
period pain relief

PMS symptoms

Common PMS Symptoms That You Should Be Aware Of

PMS or Premenstrual Symptoms! That monthly reminder that you’re not actually superhuman, but mere mortal with fluctuating hormones. For many women, it’s a time of the month that they are concerned about because of the array of symptoms that come with it. From feeling bloated to craving all the chocolate in the world, PMS can be a rollercoaster ride of physical and emotional ups and downs. 

But fear not, ladies! You’re not alone in this journey. In fact, PMS affects almost all women at some point in their lives. While the symptoms can vary from person to person, some are more common than others. These symptoms can have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life, making it difficult to engage in daily activities and affecting relationships and work performance. 

One of the most common symptoms that show up is period pain. While PMS can be uncomfortable and challenging to manage, it is a normal part of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is essential for you to know the symptoms that showcase the arrival of your PMS. However, to control these symptoms, it is advised to try PMS relief gummies. 

Here are the numerous PMS symptoms that you should be aware of…

1. Mood Swings 

Mood swings

Mood swings are one of the most commonly reported symptoms of PMS. You might experience a range of emotional PMS symptoms, such as irritability, anger, sadness, anxiety, and even depression. These mood changes can be caused by hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. Some women may experience more severe mood changes than others. Mood swings can also be seen when there’s a lot of period pain. 

2. Bloating

Bloating is another common symptom of PMS. It can be experienced due to fluid retention, which can cause discomfort and make clothing feel tight. Bloating can also cause you to feel self-conscious or insecure about your appearance.

3. Breast tenderness

Breast tenderness

Breast tenderness is a common symptom of PMS. You can experience soreness, swelling, or sensitivity in your breasts, which can be uncomfortable. As a result, you may even not want to engage in physical activity.

4. Fatigue

Fatigue is a common symptom of PMS. Women may feel tired and lack energy, which can make it difficult to complete daily tasks. This fatigue can be caused by changes in hormone levels, poor sleep, or the body’s increased demand for energy during the menstrual cycle.

5. Headaches

Headaches are a common symptom of PMS. You may experience mild to severe headaches, which can be caused by hormonal changes or changes in blood pressure. These headaches can be draining and interfere with daily activities. 

6. Cramps

Cramps or period pain are common symptoms of PMS. You can have mild to severe cramping in your lower abdomen or back, which can be uncomfortable. Cramps are caused by the uterus contracting and can be especially painful during the first few days of menstruation. However, consuming PMS relief gummies can help you get rid of them. 

7. Food cravings

Food cravings are a common symptom of PMS. You may crave sweet or salty foods, which can be caused by hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. While these cravings can be satisfying, they can also lead to overeating.

In a Nutshell

PMS is a normal part of the menstrual cycle that affects many women in different ways. While the symptoms can be uncomfortable and challenging to manage, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this journey. 

By understanding the common symptoms of PMS that have been provided above, you can better prepare yourself during this time. In case you start feeling period pain, you can take a hot water bag or consume PMS relief gummies to reduce your PMS symptoms. 

Therefore, you can go for the “That Time of The Month” gummies. These tasty treats are infused with strawberry flavour and also contain ingredients such as Magnesium Sulphate, Vitamins B6 & C, Milk Thistle Extract, Chasteberry Extract, and Passion Flower Extract. Chewing two gummies every day can enhance your oestrogen dominance, reducing your irritability and mood swings, as well as promoting a relaxed sleep. In addition to this, it would also be helpful in improving your overall reproductive health.

Period Pain Relief

6 Foods To Regulate Hormonal Balance & Reduce Period Pain

Periods are the worst. During this time, women have to undergo a roller coaster of hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances can be a significant problem for many women, causing a variety of issues ranging from irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods to mood swings and even infertility. One of the most common effects of hormonal imbalances is menstrual cramps, which can be exhausting and affect daily activities. 

While period pain gummies can help alleviate pain, making dietary changes can also play a significant role in managing hormonal imbalances and reducing period pain. The food you eat can have a profound impact on your hormonal balance. However, by choosing the right foods, you can provide your body with the necessary nutrients to maintain hormonal balance and reduce the severity of menstrual cramps.

Have a look at the food that can be beneficial in regulating your periods while giving you relief from cramps…

1. Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, and iron, which are important for hormonal balance. They also contain antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body. Some other leafy greens that you can include in your diet are cabbage, spinach, kale, broccoli, etc.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In addition to consuming fish, other sources of omega-3 fatty acids include chia seeds, flaxseed oil, vegetable oil, and walnuts. These foods have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce period pain and other symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. 

3. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats and fibre. They also contain lignans, a type of phytoestrogen that can help balance oestrogen levels in the body. Other nuts and seeds to include in your diet are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds.

4. Whole Grains

Whole grains such as barley, buckwheat, and amaranth are packed with fibre, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for hormonal balance. They also contain complex carbohydrates that can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings. Other whole grains to include in your diet are millet, brown rice, and quinoa.

5. Fruits


Fruits such as bananas, oranges, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries can help regulate hormonal imbalances. These fruits are rich in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the body. They also contain fibre, which helps in regulating bowel movements and reduces bloating during periods. 

6. Herbal Teas

Herbal teas such as ginger tea, chamomile tea, and peppermint tea are known for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. They can help alleviate menstrual cramps and reduce other symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.

On the Whole

Making changes in your diet can help manage hormonal imbalances and reduce period pain. Therefore, by including the above-outlined foods in your diet, you can provide your body with the necessary nutrients and reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. 

In addition to this, there are also period pain gummies which you can definitely try. No worries! You don’t have to waste time searching for the best period relief gummies. “That Time of the Month” gummies are there for you. These strawberry-flavoured tasty treats are rich in Vitamin B6 and C, Magnesium Sulphate, Passion Flower Extract, Chasteberry Extract, and Milk Thistle Extract. 
These delicious gummies have to be taken twice in number every day for improving your ovarian health which would thus lead to regular and pain-free periods. It would even be helpful in omitting anxiety and irritability as well as reducing PMS symptoms.

period gummies

Make Your Periods Easier with These 10 Food Items

It’s no wonder that periods can be painful and stressful. Every woman experiences a variety of menstrual symptoms, such as cramps, backache, fatigue, etc. You may desire to eat all day long, but sometimes you just prefer to lay in bed. 

However, there are strong desires to indulge in all the things that satisfy your soul and are delicious! Wait!! the thing that you may not realize is that the sugary, oily or spicy foods that you consume during periods can actually worsen the discomfort and cause various other digestive problems. 

Thus you should be aware of your diet since it can cause uncomfortable periods. No worries, there are foods that are healthy and can even help reduce the discomfort of menstrual cramps. Additionally, the consumption of period gummies can be beneficial in relieving your pain. 

Scroll down to have a look at the foods that can assist in making your periods better and easier…

1. Turmeric 

A healthy diet is vital to ensure that your menstrual cycle is comfortable and healthy. But, turmeric is the most effective as it has anti-inflammatory properties, which can lead to lowering the severe symptoms of periods such as abdominal cramps. So, you can include turmeric in the food you consume during your period. 

2. Nuts

Nuts are a good option to consume during menstrual cycles since they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein that aid in painless menstruation. There are other benefits in addition. The omega-3 fatty acids as well as proteins help keep you healthy and active throughout your periods. Also, certain nuts, including cashews and almonds, are believed to ease discomfort during menstruation.

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is a rich source of nutrients, is gluten-free and is suitable for inclusion in your diet when you are experiencing periods. Consuming hot quinoa porridge is sure to aid in easing pain and discomfort. But, you can make this recipe any time as it also has many other advantages. 

It is a rich source of nutrients, including protein, magnesium, and iron. Being gluten-free, it has low glycemic levels, which means it keeps your body full and active for a longer time.

4. Leafy Green Vegetables

Rich in folate and iron, along with vitamins, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale broccoli are excellent sources of nutrients that help to replenish blood loss that occurs during menstruation. Other vegetables that are soothing during menstrual cycles include fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes and kelp.

5. Beans & Lentils

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, legumes and lentils can be among the top foods you can eat during periods. They are high in protein and iron which can ease painful menstrual cramps. Lentils are an excellent food source of Vitamin B, potassium, iron as well as zinc, that are vital for your overall health. 

They are even a rich source of polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They are also high in protein. Lentils and beans can give you energy for long times, lower your stress and can help reduce the body’s aches and fatigue.

6. Fruits

Consuming the right type of food during your period can help you greatly, since it can let you stay hydrated and curb sugar cravings. Fruits such as watermelon, lemons, oranges, strawberries, or cranberries that you can eat during your periods can be beneficial because they’re a great source of Vitamin C, A, and E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous as well as folic acid, and other minerals. 

Additionally, they are rich in fibre, which keeps you fuller for longer durations and improves your digestion. But, since they’re low in fat and calories they can be eaten in larger quantities to fill you up and can aid in managing weight too. 

7. Dark Chocolate

When you are going through periods, you might frequently crave sweets. Dark chocolate is the ideal food option during periods to reduce this craving. It can make your mood more relaxed and calm your mind. With a high concentration of magnesium and antioxidants, dark chocolate is an excellent comfort food. 

Make sure that you stick with plain dark chocolate instead of complicated candy that is loaded with chemicals and ingredients. You can enjoy chocolate in moderation, as even dark chocolate has caffeine and sugar.

8. Ginger

One of the best food items to consume during periods is the kitchen’s ingredient called ginger or adrak. It is anti-inflammatory and can ease the pain of aching muscles and helps improve other symptoms associated with menstruation. 

Therefore, you can drink it in any way such as tea or ginger mint water or incorporate it into your food. But, you shouldn’t drink greater than four grams of ginger over the course of a day since it could cause stomach aches.

9. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is another option to consume during periods because it can nourish the healthy bacteria that live in your vagina to fight infections. Yoghurt is a great source of all the essential nutrients, including the B vitamin, and calcium along with trace minerals. It also contains probiotics that improve the health of your digestion and lessen symptoms of gastrointestinal problems. 

10. Seeds

Another simple way to remain healthy and fit at the time of menstruation is to include seeds in your daily diet. Seeds are high in nutrients and can keep you satisfied for longer. Incorporating seeds into your fruit salads or juices is an excellent option to remain energised during this time.

To Conclude

Periods can be stressful at times. You may just want to get rid of the pain and cramps during this cycle. However, a proper diet can help you in making your periods better. But don’t forget to sip enough water during this time. 

As a lot of blood loss takes place, you may become dehydrated and loss of energy can occur rapidly. Thus, to keep your body hydrated and digest food properly, it is vital to drink lots of water. Furthermore, you can add period relief gummies to your daily routine to make sure that your ovarian health is improved. 
Hence, going on with the “That Time of the Month” gummies can be the best. These strawberry-flavoured gummies have Milk Thistle Extract, Passion Flower Extract, Vitamins C & B6, Magnesium Sulphate, Chasteberry Extract, and much more. These gummies have especially been developed to support your overall ovarian health and help you with easier periods.