
period gummies

Period Gummies

Eliminate These 8 Foods When Having Period Cramps

Periods…the name itself describes it all. The days when you feel like doing nothing and just want to be pampered. Oh! the cramps!!! The worst part of having periods. The average days of a monthly period range from 4 to 5 days. However, this range can vary from woman to woman. It’s this time of the month when your uterus seems to be engaged in a brutal battle with the rest of your body, causing cramps that can make you want to stay in bed and give you mood swings. 

You might also take period gummies or similar supplements for pain relief. However, uncomfortable cramps or discomfort isn’t always linked with your health. Instead, they are the result of unhealthy foods you indulge in, during this period. A poor diet can cause discomfort and cramps. 

As a result of mood swings, you might crave more and eat unhealthy food which can also worsen the symptoms. Eating the right diet can help you feel better throughout your difficult day. Food choices can make a lot of difference. Also, avoiding certain foods can ease menstrual problems and assist you in reducing your cramps. 

Let us make you aware of what you should avoid during your menstrual flow…

1. Fried Foods

There are times especially when you’re on your period and you cannot resist eating a pizza, french fries or some doughnuts. It’s fine, but foods that contain fried ingredients can result in inflammation and may be associated with increased discomfort during your period. 

They are high in trans-fats, which can raise oestrogen levels, causing anxiety and mood changes.  Instead of eating food that is fried, consume crunchy vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers and so on. You can include roasted snacks in this list as well.

2. Food with Excessive Salt

You might love to snack on chips or snacks which are certainly delicious but are stuffed with salt and other added ingredients. Consuming too many sodium-rich food items can soak lots of water and cause constipation, water retention, discomfort, stomach ache, and bloating. Additionally, too many sour foods can be harmful during menstrual cycles including pickles. 

They also contain a significant amount of sodium that causes an increase in discomfort. In the course of your period, you might be tempted by salty foods however it’s best to stay clear of these foods to reduce gastric discomfort. Avoid salty and fatty snacks and opt for healthy foods that are high in fibre and are full of vegetables and fruits instead. 

While cooking vegetables, cook them at a low or medium temperature so that it can retain as many nutrients as it can. Avoid making them in the deep fryer or using excessive amounts of butter or oil. Instead you can grill, roast or steam them for maximising the benefits.

3. Caffeinated Drinks 

Are you drinking too much caffeine-based drinks during your period? However, drinking it while you are on your period could cause your cramps to become more severe and also promote constipation. Drinking tea with caffeine or coffee can raise the levels of oestrogen and can cause PMS symptoms to increase. This is because of the tendency of caffeine to hold the body’s water, which causes irritation in your stomach. 

It slows down the process of elimination due to diarrhoea and induces headaches. Hence, it is important to limit the consumption of caffeine consumed during the course of a period. Thus, instead of using products with caffeine, you can surely opt for green tea, carrot or tomato juice, or any vegetable soup. It can help ease menstrual cramps as well.

4. Sugary Items 

Just like many other people, you might also like to indulge in sweets, candy or milky chocolates or other desserts sweets to satisfy your odd desires during menstrual cycles. However, this can cause extreme mood swings as well as tension within your body, and consequently, you might face an increase in cramps. It’s not just a way to increase the blood sugar levels of your body, it can also alter your mood, causing mood swings, depression, and more! 

This is due to the fact that excessive sugar consumption causes rapid energy surges within the body. This energy decreases over time and leaves you feeling tired. Thus, eliminating or limiting high-sugar food items entirely during this period can aid in stabilising your mood, and, hopefully, ease the abdominal pain.

5. Processed Foods

You should avoid eating a lot of processed food when you’re experiencing severe cramps during your period. Thus, it is essential to keep clear of these processed foods like frozen meals, fast food, processed food products, canned soups, etc. 

These kinds of foods may cause constipation and worsen discomfort and pain when experiencing menstruation. Alternatively, you can eat food prepared at home such as salad, khichdi, and oatmeal.

6. Refined Foods

Just like processed foods, you need to get rid of refined foods too, especially when your period has arrived. From flour to ever-so-delicious grains, everything is refined and usually contains tons of hidden sugar. 

In addition, it has been observed that some refined foods like cereals, white bread, as well as rice, contain minimal nutritional significance. If you are wanting a delicious piece of toast, you should choose whole grains instead of refined alternatives. This way your body will feel grateful and help you in reducing period cramps.

7. Saturated Fats

It has been noticed that saturated fats can be primarily harmful to your health. They’re particularly bad when you’re going through your period, creating inflammation within your body and making cramps during your period more severe. Consuming high-fat foods can impact hormones in the body, and can cause discomfort during menstrual cycles. 

Not just saturated fats but also trans fats can cause pain, cramps and inflammation. Foods that are high in saturated fats include dairy products, oily meats, and coconut oil, to name just a few. Thus, you should limit or eliminate fat intake and eat more grains, lentils, wheat bread, or oatmeal.

8. Alcohol

Alcohol can make PMS symptoms more severe and can also cause prolonged cramps. It can make you feel drained and dehydrated, which could cause bloating, upset stomach, nausea and diarrhoea. It can instantly boost your mood, but it could make you feel depleted of energy and can worsen the pain in your legs, headache or muscle pain. 

This can also cause irregular menstrual cycles and raise oestrogen levels within the body, which may aggravate the menstrual cycle. Instead of drinking alcohol, try coconut-based water, or even lassi. This can help ensure that you are hydrated even during menstruation.

On the Whole

Period cramps are painful…right? And struggling with them every month is a real task that every woman goes through. Although you would be craving a lot of spicy, oily, and sweet foods, you need to avoid them. Consuming these foods can worsen your pain and cause irritability too. 

Therefore, going for some healthier options is recommended. In addition to doing so, you can start consuming period relief gummies as well to relieve your pain and have control over your mood swings. The “That Time of The Month” gummies can be beneficial during your periods. They have just the right amount of ingredients that can ease your periods and at the same time supply the deficit nutrition. 

Being packed with Passion Flower Extract, Milk Thistle Extract, Vitamin B6 & C, Chasteberry Extract, and Magnesium Sulphate. Popping two in a day reduces your PMS symptoms and helps you in handling your mood swings.

period gummies

Make Your Periods Easier with These 10 Food Items

It’s no wonder that periods can be painful and stressful. Every woman experiences a variety of menstrual symptoms, such as cramps, backache, fatigue, etc. You may desire to eat all day long, but sometimes you just prefer to lay in bed. 

However, there are strong desires to indulge in all the things that satisfy your soul and are delicious! Wait!! the thing that you may not realize is that the sugary, oily or spicy foods that you consume during periods can actually worsen the discomfort and cause various other digestive problems. 

Thus you should be aware of your diet since it can cause uncomfortable periods. No worries, there are foods that are healthy and can even help reduce the discomfort of menstrual cramps. Additionally, the consumption of period gummies can be beneficial in relieving your pain. 

Scroll down to have a look at the foods that can assist in making your periods better and easier…

1. Turmeric 

A healthy diet is vital to ensure that your menstrual cycle is comfortable and healthy. But, turmeric is the most effective as it has anti-inflammatory properties, which can lead to lowering the severe symptoms of periods such as abdominal cramps. So, you can include turmeric in the food you consume during your period. 

2. Nuts

Nuts are a good option to consume during menstrual cycles since they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein that aid in painless menstruation. There are other benefits in addition. The omega-3 fatty acids as well as proteins help keep you healthy and active throughout your periods. Also, certain nuts, including cashews and almonds, are believed to ease discomfort during menstruation.

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is a rich source of nutrients, is gluten-free and is suitable for inclusion in your diet when you are experiencing periods. Consuming hot quinoa porridge is sure to aid in easing pain and discomfort. But, you can make this recipe any time as it also has many other advantages. 

It is a rich source of nutrients, including protein, magnesium, and iron. Being gluten-free, it has low glycemic levels, which means it keeps your body full and active for a longer time.

4. Leafy Green Vegetables

Rich in folate and iron, along with vitamins, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale broccoli are excellent sources of nutrients that help to replenish blood loss that occurs during menstruation. Other vegetables that are soothing during menstrual cycles include fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes and kelp.

5. Beans & Lentils

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, legumes and lentils can be among the top foods you can eat during periods. They are high in protein and iron which can ease painful menstrual cramps. Lentils are an excellent food source of Vitamin B, potassium, iron as well as zinc, that are vital for your overall health. 

They are even a rich source of polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They are also high in protein. Lentils and beans can give you energy for long times, lower your stress and can help reduce the body’s aches and fatigue.

6. Fruits

Consuming the right type of food during your period can help you greatly, since it can let you stay hydrated and curb sugar cravings. Fruits such as watermelon, lemons, oranges, strawberries, or cranberries that you can eat during your periods can be beneficial because they’re a great source of Vitamin C, A, and E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous as well as folic acid, and other minerals. 

Additionally, they are rich in fibre, which keeps you fuller for longer durations and improves your digestion. But, since they’re low in fat and calories they can be eaten in larger quantities to fill you up and can aid in managing weight too. 

7. Dark Chocolate

When you are going through periods, you might frequently crave sweets. Dark chocolate is the ideal food option during periods to reduce this craving. It can make your mood more relaxed and calm your mind. With a high concentration of magnesium and antioxidants, dark chocolate is an excellent comfort food. 

Make sure that you stick with plain dark chocolate instead of complicated candy that is loaded with chemicals and ingredients. You can enjoy chocolate in moderation, as even dark chocolate has caffeine and sugar.

8. Ginger

One of the best food items to consume during periods is the kitchen’s ingredient called ginger or adrak. It is anti-inflammatory and can ease the pain of aching muscles and helps improve other symptoms associated with menstruation. 

Therefore, you can drink it in any way such as tea or ginger mint water or incorporate it into your food. But, you shouldn’t drink greater than four grams of ginger over the course of a day since it could cause stomach aches.

9. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is another option to consume during periods because it can nourish the healthy bacteria that live in your vagina to fight infections. Yoghurt is a great source of all the essential nutrients, including the B vitamin, and calcium along with trace minerals. It also contains probiotics that improve the health of your digestion and lessen symptoms of gastrointestinal problems. 

10. Seeds

Another simple way to remain healthy and fit at the time of menstruation is to include seeds in your daily diet. Seeds are high in nutrients and can keep you satisfied for longer. Incorporating seeds into your fruit salads or juices is an excellent option to remain energised during this time.

To Conclude

Periods can be stressful at times. You may just want to get rid of the pain and cramps during this cycle. However, a proper diet can help you in making your periods better. But don’t forget to sip enough water during this time. 

As a lot of blood loss takes place, you may become dehydrated and loss of energy can occur rapidly. Thus, to keep your body hydrated and digest food properly, it is vital to drink lots of water. Furthermore, you can add period relief gummies to your daily routine to make sure that your ovarian health is improved. 
Hence, going on with the “That Time of the Month” gummies can be the best. These strawberry-flavoured gummies have Milk Thistle Extract, Passion Flower Extract, Vitamins C & B6, Magnesium Sulphate, Chasteberry Extract, and much more. These gummies have especially been developed to support your overall ovarian health and help you with easier periods.