How Does Meditation Improve Immunity?

Our immune system is known to be one of the most complex systems in our body.
The immune system is responsible for handling the security so anything from the outside environment that can cause a disease can never enter the body.
In case anything harmful i.e. a virus or a bacteria gets to enter the body, the immune system makes sure that it can be destroyed easily.
In most cases, the body has enough power that it can help us stay strong even after getting affected.
The process of attacking the invading elements might take a few days however, once they succeed, you will get to function normally without any medication.
However, in some cases, the body is not strong enough to handle the virus or bacteria on its own.
So, the immune system gets help from boosters, vaccinations, and medicine.
In case, the immune system of the body becomes unable to defend the body, it is said to have immunodeficiency.
On the contrary, if the immune system runs wild and starts attacking the healthy cells, it is called autoimmune disease.
In short, the immune system needs to follow a fine balance so it works properly without attacking healthy cells and without getting weaker.
With the help of this article, we will mainly focus on the way altering your breathing pattern through meditation can help you heal faster and boost your immunity.
We will also look at some of the reasons meditation can help you improve your overall health.
What Is The Mechanism Of The Immune System?
Within our body, we find cells and these cells have their specific functions
Our blood consists of three different types of cells that help with the transportation of food, nutrients, oxygen, defense, and healing.
Within these blood cells, there are white blood cells that are responsible for immunity.
These white blood cells attack the invading elements and engulf them.
Usually, the healing takes time so the body tries to assist this process with the help of other things as well.
This can consist of an increase in body temperature, change in breathing patterns, and other symptoms.
All these processes collectively help our body heal faster and in a much better fashion.
Why Does Meditation Help With Immunity?
For the longest, we have only connected physical health with physical symptoms while mental health is only connected with mental symptoms.
However scientific studies over the years revealed that our bodies work as one unit.
Although there are different cells and organs that perform different functions yet the goal is just to sustain life.
Recent studies have shown that physical health and mental health both have a very strong connection.
If physical health suffers, this will eventually impact mental health as well and vice versa.
Experts explain that when the immune system is busy improving physical health, it burdens the body which can cause mental stress.
Similarly, people with mental stress report immunity issues because they get tired easily and their physical health suffers as well.
As meditation helps in improving the way we breathe and the overall energy extraction process, you will notice an improvement in immunity because of meditation.
How Meditation Can Improve Immunity?
Most people think that immunity is inbuilt and cannot be changed.
Some people connect immunity with food intake, lifestyle, exercise, and the way we interact with people.
On the contrary, others connect the immunity of an individual to the family history, geographical region, and the way we live.
This is the reason we see a lot of people living in a specific region drinking unclean water and still feeling alright.
On the other hand, people who have been drinking clean water throughout their lives cannot digest dirty water and get ill faster.
Experts explain that just like you can help your body boost its mental capacity or physical capacity, you can also boost your immunity if you know how to use your body in a better way.
Just like mental exercise improves mental capability and physical exercise increases physical capability, with the right medication and right exercise you can boost your immunity as well.
Now, the question is if you can boost your immunity on your own, how meditation can help you in the process.
Well, it is very simple because meditation mainly focuses on breathing techniques and exercises.
According to experts, the body is designed to breathe in a certain way but over time, we develop breathing habits according to the availability of oxygen around us and the external environment.
As a result, some people lose their ability to hold the oxygen, others lose the ability to properly inhale and exhale.
Improving Immunity
Some people become nose breathers while others become mouth breathers whereas, our body is designed to become both.
With the help of meditation, you will be able to train your body to get more oxygen from the environment in a very small time.
The capacity of your lungs improves and the body will get blood rich in oxygen.
This oxygen-rich blood will help the organs in performing their functions in a much better way.
Apart from this, you will see that the body heals faster, immunity increases and the detox process also improves.
Although, most people think that changing the breathing pattern is not very important but it also helps with strength and endurance.
Experts in the field of physical health explain that changing the way we breathe means we are altering the way we live.
Mental health experts explain that breathing patterns have a very strong connection with anxiety and depression.
Deep breathing techniques are usually used as a therapy and can be really helpful in improving the issues linked with anxiety, depression, and stress.
Apart from this, throughout your exercise, if you breathe properly, you will notice that the recovery process gets easier and you don’t have to invest a lot of time with muscle strain and cramps.
Overall meditation doesn’t just alter the way you breathe but also allows you to improve the way you think by allowing you a headspace for better focus.
Bottom Line
To sum it all up, immunity is not just self-defense against the invaders but also against the outside environment.
This includes the other considerations, food we eat, and the people we interact with.
Most people who socialize and eat better have reported that they do not get tired easily, their immunity is much better and they heal faster when they fall ill.
The major reason behind this according to most experts is that wholesome exercises like meditation and yoga that help in interacting with our whole body and improving its function are very important.
With meditation, we are trying to connect breathing so the process of respiration can be optimized.
People who breathe better have more oxygen capacity in their lungs helping them stay calm, see improvement in their body functions, and also require less to spend on negative thoughts. Since the whole body is connected and physical health is connected to mental health, exercise like meditation and yoga can help the body to function better.