
healthy lifestyle

International Yoga Day

Boost Your Focus with a 5-Minute Yoga Flow

Boost Your Focus with a 5-Minute Yoga Flow

In our modern, fast-paced lives, it can be challenging to maintain focus and concentration amidst constant distractions. These challenges can even lead to stress. However, you can start practising yoga as it can have significant effects on your concentration level. 

As you might know, International Yoga Day is approaching, and it is on the 21st of June, thus, including yoga into your daily routine can provide a sanctuary for your mind and body, fostering a deep sense of presence and inner calm. 

Moving further, you will be able to read some unique 5-minute yoga flows that are specifically designed to enhance your focus and concentration. These mindful movements, breath awareness, and meditation techniques will help you sharpen your mind and anchor your attention.

Have a look at the numerous yoga poses that you can practise to boost your focus…

Mountain Pose (Tadasana):

Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart and your arms relaxed by your sides. Ground yourself firmly into the earth, feeling the connection between your feet and the ground. Lengthen your spine, lift the crown of your head towards the sky, and gently close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, allowing your body and mind to settle into the present moment.

Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana):


Sit on the mat with your legs extended in front of you. Inhale as you reach your arms overhead, lengthening your spine. Exhale, hinge forward from your hips, and gently fold over your legs. 

Allow your hands to rest wherever is comfortable, whether it’s on your shins, ankles, or feet. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, feeling the stretch in the back of your legs. Stay in this pose for a few breaths before slowly coming back up.

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana):

Find a comfortable seated position. Bring your right hand up to your face and use your thumb to close your right nostril. Inhale deeply through one nostril, then gently close it with your finger. Exhale through the opposite nostril. 

Switch sides, inhaling through the other nostril, and exhale through the first nostril. This alternate nostril breathing technique helps balance the flow of energy and promotes mental clarity. Continue this pattern, alternating nostrils with each breath. This technique helps balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, promoting focus and mental clarity.

Eagle Pose (Garudasana):


To perform Garudasana, you need to stand first. Then put all your body weight on the left foot.

Lift your right foot and cross it over your left leg, hooking your right foot behind your left calf if possible. Bring your arms forward and cross your right arm over your left, bending at the elbows. 

If it’s accessible to you, bring the palms of your hands together. Find your balance and fix your gaze on a focal point in front of you. Eagle Pose helps improve concentration and balance while calming the mind.

Child’s Pose (Balasana):


Kneel on the mat with your knees hip-width apart and your big toes touching. Sit back on your heels and gently lower your torso down, resting your forehead on the mat. Extend your arms forward or relax them alongside your body. Close your eyes and allow your breath to deepen. Child’s Pose promotes relaxation, relieves mental tension, and prepares the mind for focused attention.

To Summarise

This International Yoga Day try practising asanas that help build your concentration level. By dedicating just 5 minutes to these specially designed yoga flow, you can significantly improve your focus and concentration. 

Remember, the practice of yoga is a journey, and each time you step onto your mat, you have the opportunity to deepen your connection with yourself and cultivate a more centred and focused life. Embrace the power of yoga and allow it to guide you towards a calmer, more attentive mind.

5 ways yoga can improve your productivity at work

Most people nowadays are getting themselves enrolled in yoga classes because there are lots and lots of health benefits of yoga. With your daily work, your energy and consideration get dissipated, and you need some time for yourself to get much more relaxed. Yoga is the best meditative exercise that will help you make your body, soul, and mind peaceful. It can help to improve the flexibility of your body, improve your respiration, and energy level, increase your body stamina, and helps you to improve your athletic performance as well. 

Similarly, if you want to improve your work productivity there are certain ways by which yoga can help you in enhancing your work productivity. So, if you are planning to start yoga or any other form of exercise make sure to wear athletic wear first so that your exercise should become convenient and comfortable for you. 

In today’s blog, we will be discussing 5 ways that yoga can improve your productivity at work. So just keep on reading and stay consistent. 

Anxiety and depression. 

Depression can hamper a person’s abilities, and therefore he/she can no longer give his/her hundred percent. So, individuals suffering from anxiety should look for those techniques that could help them overcome anxiety and depression. The stretching techniques, as well as the breathing, practiced in yoga help to improve your overall body fitness. When you exert your body releases the hormones that make you feel good, and those hormones are named endorphins and dopamine. So, when your body releases these hormones you feel much more positive and happy. Also, the researchers have found that if you want to overcome anxiety and depression then you must start practicing yoga, as it is the fastest way to relieve anxiety and depression.

You tend to feel more powerful and energetic. 

If you are working continuously it’s obvious that you will get tired and exhausted. If you practice some yoga stretching techniques for at least 25 to 30 minutes, it will help you to lift up your mood, and you will start feeling much more active, due to increased blood circulation. 

Moreover, you can get rid of negative thoughts and feelings if you get indulged in yoga because it will not only improve your physical health but also your mental health

While exercise can upgrade temperament, and boost your immunity, yoga goes above and beyond by calming your CNS (central nervous system) and helps in adjusting the level of your hormones and digestion.

Health issues. 

Your productivity gets affected way too much if your health deteriorates. Even if you have any type of body pain, soreness, or inflammations you won’t be able to give your best. Regardless of what sort of occupation you have, on the off chance that you are continually pondering and managing illnesses, you have to get focused on your work in any way. 

Yoga is the best exercise that will help you to get rid of several pains which include pain due to brain injuries, neck injuries, arthritis pain, backache, and stiffness in your shoulders. Yoga will also help in lessening the risk of chronic health issues that involve heart disease, high blood pressure as well as back pains. 

Improved concentration 

Obviously, your work needs all of your attention and concentration. But unfortunately unpleasant cutoff times, vast gatherings, and the overall clamor of a work environment make a mental mess that keeps you from focusing on undertakings and using sound judgment. But if you perform yoga its meditative techniques will help you stay focused and will make you learn how you can concentrate. So, to enhance your alertness, mindfulness, and focus, you must start practicing yoga today. 

High morale. 

Yoga helps you to improve your personality in a remarkable way. Assuming that you feel good genuinely, intellectually, and inwardly, your morale will be high too. If you are engaged and vivacious, your energy will be a serious area of strength for being. Assuming your imagination is released, your self-assurance will take off. And all of this will make you a superior representative, in your work liabilities, your dealings with clients, and your communications with individual workers. 

Solid, and many focused representatives are more useful and savvy. In any event, empowering representatives to require only ten to fifteen minutes during the business day to rehearse some straightforward yoga stretches in their work area, can help massively. What’s more, offering yoga classes at work or off-site is a minimal expense and a powerful method for accomplishing blissful and useful representatives. 

Numerous organizations are acknowledging the way that yoga helps switch the adverse consequence of tension in the work environment, which thus increases efficiency for every individual. On the off chance that your organization offers noon yoga or free meetings in the recreation area in your free time, take them. Be that as it may, in the event that the boss of your company isn’t really excited about the entire idea of yoga (or you, yourself the CEO of the company) then, step up to the plate.

Pick Sustainable Products from the Period Care aisle

Choose Better: Pick Sustainable Products from the  Period Care aisle

Menstruation is an inevitable part of a woman’s life, and it comes with a necessity to use menstrual products. We are familiar with plastic pervading modern life, and there is no exception for period care products. In the name of attractive packaging, we can see a spike in menstrual products with unnecessary plastic packaging. Most menstrual products contain up to 90% plastic (excluding packaging). 

So, is there a better solution? Since the expansion of feminine hygiene care products came into existence. Many options are available in the market that can help women imagine better-safe period care and, at the same time, become environmentally conscious. 

You can add sustainable menstrual products like period underwear, menstrual cups, and other eco-friendly alternatives like biodegradable sanitary napkins, cotton tampons, etc. So, here’s to embracing menstruation as a way to make our everyday routines more sustainable and encourage huge organizations to follow suit. Check out the mentioned below that can help you save money and time while also helping conserve Mother Earth.

Why You Choose Them and How To Choose

  • Choose antimicrobial-infused products to maintain hygiene, which will help you make sanitary as simple as possible.
  • Choose products free of hazardous polymers because they are not good for you or the planet’s health.
  • Many menstrual products include phthalates and other chemicals that might affect your health and the environment. Select items that are free of these dangerous chemicals. 

Reusable period care products are the greatest and most environmentally friendly products. Let’s look at some of the best menstrual products to incorporate into your daily routine.

Menstrual Cups 

Menstrual cups are one of the most eco-friendly goods available because they can be reused yearly. It is one of the best menstrual products, made of medical-grade silicone, and capable of working for 12 hours without changing. Menstrual cups are a boon for women who have heavy periods. Plus, they are also available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some brands that sell menstrual cups are Peesafe, Sanfe, Sirona, and much more. 

Reusable Sanitary Pads

The thickness and size of reusable cotton pads can be customized. Compared to synthetic napkins, they may be more comfortable to wear and less prone to induce allergic reactions/rashes. You can protect your intimate area from chemicals found in disposable sanitary napkins and tampons by using reusable sanitary napkins and tampons. The soft and breathable materials make these pads keep the intimate area odour-free. Peesafe, FabPad, and Giocare are one of the brands that sell cotton pads.

Menstrual Discs 

Menstrual discs are similar to menstrual cups, except that they do not require insertion into the vaginal canal. They usually work for 4-5 hours per day. However, they are not as reusable as menstrual cups and must be discarded after a few years of use. Many brands like Sirona, Peesafe, Safecup, etc., are some of the brands that sell menstruation discs.

Period Underwear 

These period underwear are both leakproof and absorbent. Safecup, Lemmebe, etc. are some of the period underwear brands available. Period Underwear eliminates the need for a tampon or sanitary pad, making this period underwear 100% eco-friendly. These underwear are made of nylon and elastane, making them easy to wash and absorb. Period underwear can endure for up to four years. 

Biodegradable Sanitary Pads

Biodegradable sanitary napkins are eco-friendly, which makes them perfect for compost bins. Some brands have begun producing biodegradable sanitary pads utilizing bamboo or banana fibre, making them completely natural and environmentally friendly, biodegradable and compostable and manufactured from plant components. They are not just better for the environment but also for your skin than standard disposable pads. Azah and Plush are one of the brands that sell biodegradable sanitary pads.

Cotton Tampons

Many brands have started selling 100% cotton tampons like Sirona and Peesafe. These tampons are composed entirely of cotton, as the name implies. These tampons are free of chemicals and synthetics. As they are biodegradable, they are easy to decompose within a shorter period

Choose whatever option suits you best according to your needs and lifestyle, and make sustainable menstruation a must. Make a better choice for both your body and your environment.

Make Your Nails Stronger And Healthier

Top 5 Products That Make Your Nails Stronger And Healthier

Not being able to go to salons and seeing our nails being a mess is quite a tiring tale of the year 2019-20. Till last year we all were obsessively washing our hands with sanitiser too often. This habit might have killed 99.9% of germs but caused our hands & nails to become seriously weak and brittle.  

Just like our hair, nails do not hurt when we cut them. Although taking care of them for gradual growth is a whole other question. Besides, some common factors, such as household chores and lack of key vitamins, make it rather hard for nails to grow properly.

Best nail growth might be impossible, especially when you do not have sufficient time for bimonthly manicure appointments. Other than this, when you indulge in everyday tasks such as laundry and dish cleaning, your nails tend to lose their strength, which further affects the growth of nails. You may not turn to salons quite often, but you can always consider some selected products that can make your nails healthier and stronger.

Following is a list of top 5 nail growth products that you can consider investing in to keep those nail art canvases clean and catchy:

Nail Hardener:

There is no definite way to protect nails’ natural strength, especially when household activities can deteriorate over time. The water quality directly impacts your nails, and one can start using protective products that can reverse or minimize the damage. Using a nail hardener can provide utter solidity to your nails.

A nail hardener performs by reacting with your nails’ protein. When your nails are weak, the protein is like a ladder with broken rungs – the ladder feels loose and wobbly. You can make the ladder sturdier by adding extra rungs to connect the two sides. They create chemical bonds that tie the protein chains together to make the nails harder. These products use ingredients like formaldehyde and calcium.

Nourishing Basecoat:

In addition to daily activities, the constant use of nail lacquer also changes the nails’ inner structure, causing nail damage. Instead of splurging your special savings on the best nail growth products, you can buy a nourishing base coat from a reliable brand and use it every time before applying nail polish.

It provides grip, strengthens the nail, prevents stains, and promotes long-lasting nourishment that makes your nail polish stay longer; it is great if you indulge in DIY sessions. It will help if you are looking for a nourishing base coat with nail-caring ingredients that can help you recover from weak, brittle, peeling nails. Ingredients like keratin, vitamin E, soy protein, calcium, bamboo, and castor oil are things your nails need to stay strong for a longer period. 

Nail Strengthener: 

Nail care seems simple, but your nails get ruined after getting an intricate nail art or a gel manicure. It can be due to nutritional deficiencies or damages induced by nail treatments like gel, shellac, acrylics, etc. Plus, inexpert buffing, filing, and persistent soaks in acetone for DIY removals can be less of a cure. But after using a nail strengthener, you can provide your nails with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and skincare ingredients like hyaluronic acid distilled to the nail.

If you are planning on investing in the best nail growth treatment, you can consider using a high-quality nail strengthener. A nail strengthener is loaded with the essential oils that condition the cuticles and solidify your nails naturally.

Classic nail strengtheners are available in many shades other than clear. You can fete your nails without compromising on the shade. Calcium and hydrolyzed wheat protein help them grow more robust and the length you desire. 

Nail and Cuticle Conditioner:

Slathering your hands and cuticles with creams is not enough; we condition our hair and moisturize our body, follow a proper skin hydration routine, and often neglect our nails. We should add another step to condition our nails and the cuticles.

Brittle nails and dry cuticles can become painful over time, so trying the nail-loving treatment is a great idea. Nail and cuticle conditioners are packed with vitamins and hydrating ingredients like fruit and nut oils like almond, jojoba, and apricot oils which manage most nail-related concerns.

It keeps your nail surrounding skin moisturized and strengthens brittle nails after the harsh removal of gels, dip powders, and acrylics. Cuticle oil is another benefitting solution curated with the formula that delivers moisture and reverses the outer skin cuticle damage.

There are many options available in the market, so try going for fast-absorbing serum-based options so that you don’t feel sticky. Therefore, you can buy a nail and cuticle conditioner from a well-known nail care brand to achieve the best nail growth outcomes hassle-free.

Biotin Supplements: 

Low nutrient diet can lead to short, dehydrated, and damaged nails, especially if deficient in nutrients like iron, vitamins A and C, biotin, and collagen. These nutrients are essential for proper nail growth, and foods like eggs, spinach, and mushrooms are some of the primary sources of essential vitamins.

Iron supplements can improve your nail strength, preventing breakage and splitting biotin supplements, strengthening your nails from within to grow to the fullest. Biotin is helpful in both hair and nail growth, and you can ensure healthy, consistent growth.

These foods promote the formation of new cells and fasten the rejuvenation process. Various types of biotin supplements are available these days in the market, so you need to look out for something that suits you the best. 

Instead of choosing the regular biotin capsules, you can switch to delicious gummies that are easy to consume and have many other benefits. One of the options to choose from is Power Gummies, and it is a budding name in the natural care arena where we endeavor to develop a healthy system of supplement consumption.

We live in a world where no one has enough time to consume complete nutrition. They offer a broad range of chewable gummies containing essential vitamins and biotin to make it easier. Two gummies each day will take care of the nail growth and strength and provide ample nutrition for natural hair growth.