which is produced by hair follicles. 

Thus, consuming adequate amounts of protein is essential for the healthy growth of hair. However, protein is not the only nutrient that your hair needs. Your hair also requires a variety of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that support its growth and health. However, there are several foods that are rich in these essential nutrients and can boost your hair’s growth. Besides, consuming biotin and other vitamins enriched hair gummies can also be beneficial. 

Let us thus have a look at these foods then…

1. Spinach


Spinach is an excellent source of iron, which is essential for healthy hair growth. Iron is responsible for the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the hair follicles. This oxygen helps in growing your hair. Spinach also contains vitamins A and C, which are essential for sebum production. Sebum is an oily substance naturally produced by the scalp, which helps keep your hair moisturised and healthy.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, which is a nutrient that is converted into vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is essential for your hair’s growth, as it helps in the production of sebum, which keeps the scalp healthy and moisturised. 

Sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, which aids in the production of collagen. Stimulating hair follicles is essential when it comes to growing healthy hair. Thus, by consuming sweet potatoes, you can also do so. 

3. Avocado

Avocado is a superfood that is packed with nutrients that are beneficial for hair health. Avocados are rich in vitamin E, which improves blood circulation and helps in the absorption of nutrients, boosting your hair’s growth. It also contains healthy fats that help in keeping the scalp healthy and moisturised, preventing hair breakage and growing your hair. Stimulation of hair follicles is also essential 

4. Nuts

Nuts are an excellent source of biotin, which is a B vitamin that helps in providing length to your hair. Biotin helps in strengthening the hair strands and preventing hair breakage. Nuts are also rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, which help in improving scalp health.

5. Lentils

Lentils are a great source of protein, iron, and biotin. Protein is vital for healthy hair growth as it helps in building and repairing tissues, including hair follicles. Iron is responsible for the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Biotin makes the hair strands stronger which further helps prevent hair damage, and promotes your hair’s growth. This biotin is also present in hair gummies that help in growing your hair thicker and longer. 

6. Greek Yoghurt

Greek Yogurt

Greek yoghurt is enriched with protein, which is another crucial nutrient for your hair’s growth. Protein helps in building and repairing tissues, including hair follicles. Greek yoghurt is also a great source of vitamin B5, which helps in improving blood flow to the scalp, making your hair longer. Additionally, Greek yoghurt contains probiotics, which help in maintaining a healthy scalp and preventing hair loss.

In Summary

The foods you eat have a direct impact on the health and growth of your hair. Hence, including the above-outlined nutrient-rich foods in your diet can provide your hair with the essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats it needs to grow strong and healthy. 

However, a healthy diet is not the only factor that contributes to healthy hair growth. It is also essential to practise good hair care habits like avoiding excessive heat styling, using gentle hair products, and protecting your hair from environmental damage. In addition to this, intaking biotin-enriched hair gummies can be useful. 

The “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies can help in growing your hair longer, thicker, as well as shinier. The ingredients put in them include Biotin, Zinc, Vitamins A to E, and Folic Acid. Chewing only two of these mixed berries flavoured gummies can boost your scalp’s health, and enhance the length of your hair, making you look all gorgeous.

Hair masks

Hair Masks to Make Hair Shinier

Are you too experiencing dry, dull and frizzy hair? No wonder this weather has been going harsh on your hair. The pollution and multiple styling products that you have been using on the hair would be damaging its health and making it rougher. Thus, at this time, you need to give your hair special attention and care so that it can remain in the best condition. 

Therefore, you can try putting on hair masks for scalp and hair nourishment. Just as you put face masks on your face to moisturise and nourish the skin, hair masks also play a similar role. You can make these hair masks easily at your house with some effective ingredients. 

This would not only be pocket friendly but also reduce the chances of having any side effects. There are even biotin gummies that provide nutrition to your hair to make it thicker and longer. This can be added to your daily routine and significant results can be experienced over time. 

Scroll down and get to know more about some outstanding natural hair masks that can make your hair smooth and shiny…

1. Olive Oil & Brown Sugar Hair Mask

Brown sugar functions as an exfoliant which helps to eliminate sebum and sweat that accumulates on the scalp. Alternatively, olive oil helps to add moisture to your hair. It’s among the most effective homemade hair masks because the brown sugar mask can help soothe dry, itchy and flaky scalps. It can even help you get rid of skin cell debris. A hair mask for dry hair can also help treat damaged hair and dull locks from the sun which can add water and shine to your hair.

  • Mix two spoons of brown sugar, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a small bowl
  • Then rub this mixture into your hair. Make sure that you cover each strand
  • Massage the scrub gently into your scalp with small circular movements
  • Keep the face mask for about 15 minutes
  • Further, rinse the area with cool water.
  • Wash normally using conditioner and shampoo.

2. Coconut Oil & Curry Leaves Hair Mask

Infused with beta-carotene as well as proteins, curry leaves can aid in preventing hair loss. Coconut oil helps to improve scalp health, increases hair growth, and provides shine, lustre and softness to hair. A hair mask made from scratch is a nutritious solution for those struggling with hair loss, thinning hair and other issues such as lice, or excessive hair breakage.

  • You need to first warm 10-15 fresh curry leaves in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil until they start to pop.
  • Wait until the mixture has been completely cooled.
  • Then apply it to your scalp and hair equally.
  • Put on your mask for around 15 minutes prior to washing it off.
  • Finally, clean your hair with a sulphate-free shampoo.

3. Honey & Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Mask

Dry, lifeless and brittle hair can benefit from this moisturising homemade hair mask to give shine and life to the hair. The combination of apple cider vinegar would ensure that your hair stays hydrated from root to tip. This hair mask is great for all hair types.

  • Put one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in a bowl.
  • You can even add an egg to this mix to provide more nutrition to your hair.
  • After this, mix all ingredients thoroughly and let them sit for around 30-40 mins before washing.
  • Wash it off using shampoo and conditioner. 

4. Coconut Oil & Cinnamon Hair Mask

Almond oil is a great oil for hair. It provides intense moisturisation as well as shine to your hair. Almond oil works as an anti-dryness hair mask and makes your hair soft, smooth and shiny. Besides this, cinnamon aids in maintaining blood circulation and induces faster hair growth. 

  • To make a hair mask out of them, you need to put 2 teaspoons of coconut oil into one bowl and place it in a microwave for around 30 seconds.
  • Now, add a few drops of essential oil or 1/4 cup of grounded cinnamon.
  • Massage the oil lightly on the scalp, and gradually shift it towards the length and tips.
  • Allow this mask to rest for approximately 15-30 mins.
  • Then rinse it off as you normally wash your hair.

5. Banana & Avocado Hair Mask 

Banana is rich in potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It is hence very beneficial to treat your scalp and hair. This hair mask infused with bananas fights hair dandruff, softens it and protects hair’s natural elasticity. Apart from this, it helps prevent breakage and split ends. 

Avocado, however, in turn, aids in nourishing and rejuvenating the scalp. The amino acids, proteins and vitamins found in avocado can help to promote longer and healthier hair strands. This DIY hair mask is one the most effective ways to treat your hair and thus you should try to make and use it every month.

  • Mix half of an avocado and a banana together with 2 teaspoons of olive oil.
  • Blend the mixture thoroughly until it’s smooth and creamy.
  • Then massage the mixture on your scalp.
  • Now, cover your hair using a shower cap.
  • Soak a towel with hot water.
  • Then squeeze out the excess water from the towel.
  • Cover the towel over your head and wait 20-30 mins until the towel is cool.
  • Shampoo your hair with a mild one and rinse with lukewarm water.

6. Honey & Yoghurt Hair Mask

With a high protein content, yoghurt helps to nourish hair, making it healthier and stronger. Its antifungal properties calm the scalp, ease frizz and reduce hair fall. Honey’s emollient properties help keep moisture in hair and prevent breakage. 

Honey is a great conditioner for hair follicles and hair shafts, preventing hair fall. Creating a mix of them helps to restore your dull and dry hair back to shape. You should use this nourishing treatment every week to replenish and maintain your locks. 

  • You have to mix two tablespoons of yoghurt and one tablespoon of honey.
  • Then apply the mask on your hair, starting from the beginning to end.
  • Apply the mask thoroughly for a couple of minutes.
  • Let this mask sit for about 15 minutes prior to washing it off with lukewarm water. 
  • Once you are done, clean your hair properly.
  • Lastly, apply conditioner to finish it off. 

On the Whole

As you use face masks to keep your skin glowing and cleaner, you should also try out hair masks as well for your hair and scalp. There are numerous hair masks readily available in the market. However, if you are planning to go with the natural ones, you would surely make them at home with some minimal ingredients. 

Hence, the hair masks that have been provided in the post would be helpful for you. Along with doing this, you can start with the consumption of hair gummies. Thus, you can try out the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies. The tasty treats have a delicious mixed berry flavour and are packed with Zinc, Biotin, Vitamins A to E, and Folic acid. 

These are beneficial as they promote hair growth, enhance your scalp’s health, and make them smoother and silkier. To gain these, you just have to pop two of these cute rabbit-shaped gummies during the day.

Hair Gummies

10 Tips to Grow Hair at a Faster Pace

Every girl wants the hair that Rapunzel had…Long, smooth, pretty, and voluminous. But wait! Is it possible to fulfill this dream now…Yes! It is…The process of getting hair that looks like Rapunzel’s isn’t an impossible task. On average, hair increases by one and a half inches every month, which is approximately six inches every year. 

Naturally, a myriad of things can influence the growth of your hair, such as the ageing process, pollution, general well-being, stress and everyday habits. There are a variety of ways to stimulate your hair growth. One of them is to massage the hell off your scalp. The results of this scalp massage with important natural ingredients will keep the length and, consequently improve your hair’s appearance. 

With the abundance of options available, you can achieve the hair you’ve always wanted. Consuming some supplements or biotin gummies can also be helpful in providing nutrition to your hair and growing it at a faster pace. 

Here’s how you can increase the length of your hair…

1. Make a Cinnamon Hair Mask

Cinnamon isn’t just great for sprinkling over your breakfast cereal. Because of its antimicrobial properties, it can provide benefits to the hair as well as increase blood circulation and provide nourishment to strands. Mix equal amounts of coconut oil and cinnamon, then apply the mixture to your hair, paying attention to the root. Allow it to work for about 45 minutes prior to washing.

2. Detangle Your Hair Gently

Brushing your hair swiftly can weaken them and can lead to hair damage. However, the brush you select can make a difference. While the bristles of a metal-based brush serve a purpose, a comb with wide teeth, an untangling brush, or a paddle with bristles that are rounded are all great alternatives for gently combing knots, and also causing less breakage. Instead of detangling your hair after the shower, you should comb through the knots prior to the time washing your hair.

3. Limit Shampooing Your Hair to Two Times

By doing excess shampooing, you can end up with dry, damaged, and brittle hair as the cleanser strips hair’s natural oil. Depending on your hair type, the amount of times you should wash your hair every week differs. Hair types with coarser, thinner hair are able to go with no shampooing for a couple of days, while finer hair types might find that their hair is greasy after just one day.

4. Massaging Scalp is a Must

We’re so consumed with time and money accumulating products for hair that we often overlook where hair growth begins in the first place: your scalp. Just as healthy soil is crucial to the growth of healthy flowers and plants, the base of healthy hair is a healthy scalp. 

A massage to your scalp has positive effects on blood pressure, stress hormones as well as heartbeat. One easy way to encourage growing hair is at home to provide yourself with a head massage. This can boost blood flow towards your scalp, improve the strength of hair and allow nutrients to get into your hair follicles faster. It’s best to do it every other week if you have oily hair.

5. Get a Hair Trimming from Time to Time

Regular trims help to remove dry, injured hair and are essential to ensure healthy, natural hair growth. If left untreated, split ends could grow up the hair shaft strands, causing further breakage. Depending on the health of your hair, the style you’re wearing and your routine, you may require trimming every six weeks. However, the more you look after your hair on a daily schedule, the less frequently you’ll need trimmings and the more hair you will develop naturally.

6. Include Hair Growth Supplements

Hair growth supplements or gummies can be effective to make your hair grow more quickly. Additionally, they could be loaded with necessary vitamins and minerals, which could be helpful in boosting hair growth. 

However, the minerals and vitamins found naturally in foods are easy for your body to absorb and will provide an improved ratio of nutrients. A healthy diet rich in omega-3s, which are healthy fats, can boost hair growth. The best sources of omega-3s in food include walnuts, flaxseed, and plant oils like canola and soybean oil.

7. Try Out Hot Castor Oil Treatment 

Castor oil is the undiscovered star of the hair world. This oil has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can help fight scalp infections which prevent hair from growing. Additionally, it’s loaded with omega-6 essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamin E as well as other nutrients that penetrate the hair shaft. 

It even assists to seal the hair shaft in order to keep moisture. It is also a fantastic hot oil treatment. Massaging castor oil into your hair will allow your scalp to drink up all the nutrients and aid in promoting hair growth.

For practising a hot castor oil treatment, massage the oil onto your scalp and then apply it at the end of your hair. Then make a bun on the head and secure it using a shower cap and then use a blow dryer for about 15 minutes. You are now free to go into the shower, wash and condition as normal. The hair will be soft and silky in no time.

8. Avoid Heated Styling Tools

It’s probably something you already know but any hair stylist will advise you that the best method to make your hair increase in size is to get rid of your habit of using hot tools. Blowers, styling irons, and blow-dryers can damage your hair, creating dry and brittle hair. 

If you’re looking to increase the length of your hair, it is suggested to air dry your hair and stay clear of any heat-producing tools. However, in case you want to use heated styling tools, make sure that you apply a spray that protects your hair strands.

9. Use a Silk Pillowcase while Sleeping

Cotton absorbs all water from your hair and causes tangles and breakage. Thus, using a satin or silk pillow cover and bed sheet is beneficial for better hair health. While it won’t accelerate the growth process in any way, sleeping on a silk pillowcase creates less friction, and provides hair with a more comfortable surface to lay on. 

10. Consider Using Products Containing Keratin

Products having keratin help to fight dryness and make the hair appear healthier and more radiant. They also aid in strengthening hair, preventing further breakage.

This protein acts as a shield that covers your hair with the essential oils and nutrients that it requires to grow, creating an ideal setting for hair to be healthy and strong.

Summing Up

Including the above-outlined tips can turn out to be effective in increasing the length of your hair. Apart from this, following them would also enhance the quality of your hair and eventually make them stronger. Another very important thing that you should not miss out on when trying to increase your hair growth is supplying proper nutrition to the scalp. All your care would go in vain if the scalp is not healthy. 
Thus, consuming hair gummies rich in biotin can be an ultimate choice over here. Hence, moving forward with the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies is recommended. These little rabbit-shaped treats contain various elements including Biotin, Vitamins A-E, and Zinc. You just need to chew two of these tasty gummies during the day to improve your overall hair health.

Rice Water and Its Surprising Benefits for Hair Growth

Rice is a staple food in many countries, particularly in Asia. Rice is soaked in water and then cooked. Most often, this water is thrown away. But, did you know this leftover rice water has so many benefits in enhancing your hair growth? Rinsing your hair with rice water not only improves your hair texture but also increases its length. 

Rice water for hair is an old technique for maintaining good hair health. The starch content of rice’s grain forms is between 75 and 80%. The starch is absorbed into the water when it is soaked. It is also known as vitamin water. These include vitamins B, E, antioxidants, amino acids, and many other minerals. These nutrients can help to strengthen hair follicles and improve hair density. 

They also make hair look shiny and healthy. Rice water is an Ayurvedic treatment to treat eczema in India. It has also been used in many Asian countries for centuries to treat hair and skin issues. In addition to practising this, you can also begin consuming biotin gummies that have also been proven to enhance hair growth by improving its health. 

How Does Rice Water Aid in Hair Growth?

Many vitamins and antioxidants are good for hair growth and health. Inositol, folic acid and niacin are just a few of the nutrients found in rice water that could benefit your hair. It also contains an amino acid that can be used to strengthen and protect your hair. Rice water can even be used to reverse the damage caused to your hair by stress and other health issues. A healthy scalp will result in the growth of shinier and healthier hair.

Here’s how the vitamins and minerals found in rice can affect your hair:

  • Selenium, Vitamin B3(Niacin), and Vitamin B9(Folic Acid) are vital for cell turnover and the overall health of hair follicles and scalp. They boost growth, thicken, and strengthen hair too.
  • Allantoin and Vitamin B3 improve the strength and flexibility of the hair follicles and reduce inflammation by increasing blood circulation within the scalp.
  • Magnesium helps in dissolving the calcium buildup in hair due to hard water and revitalises hair follicles.
  • Vitamin B8 (Inositol) can be found in many foods such as fruits, grains, vegetables, and legumes. To make inositol, your body uses the stored carbohydrates. This nutrient improves hair strength by increasing hair elasticity.

Preparation of Rice Water

1. Preparing Rice Water by Soaking it:

Rice water can be made by simply combining two ingredients and allowing them to ferment. Here is the procedure to do so:

  • Rinse the Rice: The rice has to be washed in order to get rid of the impurities Any type of rice can be used, but you should rinse the rice a few times more if it’s not organic.
  • Allow it to Ferment: Although you can use water from rice that has not been fermented yet, it has been observed that fermented rice water is more potent as the fermentation process produces Pitaria which is a byproduct of the rice fermentation process. It contains all the nutrients and antioxidants found in rice. One cup of rice, and two to three cups of water. Allow rice water to ferment for at least one day. Fermented rice water has to be refrigerated for about 24 hours. It should then be used within three working days. Throw it out after that.
  • Natural fragrances can be added to fermented rice water. Fermented rice water has a strong smell. To enhance the fragrance, you can add some essential oils or herbal tea to the rice water. It could also be flavoured with orange or lemon peels.

2. Making Rice Water by Boiling:

This will be done by putting a bowl of rice in a container. Then add the water in which it will be cooked. Add another cup of water to the rice. Once the rice has been cooked, drain the extra water into a separate bowl. 

Transfer the leftover water into a spray bottle and let it rest. Once you find a sour smell coming out of it, keep this bottle in the refrigerator. Add some water to the bottle too as dilute fermented water should not be used directly on your skin and hair.

Usage of Rice Water on Hair

You can use either boiled, fermented, or soaked rice water to repair damaged hair strands and give your hair shine, smoothness, and elasticity. Rice water can be used as a hair rinse in a variety of ways. Let us start then:

1. As a last rinse

Use the rice water hair rinse after you have shampooed and conditioned your hair. One cup of fermented rice water mixed with one cup of regular water. Add five drops of rosemary or lavender oil. Massage the oil into your hair, concentrating on the scalp. Continue to massage it for five minutes, then rinse it off.

2. As a Shampoo

Rice water can be used to make your shampoo. One cup of rice water is enough. Add one teaspoon of shikakai powder to it. To this, add one-fourth cup of aloe vera gel. Mix in one to two tablespoons of castile soap or baby shampoo. Combine everything and place it in a sealed container. You need to keep it for one week in the fridge. It can be used in the same way as regular shampoo.

3. As a hair mask

Rice water can be used as a hair mask. To make this, you can use plain rice water or make a paste for your hair. First, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Apply the rice water to your hair and scalp and massage it well. Put a shower cap on your hair and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Wash your hair with plain water.

In Summary 

Rice water is one of the ancient treatments used for growing your hair and enhancing your hair health. Using it one to two times a week can gradually show an improvement in your hair length. Hair loss and thinning can even be prevented by applying this water. Furthermore, you can go on consuming biotin-rich hair gummies which have also been known to boost the health of your scalp and hair. 

The “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies can be chosen over here. These rabbit-shaped gummies have mixed berries flavour and even contain Biotin, Vitamins A-E, and Zinc! Commence chewing just two of these wonderful gummies and see an improvement in your hair as well as nail health.

hair growth gummies

10 Foods that can Aid in Reducing Hair Loss

Hair fall is a common problem these days. It is pretty prevalent in women, owing to the fact that the hair moves through 3 phases: growth, transitioning, and shedding. As a result, approximately 25-100 hairs fall out naturally every day. Consequently, hair loss becomes an issue once we start to lose beyond this amount of hair. However, like the majority of issues in life, people only consider addressing this problem when it has gotten out of hand instead of avoiding it before it is too bad. 

The cause of this issue lies in the pollution and dust in our surroundings. Even our lifestyle and diet are some of the critical factors that can affect your hair growth. Eating foods such as avocado, spinach, or oats can help provide nutrition to the hair. Popping biotin gummies or supplements containing biotin as an ingredient can be advantageous in overcoming hair fall issues. 

Here’s a list of foods that should be included in your diet in order to enhance your hair’s health and thus make it longer and stronger…

1. Spinach 

Spinach is a vital meal for preventing hair loss since it is high in vitamins and minerals, including iron, folate, vitamin A, and C, which are all necessary for hair production. In addition to being rich in iron, spinach promotes hair health. In case you don’t like the Indian-style spinach sabzi, you can make a smoothie using it and other leafy green veggies such as kale, combined with almond milk and peanut butter.

2. Avocado

Vitamin E increases both hair growth and density. Hence, avocados are high in vitamin E. A moderate avocado offers approximately 21% of your daily Vitamin E requirements. Vitamin E is also high in fatty acids, a shortage of which is related to loss of hair. Avocado can be served with bread and spices. 

3. Carrots

Carrots are not only good for your eyes, but they are also a good source of Vitamin A for your hair. They are incredibly nourishing for the hair and scalp and help to keep the hair nourished out from roots to the ends, making them an excellent addition to your meal for hair loss. Carrots can be eaten as a snack with a dip or added to other recipes such as vegetable chaat, fried rice, and so on.

4. Black Beans

Rajma is packed with protein and folate, each of which are needed for hair development. It is also high in fibre. In addition, black beans have been related to increasing hair thickness. Thus, this can be your superfood if you are experiencing thinning of hair. Include it in your classic rajma chawal menu or make the famous Local black beans in Mexican style.

5. Seeds

Seeds are high in Vitamin E, selenium, and zinc making them one of the most beneficial diets for preventing hair loss. Just 28 grams of sunflower seeds provides almost 50% of your daily dose of Vitamin E. Other seeds with omega-3 fatty acids include chia seeds and flaxseeds. All of these ingredients combine to provide an effective diet for reducing hair loss. You can include them in your cornflakes or salad dish for a satisfying crunch.

6. Oats

Oats aren’t only high in fibre, but are also high in vital nutrients such as zinc, omega-6 fatty acids, and iron. These nutrients are known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and are necessary for maintaining hair and skin health. You can eat oatmeal for breakfast a few times each week to make sure your hair receives all of the nutrients it would need.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is high in Vitamin C and can assist your body to absorb iron efficiently, boosting hair development and avoiding hair loss. Hence to add the vitamin C magic, you need to eat all those other citrus fruits as well. You can grind fresh kiwi juice or can even simply add some cut pieces to your cereal dish with some other fruits and nuts for a delicious breakfast.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which aids in the absorption of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for hair density and sebum production, which makes your hair healthy and hydrated naturally. Cooking vegetable cutlets or sautéing them with a little garnish is one of the methods to incorporate sweet potatoes into your dinner.

9. French Beans

Beans, being one of the best plant-based protein sources, are high in folate, biotin, iron, and zinc . While beans can be added to any Indian dinner, they can also be used in a number of Asian and Continental cuisines, creating them a flexible and cost-effective alternative.

10. Chickpeas & Lentils

Chickpeas and lentils are both high in folic acid. They also assist the body to manufacture extra red blood cells. As a result, they are critical for hair development and strength. Whereas lentils are incredibly versatile, particularly in Indian cuisine, chickpeas can be utilised to make hummus. Therefore , you can fulfil both your hunger and your hair requirement at the same time.

On the Whole

Diet is very important in boosting your hair growth. Hence, including the above provided list of foods in your regular meals can be helpful in promoting your hair’s health. This would thus make your hair stronger and longer. Also make sure that you eat these foods in the right proportion. However, to stimulate this process at a faster rate it is recommended to consume some biotin-rich hair gummies

Chewing the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies can be thought of here. These gummies have multiple nourishing ingredients such as Zinc, Biotin, and Vitamins A-E. The gummies are even certified by ISO, FDA, and Fssai. Therefore, grab on and chew simply two of these yummy gummies that can enhance your hair health and increase the length of your hair.

Beard growth gummies

9 Amazing Hair Care Tips for Men

Men are always overlooked when it comes to maintaining hair. However, the only thing men are more worried about among all body parts is their hair. Most of you may have noticed men constantly fixing their hair. Dude…do you do the same?  No worries! It is just because a good hair day can boost your confidence to another level and we surely agree with that. So, my dear men, it’s time that you start following some hair care tips that will enhance your hair growth and give you that ultimate good hair for which you have been waiting. 

Also, including some of these tips will help you with your long-term improvement in hair health. The tips you will be going through are quite easy and don’t require enough time. There’s also a small tip for you: You can even start chewing biotin gummies which would help your body in fulfilling the biotin requirement for good hair growth. 

Come on then…let us start with these beneficial hair care tips:

1. Bath in lukewarm or cold water 

Extremely cold showers can block blood capillaries that line the scalp. These blood capillaries are a source of vital nutrients and should be functioning properly to have the best effectiveness. However, suddenly reducing them could be damaging to your hair’s health. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you should wash your hair in steaming hot water. This can ruin your hair, as it pulls out the natural oils that are present on the scalp. Ideally, you should wash your hair using lukewarm water.

2. Avoid wearing tight or rigid caps

The use of hats with tight fittings can result in a condition known as traction Alopecia. When this happens, people are more likely to experience hair loss. Thus, you should avoid wearing caps or hats when you have wet hair. They can permanently harm the hair’s texture. 

So, you should pat the hair to dry it after shampooing, and put on an easy hat that looks nice and shields your hair from serious damage. Additionally, people with greasy or oily hair are recommended to not wear hats. A lot of oil and grease could damage hair if you choose to exert too much tension on the hair.

3. Instead of rubbing your hair, pat it dry

Hair that is moist is more brittle and vulnerable to damage. Hence, it is recommended to gently pat your hair with a towel to dry it. After applying shampoo or hair wash, it’s advised to gently dry your hair using a dry, clean towel. This will enhance the hair’s texture, and help prevent breakage. 

4. Apply Shampoo on Dry Hair to Clear Wax

This is among the best methods for getting rid of wax from hair that is dry. This method can be used for fresh and healthy hair. Apply shampoo to dry hair, and after that, you can rinse it off with either cold or lukewarm water. This will take away the wax leaving you with a clear and clean scalp. Use this method every week to eliminate the wax particles completely out of your hair.

5. Avoid Rinsing Your Hair Too Often

The most common error made by everyone is excessive hair washing or washing your hair more frequently. You need to limit this to two to three times per week. Moreover, you should regularly change your hair’s appearance by conditioning it. This will ensure that your hair is healthy and will help you prevent the loss of essential oils from the scalp.

6. Take Prevention Against Chlorine Water

The chlorine that is found in pools can be very damaging to the scalp since the hair can become weak and dry. Therefore, the most effective way to protect your hair from the damaging consequences of chlorine is to saturate your hair with water that is clean and then apply a mild conditioner prior to entering the pool. As an alternate option, you could wear a swim cap too.

7. Try to Reduce the Use of Hair Products

Utilizing excessive amounts of hair gel, hair wax or hair spray, or any other hair products makes your hair appear unnatural and heavy. You should also not expose your hair’s delicate locks to excessive temperatures. You also need to avoid using dryers for rapidly drying delicate hair. 

Let them dry straight. It could take some extra time however, it would surely stop the hair’s delicateness from getting thin. If you’re using a hair dryer in order to dry out your hair be sure you keep it on the mild heat framework.

8. Keep Yourself Healthy

Your hair is the very first thing people notice about you and your hair’s health is the reflection of your daily life. Men’s hair care regime means that you must eat healthy food, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. You should also take your time sleeping and try to be positive.

9. Intake Plenty of Water

Hair is of course required for maintaining your body health. Thus, hair requires water too!  The loss of water in your hair immediately stops growth. Drinking at least 2 litres of water daily can aid in the health of your hair by expanding its growth. It is also preferable to use soft water while washing your hair so that it gets nourished from the outside too. If it’s not getting the required water, the ends of your hair can break or turn brittle.


Eating healthy or drinking lots of water would not only be effective for your hair but also for your entire body. This would even be beneficial in the long run. We now hope that these small ideas for your hair care would start affecting your growth and quality of hair. Some of them would gradually throw out results while a few of them may be rapid. 

Nevertheless, you can include some hair gummies in your routine as well. While searching for the best hair gummies that can enhance your hair health, you can stop by the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies. These tasty treats by ‘Power Gummies” have mixed berry flavour and are packed with Biotin, Zinc, and Vitamins A to E. Besides this, they are gluten and gelatin free which makes them perfect for consumption. 

Discover a Happier, Healthier You!

biotin gummies

How Frequently Should You Take Biotin Tablets For The Best Results?

Hair health deteriorates because of temperature change, pollution, & other reasons, but what is the remedy to treat your hair and reverse the damage? We all want an effortless solution that helps us thoroughly and gives us a boost to supply the nourishment it needs from within to grow stronger. Biotin is hair loving-vitamins that can help your hair from within and provide the nutrition it needs. You might be unaware of its proper use and want to know more about it, like what biotin is? What are the sources of biotin? How frequently should I take biotin tablets for the best results? Are there any side effects of it? Where to buy biotin? And so on. We intend to provide you with every question related to biotin. 

Before getting your biotin supplement, we have cleared and explained some basic facts about the biotin hair vitamin. It will help you get a clear idea of and right ways to use biotin for hair growth. 

What Is Biotin?

Biotin is a part of the vitamin B family, and it proffers endless benefits to everyone who consumes it on a rigorous basis. Even dermatologists support that biotin is accountable for faster hair regrowth. Biotin, also known as vitamin B-7, is a vital nutrient most often found naturally in biotin-rich foods, including cereals like wheat and oats, vegetables like spinach and mushrooms, and rice.

It works well with a balanced diet and simultaneously boosts hair health. You can go through a biotin treatment to see results quicker and a visible increase in overall hair volume, scalp coverage, and thickness. Most supplements are infused with a max of 1,200 micrograms; if you wish to see the results quicker, you can up the dosage and consume a minimum of 2,500 micrograms daily. It is considered a safe vitamin that has no known side effects.

Widely available supplements have many other hair-benefitting nutrients and minerals like zinc and iron. These nutrients and minerals have factors that can lead to healthy hair growth, plus they are needed to maintain hair quality. 

What Are The Sources of Biotin?

A notable concentration of biotin is found in food also such as spinach, lettuce, cauliflower, yeast, salmon, egg yolk, pork liver, beef, chicken, bananas, apples, oat flakes, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, nuts and legumes, rice, mushrooms, cheese, curds, milk, wheat germ, and whole-grains. These food items have minimum biotin content, and to attain it fully, you must consider other factors, like drinking 3-liters of water daily, healthy food intake, and mindful movement. You can consider taking supplements as an alternative to fulfill the daily biotin requirement. 

What Are The Causes Of Biotin Deficiency? 

Your body depends on internal production and dietary intake for biotin levels. The function that causes malnutrition or interferes with the gastrointestinal process can contribute to developing a biotin deficiency. Even genetic conditions can affect intestinal bacteria balances, which result in biotin production deficiencies. Consuming long-term anticonvulsant medications can cause- gastrointestinal circumstances to deter the absorption of biotin-alcohol consumption can lessen the biotin content. 

What Are The Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency? 

In very rare cases, you can come across someone who has biotin deficiency, which is why the symptoms of biotin deficiency are limited. Some common symptoms of biotin deficiency are hair loss, memory-related issues, and rashes, mostly around the nose and mouth. Some other symptoms are nausea, abdominal cramping, muscle pain, and cramping.

How To Identify That You Need More Biotin? 

Your body doesn’t have any advised dietary allowance for biotin. This deficiency is quite rare, caused by malnutrition or a genetic disorder. 

Seborrheic dermatitis in babies (a skin condition that causes a scaly, itchy rash) and surgical removal of the stomach as possible causes of a biotin deficiency. The NIH says that a heavy drinking habit can hamper your body’s ability to absorb biotin, deficient you. 

What Does Biotin Do?

Biotin assists the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose (blood sugar, in other words), and amino acids in your body. It transforms your food’s carbs, fats, and proteins into fuel. It also signals the cell to convert your food into energy. It also helps maintain the normal function of your nervous system. Nails, skin, and hair-Biotin aids and supports many essentials of your body. Biotin pushes your body to use enzymes and move nutrients throughout the body. Biotin can also manage some symptoms of diabetes-plus helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Things You Should Know Before Consuming Biotin Supplements:

Your body needs a limited amount of biotin, and health supplements may have more than your body generally needs. About 1,000 to 10,000 micrograms of biotin per pill are considered OK for consumption; if you consume more than you will pee it out, the extra biotin in your body won’t be utilized. Overconsumption will not cause any issues later, as per researchers. 

Where To Buy Biotin?

Nowadays, Biotin supplements are available in many forms. You can buy biotin from any local or online drug stores but be careful and research beforehand to know whether it meets your daily requirement or not. 

Here are Five Biotin Supplements You can Purchase: 

  • Swisse Biotin+ with Nicotinamide (to Boost Keratin Levels, Reduce Hair Loss and Promote Regrowth) & Rose Hips + Vitamin C For Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails For Men & Women. 
  • Chicnutrix Bounce – Biotin With Selenium and Amino Acids – Hair Fall & Hair Growth Management – Strong Hair – Frizz-free Hair – No Added Sugar – 20 Raspberry Flavored Effervescent Tablet. 
  • OZiva Plant-Based Biotin 10000 mcg with Amla for Men & Women, Better Hair Growth, Hair Fall Control & Healthier Skin, Certified Clean & Vegan.
  • Power Gummies Hair & Nail Vitamins Gummy with Biotin & 10 Essential Vitamins – 60 (blue) for Men & Women. Vitamin A to E, Biotin, Zinc & Folic Acid.
  • Man Matters Biotin Hair Gummy for Healthy Hair | No Sugar Added | Biotin Gummies with Hair Vitamins | Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E & Zinc.