

weight management

Obesity and Your Health: See How It Causes the Most Common Health Issues

Obesity is one of the most common health problems in the United States, and if you’re overweight, it can be seriously detrimental to your health and well-being. Obesity can cause heart disease, diabetes, breathing difficulties, high blood pressure, and even some types of cancer. Learn how obesity causes these issues with this graphic guide to your health and weight.

The onset of most health issues are related to being overweight

Being overweight is known to be a major contributing factor in many different health issues. Though there are many other factors that come into play, being overweight has been linked to metabolic disorders, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. 

Research has also shown that obese patients diagnosed with certain cancers such as breast cancer or colon cancer have a poorer prognosis than those who are of normal weight. There are many people who don’t understand how obesity causes these chronic diseases. 

With this information you can start making decisions about your lifestyle choices and make better food choices for yourself and your family.

Diabetes is on the rise in young adults

Americans of all ages are at risk for diabetes, but in recent years researchers have noted a startling rise in cases among those who are 20 to 40 years old. This has caused many experts to look at what obesity means for those outside the typically-prescribed at-risk age range. 

Diabetes often develops slowly over time, and people may not realize that they are at risk until it has already progressed far enough to become dangerous. When someone is obese, their fat cells release high levels of insulin. The insulin causes the body to store sugar as fat, which can lead to insulin resistance or even type 2 diabetes.

Smoking causes cancer, but so does being overweight

We’ve all heard about smoking causing cancer. Despite what we hear, it is actually being overweight that causes the most common health issues such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Did you know that obese people are two to four times more likely to develop coronary heart disease? What’s more concerning is that obesity can cause dementia in people who have other risk factors for dementia such as type 2 diabetes or stroke — something smokers don’t face.

Depression may be a result of weight gain and other related health problems

According to a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry, depression may be caused by weight gain and other related health problems such as diabetes. Researchers found that there was a higher rate of depression among people who were either obese or had some type of health issue. The researchers think this is because these groups are more likely to feel stigmatized and experience discrimination. 

Depression has been linked to obesity before, but it’s not clear whether it’s an effect of obesity or vice versa. It’s possible that depression leads to obesity because of changes in appetite and metabolism or a change in how food tastes; on the other hand, it could also be the opposite—obesity can lead to feelings of hopelessness, which can lead to mood disorders like depression. 

There are many things we don’t know about how one causes the other and what doctors should do about it. However, mental health professionals should take into account both physical and mental illness when treating patients with weight-related issues.

Obesity causes high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol, both of which affect circulation. Obesity is associated with diabetes as well as various cancers such as colon cancer and breast cancer. Obesity increases your risk for gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, asthma, osteoarthritis and sleep apnea as well.

Eating junk food, such as processed foods, can cause long-term damage to your health.

Most junk food is high in calories and low in nutrients. That’s why, when we eat it, our body stores more of the excess calories as fat than burns them for energy. Not only does this lead to weight gain, but also all of the health issues related to obesity. For example, overeating can lead to a poor mood and an increased risk of depression. 

And if you have an unhealthy diet that includes a lot of processed foods and sugar, you’re at risk for developing diabetes or heart disease.: When your cells don’t get enough glucose because they’re unable to convert sugar into energy because your cells can’t take up insulin (which causes type 2 diabetes), you’ll eventually develop kidney failure, eye problems, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) or circulatory problems.

Dealing with all these diseases together can lead to anxiety or depression

Anxiety is a general term that includes a whole range of symptoms including, but not limited to, excessive worry, nervousness, obsessive thinking or fear of certain situations. Depression is characterized by persistent sadness or withdrawal from social contact, accompanied by an inability to experience pleasure in activities once enjoyed. 

There are many reasons why these conditions may occur concurrently with obesity. The common link between these health issues is chronic stress. Stress can cause anxiety and depression which lead to other health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer. Eating healthy foods can help reduce the risk for all of these diseases because it lowers stress levels which will improve your mood and reduce risk for other diseases due to its role in lowering inflammation throughout the body.

Weight loss gummies

7 Ways to Improve Metabolism for Boosting the Weight Management Process

A very important part of enhancing your weight management procedure is a good metabolism. For those unaware of the word “metabolism”…let us first know about it. Metabolism is a process in which enzymes present in the body digest the food which in turn helps in the functioning of the organs, the body’s growth, and its adaptation to various situations. The food that is digested creates energy for your body. As proper digestion is very important for the body when losing weight, you need to maintain a strong metabolism to keep this process boosted.

Therefore, metabolism is simply a term that tells you how effectively your body is performing its basic functions such as digestion and absorption for providing energy to the body. However, metabolism can not be improved in a single night. Thus, you need to make some changes such as drinking enough water, practising high-intensity workouts, sipping a cup of green tea, and much more in your daily lifestyle in order to boost it up. 

With the various ways presented below, you will be able to enhance your metabolism and speed up your weight loss:

1. Sip on Lots of Water

Your metabolism may slow down if you do not intake the required amount of water in a day. Due to this, your weight loss process may also not be much effective. Therefore, to keep your metabolism enhanced, it is vital that you drink enough water that makes your body hydrated. As per observations, females and males should be drinking at least 2.7 and 3.7 litres of water respectively in a day. 

Apart from this amazing benefit that water provides, sipping enough water is also important for filtering toxins from the body. Drinking lots of water will make you pee more, thus, leading to the release of the added water weight. In addition to this, when you drink an adequate amount of water, your stomach will feel full, and therefore, you won’t be eating more calories. 

2. Include Protein Rich Food in your Meals

Our human body takes more time in breaking down and digesting proteins in comparison to fats and carbohydrates. Due to this, your body’s metabolic rate increases. This reaction of your body has been termed “The Thermic Effect of Food”. Consuming higher amounts of protein in your diet has been 

demonstrated to greatly enhance metabolism and the number of calories burned. Eating protein-rich food also makes your tummy full and you do not crave more food. This in turn stops you from overeating during successive meals.

To boost your metabolism, you can add up these protein-rich foods:

  • Pomegranate
  • Avocados
  • Green Beans
  • Grapefruit
  • Black Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Peanuts

3. Ensure Proper Sleep

Have you been getting enough sleep? The quantity of sleep you’ve been getting is strongly tied to your metabolism and appetite. It has been noticed that people who are awake at night tend to consume more food and feel hunger pangs. If your sleep is not fulfilled, your body may crave more calories. This in turn will make your body gain more weight rather than lose it. 

4. Drink a Cup of Green Tea

Sipping just a cup of green tea daily can be very efficient in increasing your metabolism when trying to lose weight. Green tea contains antioxidants such as caffeine and catechins that can be very useful in boosting metabolism. Along with this, drinking green tea also improves the rate of your fat-burning process. Once these things start enhancing your body, the pace of your weight loss can be improved. Not limited to this, consuming green tea daily burns extra 75-100 calories. 

5. Have Some Coffee

Coffee, a type of natural caffeine, helps you increase your metabolic rate. Intaking it activates the neurological system, which delivers direct messages to fat cells instructing them to dissolve fat. This is done by boosting blood levels of the epinephrine hormone. Along with this, sipping coffee also enhances your fat-burning procedure. As an outcome of this, your weight loss process gets boosted. Consumption of a cup of black coffee that is plain has been noticed to be very low in calories and has great effects in improving metabolism.

6. Practising High-Intensity Workouts

Performing high-intensity workouts are quite useful when it comes to burning the fat present in the body. Doing them automatically increases your rate of metabolism which eventually burns the fat. The fat-burning process continues even if you have completed the workout session. Biking, running, jogging, and weight training have been considered some of the best high-intensity workouts. 

As observed, 24 hours after you have completed your high-intensity workout, your body’s metabolic rate increases by 450%. Along with this, they are also beneficial in increasing your body’s blood flow and lung capacity. People who have health issues should consult a doctor before practising any high-intensity workout. 

7. Eat Nutritious Food

Eating more fat-burning food can eventually increase your metabolic rate. This can assist you in losing more weight and at an improved pace. Along with having proper fruits and vegetables that will enhance metabolism, it is also necessary to keep following your regular exercises. 

Here are some healthy foods that you should include in your diet to improve your metabolism:

  • Flaxseeds
  • Chilli Peppers
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Broccoli
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Ginger
  • Lentils


To boost your metabolism and promote speedy weight loss, it is quite important that you include the multiple ways that have been described above. Once started, you will slowly and steadily get to see their effective results on your body. It is also suggested to try out some healthy weight loss gummies that help you to improve the weight loss process in addition to other daily regimes that you follow. 

Consuming “The Beach Body” gummies can be one of the very effective ways to aid weight loss. Enriched with multiple healthy nutrients such as Garcinia Cambogia extract, Vitamin C, Green Coffee, and L-Carnitine, these gummies even have 0 grams of sugar. You need to chew just two of the weight management vitamin gummies before you go to sleep.

weight loss gummies

5 Easy Night Time Exercises for an Effective Weight Management

Working out regularly is very essential when you want to gain a fit and active body that you have always been thinking about. Exercising every day can improve your blood sugar levels, cardiovascular health, and your sleep too. Apart from this, your lifestyle will also get affected in a better way. You may have even enrolled in a gym to get proper workout sessions to reach this fitness goal. However, there can be certain possibilities where you won’t be able to hit the gym and may also have to miss out on your sessions. 

Worry not! We have the perfect solution for you to carry out your weight management exercises. When not able to work out in the mornings, you can do some easy activities such as plank, squats, or stretching. Practising these exercises at night can help you in shedding some of the extra kgs. In addition to this, it has also been observed that exercising at night helps you lose weight at a faster rate than in the morning. You can even include some weight management gummies to boost your process of weight loss. 

We have indeed described below some of the best and easy nighttime exercises that you can perform at home and lose weight too!!

1. Knee Pushups 

Wondering about the benefits that knee push ups provide when practised at nighttime? So, let us begin then. For further information, performing knee push ups strengthens your shoulders, arms, and chest. This exercise is also advantageous for those desiring to have abs. 

  • Kneel on the ground.
  • Spread your arms wide and position both hands and shoulder-width apart on the ground.
  • With your centre tight, lower your body until your chest is almost touching the floor.
  • Straighten your arms and push your torso back.
  • Repeat the motion 10-12 times.

2. Plank

Planks have been considered one of the most effective exercises for abdominal strengthening. Performing it at nighttime can not only improve your body’s flexibility but also assist you in getting rid of your back pain if present. Along with boosting your metabolism, this exercise is very beneficial for increasing your muscles. Did you know most people burn almost 2 to 5 calories per minute for holding up the plank position!!! Isn’t that amazing!! 

Come on…start doing planks with these simple steps:

  • Put yourself in a push-up position.
  • Bend your elbows and place the weight of your body on your forearms.
  • Engage your body’s centre part, and tighten your buttocks.
  • The body has to be kept straight beginning from head to heels.
  • Hold on to this position for as long as possible.

3. Lunge Jump

Being one of the high-intensity workouts, practising lunge jumps makes your body sweat more and burn out those added calories. Doing it regularly strengthens your lower parts of the body such as the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, and glutes. In addition to this, it also makes them more flexible and stable. 

Here is the process to make your body ready for practising lunge jumps:

  • Place your feet and hips apart from each other.
  • Bring one foot in front and bow at the knee.
  • Keep lowering till the other knee is just above the surface.
  • Utilising your hands to gather momentum, jump high and change legs before touching down.
  • Your other leg should be positioned in front as you touchdown.

Perform as many repetitions as possible within 60 seconds. You need to carry out three sets of Lunge Jumps with intervals of 60 seconds in between them. 

4. Squats

Performing squats at night is helpful for those wanting to boost their weight loss. Your hips, glutes, quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings help you in performing various basic activities during the day such as sitting, walking, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to build and tone them up properly. Apart from this, once you start practising, the lower body muscles would also be strengthened. You can do as many repetitions in sets of three with 60 seconds of rest in between.

  • Stand shoulder and legs width apart with toes moderately stretched outwards
  • Keep your arms around the waist with palms in. 
  • Kneel, push your butt back, and strengthen your centre.
  • Maintain a flat back and a lifted chest.
  • Bend your arms and put your palms close together in the direction of your chest at the same moment.
  • Return to your initial position and tighten your hips.

5. Stretching

After you are done practising all the high-intensity exercises, it is very important to end your workout session with some stretching. Exercises such as the eye of the needle, seated forward fold, side stretch, arm and wrist stretch, butterfly, etc. can be done at this time. Doing so will provide relaxation to your muscles and also aid in cooling down your body to a resting state. You can even go for a small walk or do deep breathing so that your heart rate is calmed down. 

Have a look at these two stretching poses to complete your workout:

  1. Seated Forward Fold
  • Sit down with your legs outstretched ahead of you.
  • Now, extend the back of both legs by stretching towards your toes or knees.
  1. Eye of the Needle
  • Rest on the back with your right ankle crossed over your left thigh or knee.
  • Take hold of the left thigh and bring that towards your chest.
  • Then repeat the exercise on the other side too.


Practising the above-highlighted exercises at night time can be very beneficial in burning the calories that come in your way when trying to lose weight. These exercises can be easily performed at your home in your favourite space. After regularly working out for a few days, you would get to see effective results in your body weight. Also, do not forget to eat your healthy meals despite working out. 
Furthermore, you are advised to try out some amazing and healthy weight loss gummies. Packed with numerous ingredients including L-Carnitine, Green Coffee, Garcinia Cambogia, and Vitamin-C, “The Beach Body” gummies from “Power Gummies” are a delicious treat to try at night. You simply need to chew two of them to improve your weight loss rate.

weight loss gummies

3 Yummy and Fulfilling Dinner Recipes for Weight Management

While trying to lose extra weight and have a confident and fit body, you may have to start eating controlled meal portions. Commonly known as dieting, consuming a limited amount of food would ensure that no extra calories are being added up to your body. We tend to eat heavier food in the daytime and to balance it out, it is essential that you have something light yet nutritious at night. As our body functions more effectively during this time and burns more fat, it becomes vital for us to keep our metabolism strong. 

There is a perfect quote that defines how our meals should be eaten. It says, “You need to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”. Hence, after a long tiring day of office and workout, we get back to our homes and eat something that fulfils our diet. It may sound fun to eat diet food for a few days but once the regularity begins, you may start disliking it. 

Are you bored of eating those diet foods that don’t feel appealing too and may taste bland?  

Don’t worry! We are going to provide you with some filling and light recipes that you can prepare at dinner and they can be yum as well!!! Eating them will also aid your weight management procedure. So, let us begin:

1. Oatmeal

You may already know about the benefits that oats provide when losing weight. For those who aren’t aware…come on…have a look. Oatmeals are not only rich in fibre but also have a very low-calorie count. Consuming just a single bowl of oatmeal during your dinner time supplies only 166 calories that are absolutely nothing when compared to other grains. In addition to this, the fibre content available would make your stomach full and stop you from binge eating.

Want to cook tasty oatmeal that also provides you with nutrition?? Then begin reading the recipe outlined below:

  • In a pan, put some oil. 
  • Then saute half a teaspoon of cumin seeds (jeera) along with one-fourth teaspoon of hing. 
  • Next, you need to add 10-12 curry leaves, one or two green chilies, one medium-sized onion, and half a teaspoon of finely chopped ginger. Saute these ingredients for almost 10 seconds.
  • Add 1.5 cups of chopped veggies such as beans, bell peppers, carrots, peas, cabbage, etc. You need to cook these vegetables for a minute. 
  • Then you will have to add ½ cup of tomatoes that have been chopped.
  • Further, put 1 tsp of dhania or coriander powder, ½ tsp of haldi powder, and some salt as per your taste. 
  • Now, add 2 ½ cups of water and give everything a boil. 
  • A cup of oats has to be added then. Cook it for around four to five minutes. 
  • Then put some roasted and crushed peanuts and let it cook for another minute. 
  • Garnish your meal with some finely chopped coriander leaves.

2. Soup

Soup can be prepared with multiple ingredients depending upon your choice. From tomato soup to mushrooms to lentils, there are a number of soups available in the world. Consuming soups makes your tummy feel full for a longer time. This helps you to cut down the added calories that you might consume during the night. 

The tasty and healthy vegetable soup recipe that has been mentioned below has its own advantages. Apart from being low in calories, the numerous veggies that will be put into the soup will supply your body with their own nutritional benefits. Isn’t that great?… Hence, you need to follow the recipe then…

  • Put a pan on the stove and add around 750 ml of water. 
  • Chop one potato and add to water.
  • Then put a lid over your pan and give it a boil for some time until the potatoes are half cooked.
  • Once done, put ¼ cup of peas along with a cup of chopped carrots. 
  • Let this mixture boil for at least 3-4 minutes.
  • Next, you can add ¼ cup of sweet corn kernels, half a cup of chopped cauliflowers, around 4 chopped french beans, and a ½  piece of chopped capsicum.
  • Add some pinch of salt as per your requirement, ½ tsp of oregano, and ¼ tsp of black pepper powder.
  • Now, all the ingredients put in the pan have to be mashed with the help of a blender.
  • Also, put one tsp of extra virgin olive oil. 
  • Lastly, let them boil for three to four minutes. 

And you are ready with your tasty and fulfilling vegetable soup!!! Serve it hot to get the most flavours and nutrition out of it. 

3. Namkeen Daliya

When it comes to eating fibrous food for losing weight, daliya has been noted as the first choice. Daliya contains almost 18 grams of fibre!!! Eating food rich in fibre content reduces your appetite and doesn’t make you crave more food. This in turn aids your weight management process. Having a low glycemic index, consuming daliya lowers your blood sugar level. Not many people may like daliya but preparing it with the recipe we have given can make it tasty yet nutritious. 

  • Add 1 tbsp of ghee to a pan.
  • Then put one cup of daliya into it.
  • Roast them for a few minutes. 
  • Next, add 1-1 cup of chopped carrot and french beans and ½ cup of green peas. 
  • Put some salt as needed.
  • Now, add 2.5 cups of water.
  • Cook the added ingredients for a few minutes until the water starts boiling and the daliya is thickened. 
  • Eat the daliya by the time it is hot. 


You need to surely give a try on the dinner recipes that have been provided in the post. Eating them will not only boost your metabolism but also be helpful in receiving the nutrients required during the weight management procedure. Those tasty and multiple veggies added to the recipes would not only be beneficial but also make the dish flavourful. As a result, your body will be able to function more efficiently and burn all the excess calories at night. 
Along with cooking these yummy recipes, you can begin chewing some weight loss gummies that work in enhancing your metabolism and biosynthesis of collagen. “The Beach Body Gummies” which are orange flavoured and have nutritious ingredients such as Garcinia Cambogia extract, L-Carnitine, Vitamin C, and Green Coffee can be tried.

Hair care

The saga of postpartum hair loss and how to end your hair woes with ease

To have a baby is a difficult yet satisfying process called motherhood. A woman does a lot of sacrifice to conceive properly starting from changing food habits, lifestyle, following a strict recommended routine and much more. It’s a rigorous period which is challenging with having to deal with health imbalances, taking care of several nitty-gritties and the fear of giving birth normally. A woman suffers through hormonal imbalances like hair loss, mood swings and weight changes. It’s a known fact that motherhood is no easy-peasy thing to happen and pass away with a whimper. 

Of course there are magical and blessed moments too when your baby smiles at you, grips your pinky finger tightly and laughs sweetly at your sight.This is a phase of mixed emotions with some serious postpartum concerns like hair loss which have to be dealt with care and due concern.

At the time of pregnancy the hormones in a woman’s body change drastically. One of the first hormones to spike is called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(hCG). It is the hormone which indicates that you are pregnant. Pregnancy also causes many other hormone levels to rise including estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, prolactin. The volume of blood also rises during pregnancy to about 50 percent more than the normal volume. After the birth of the baby many hormone levels drop fast which includes estrogen and progesterone. These hormones get back to normal after 24 hours of birth though prolactin level stays high till you breastfeed your child.

Reason of postpartum hair loss 

After childbirth many women have to deal with the problem of hair loss. Initially starting with pregnancy, hair feels particularly glossy and thick. It is because of hormonal fluctuations occurring naturally and estrogen which has a deep impact on the hair growth cycles. A spike in estrogen occurring during pregnancy with increased rate of blood flow slows down the rate of hair falling naturally which results in a thicker amount of hair. But after the birth of the baby these hormone levels start to drop which leads to sudden and large amounts of hair fall. 

How hormones affect hair

Hormones are the topmost reason for hair changes during pregnancy. At the time of pregnancy the high levels of estrogen prevent the usual rate of hair loss. We may have seen that our hair falls out in small amounts daily. But on the onset of pregnancy the hair fall rate decreases. This is supported by increased blood volume and circulation which too contributes to less than normal hair fall during pregnancy.

But when the baby is born the hormone levels drop and hair starts to fall in larger amounts.This rate of increased hair fall can last as long as a year and is at the highest level in the fourth month. 

The time period of postpartum hair loss

Postpartum hair loss starts typically 2 to 4 months after the birth of the child. Generally this is a normal phenomenon as the hair restores itself naturally within 6 months to a year period. During this hair fall period you may experience large chunks of hair falling out which you fear would lead to baldness soon but this is a natural way of your body recalibrating and your hair growth patterns would go back to normal ways in some time.

Things to do about postpartum hair loss

To experience hair fall after pregnancy is very natural and normal which can’t be stopped or altered entirely. It is an absolutely normal phenomenon. 

But there are some ways to keep your hair healthy and prevent damage when it is replenishing itself also making it look fuller.

1.Avoid hair styling by curling iron– Heating the hair with a dryer or curling iron leads to faster thinning. So you should try to avoid styling your hair and let it air-dry naturally till this time of pregnancy.  But if it really is necessary for you to use curling iron then you should use a heat protectant spray to limit hair loss. Brushing hair in a too rough manner can also make your hair fall out more. So try to brush gently with a soft hair brush and don’t brush it more than once in a day. 

2.Focus on diet– You should include a variety of fruits, vegetables and proteins in your diet because at this time a balanced diet will make sure to help in all your metabolic processes better and fulfill the body’s needs of adequate nutrients. Some foods which can improve hair health are dark leafy greens having iron and vitamin C, sweet potatoes and carrots to replenish beta carotene, eggs for vitamin D and fish for omega-3 and magnesium.

3.Have vitamins as supplements– You should take prescribed vitamins as a supplement if you are not taking a balanced diet as they nourish overall health. You should continue with your prenatal vitamins after the baby is born and especially when you are breast-feeding the baby.

4.Take care of hair shampoo– It has been found that conditioning shampoos lead to hair thinning. Then you must use good quality voluminizers which can help reverse this thinning process and give it added luster and gloss.

5.Avoid stress– You should also aim at reducing stress of any sort. You should keep your environment filled with lighter moments and try to keep yourself happy. The initial effort to do so should come from you only. Some ways to avoid stress would be by taking long and relaxing baths, meditating, reading books, listening to music, going for walks and taking time to pamper yourself.


It sometimes is an alarming discovery that despite following your regular hair care routine you find large clumps of hair tangled in your hair brush. This is the time after your pregnancy and you are worried. But you should not panic about postpartum hair loss as it is a perfectly natural phenomenon. It is manageable by following the above given points and focusing on self care. After all, sacrifices lead to bounty gains and in this case your hair woes lead you to see your little bundle of joy playing happily, smiling and even winking back at you. Isn’t that awesome?

weight loss gummies

8 Small Changes in Lifestyle That Can Help With Weight Management

Exercising regularly gets hard for weight management while following a diet is even more of a task! But of course everyone still wants to manage weight and get a confident body. Worry not…we are here to assist you. In this chaotic world, we focus more on physical work to manage weight. We go to gyms for heavy workout sessions, start practising yoga, and do many more such activities. While doing so, we neglect the minor tasks that we can include in our day-to-day life. 

However, are you aware of the fact that it has been observed that starting at a slower pace with some small changes in your daily lifestyle can help you in proceeding toward your weight management goals? Once you commence following certain small changes such as drinking lots of water or taking a timely sleep or eating foods that are prepared at your home, you will slowly and steadily be able to see changes in your body weight too. These activities, once included, can show an effective outcome regardless of the extra workouts performed.

Come on…Let us begin by knowing about the small changes that you can add to your daily life:

1. Take a Good Amount of Sleep

Our body needs to get the proper amount of sleep before starting the next day. An adult requires at least 7-8 hours of sleep to regain the energy required for the suitable functioning of the body organs. In case this remains unfulfilled, you may have to undergo mood swings and experience low energy levels throughout the day. 

Apart from this, not getting enough sleep can even result in increasing your appetite. You may end up eating more at improper timings which will eventually make you gain weight. Thus, not only to manage your weight but also to make your body function properly, you need to take out time for yourself and sleep!!!

2. Drink Ample Water

Sipping water not only makes your thirst go away but is also required to maintain hydration in your body. Drinking at least 2-3 litres of water is essential for controlling the required water content of the body. As a result of sipping enough water, your stomach will feel full which would cut down your binge eating habits and eventually help you lose weight. Not restricted to this, slurping water also aids in boosting your metabolism. Remember… drinking 8 glasses of water a day can boost your weight management journey in a beneficial way! 

3. Go out for a Walk

We tend to incline towards comfortable and easy ways of living life. Due to this, we forget that carrying out some minor activities in our life is important too. Whenever you are free or have woken up early in the morning, you can go out for a small walk. You can sometimes ditch your auto rickshaw for very small journeys and take the walking path instead. This small change will not only help burn some of your calories but you would also be able to overcome health issues including blood pressure and heart stroke. Get a friend with whom you can enjoy walking while talking. 

4. Start Journaling About Your Food

It is essential that you begin maintaining a journal to keep a record of the food that you have been eating throughout the day. After you note them down, you can have a look at them at the end of the day to check on your portions. Along with this, through the food journal, you can also calculate the total number of calories you have been consuming. This will later aid in your weight management procedure as you will start eating your food in the right proportion with adequate nutrients. 

5. Put a Limitation on Packaged/Processed Foods

Are you too binging enough chips, cookies, crackers, or other ready-to-eat food without knowing their harmful effects on your body? Processed and packaged foods have more than the recommended amount of sodium, sugar, and fats that are not good for your body. Eating them can make your body gain weight and can even make you obese. For such reasons, you need to immediately stop eating those foods. Rather you can switch to some healthy and tasty alternatives such as greek yoghourt with some topped berries or some baby carrots dipped in hummus. 

6. Eat Home Cooked Meals

Due to so many advertisements being present around us, we sometimes order food thinking it would be healthy. Despite being named “healthy food”, we do not know whether the ingredients that have been put in are fresh or not. Is the oil that is being used high grade? We don’t know! However, we will surely know about the ingredients that we are putting in our meals prepared at home. These items will be monitored by us and the right amount can be put in as well which can ultimately assist in managing weight. 

7. Go by Stairs When Having a Choice

You might be looking for a lift or an escalator when trying to go up some floors. However, you can switch this practice and take out only a few minutes to climb the stairs. This activity would take just 2-3 minutes but provide you with several benefits. Climbing stairs would not only help you maintain your weight but also make your muscles, joints, and bones stronger. 

8. Try Chewing Weight Loss Gummies

Packed with multiple nutrients, weight loss gummies have proven to be beneficial and shown results in contributing to a person’s weight management journey. You can try purchasing a product by “Power Gummies” that has been specially created for managing your weight. Enriched with ingredients such as L-Carnitine, Green Coffee, Garcinia Cambogia extract, and Vitamin C, chewing “The Beach Body” gummies show a favourable result in losing weight along with performing other weight management activities.


After going through the points, you may now be aware that these small activities that might have been neglected by you would turn out to be more useful. So, begin with them as soon as possible. Grab a glass of water and start your first step towards this new routine.
Also, chewing on some yummy and healthy weight loss gummies from “Power Gummies” should be included as a step in your schedule. Simply consuming two gummies before going to bed would take no time and give a fruitful impact on your weight management process as well.


Yoga Stretches to Ease Stiffness and Pain

Exercise is very important for living a healthy life.

However, most people feel that this will take a lot of time, require a lot of money and they might end up struggling with the technique.

All these things might be true but not all exercises are time-consuming and expensive.

Yoga is one of the best exercises that will help you not only make your body stronger but also enhance your beauty.

Most experts in the health field recommend yoga as the best warm-up exercise.

Yoga has so many different benefits starting from flexibility, reducing the chance of injury as well as improving digestion, and reducing chronic pain.

Yoga is the combination of two types of body exercises.

This involves an easy stretching process that helps with opening up muscles and improving the ease and angle of movement.

The second most important part of yoga is meditation.

The focus of meditation is mainly on the way we breathe.

Most of us have a very shallow breathing pattern.

This shallow breathing pattern means that we only utilize 40 percent of our lung capacity.

The reduced capacity of the lungs also means that our heart and lungs have to work hard just to extract a very small amount of energy.

So, as a result, most people suffer shortness of breath and even suffocation.

Yoga will help in completely reducing shallow breathing and allowing a much better chance of better breathing and workout.

How Does Yoga Ease Body Stiffness and Pain?

There are so many different moves within yoga that you will get to learn eventually.

Almost all yoga moves have one thing in common and that is dynamic stretching.

Dynamic stretching has so many benefits.

It helps you improve the angle of movement so you can move easily without any chance of injury

Yoga also helps in soothing the mind and boosting the mental fitness

Yoga helps in opening muscles, making movement very painless.

Yoga also helps us stay flexible so the chances of injury are reduced to a minimum.

Apart from this, yoga is very good for our overall body movement, helping us lift things easily.

Since yoga will improve the flexibility of the body muscles, the movement will become effortless.

This will ease the stiffness that causes pain due to movement.

Yoga will help you work on your muscles in a progressive manner so the movement becomes effortless.

With the help of this article, we will mainly focus on the top 5 yoga moves that will help you reduce muscle stiffness and ease the pain.

Yoga Stretches to Ease Stiffness and Pain

Downward Dog

Downward dog is also known as downward facing dog and Adho Mukha Shvanasana.

This pose helps in improving the blood flow to your upper body, especially to the head, shoulder, neck, and spine region.

To perform this stretch you will have to stand straight.

Now spread your legs according to the shoulders width.

Now it’s time to lift up your hands and hold them there before you set your position.

Now, you will place your hands right in front and get down on all fours.

It is very important to adjust your posture, especially if you have to stretch your back all the way so the blood can flow toward your brain.

Now, move your torso and keep it in the air for a long time.

Make sure the weight is all on the hands when you turn your head down and not on your neck.

If you use your neck as a weight holder, this will impact the muscles and you might end up with an injury.

Child Pose

This pose is commonly known as the child resting pose or Bālāsana.

This is a very simple pose where you will get on all fours.

Now stretch your hand ahead and lower down your face between your hands.

A simple way is to look at this pose as a table pose.

You will start with equal division of weight on all four limbs and shuffle it to the back limbs while you stretch the front limbs.

Now, reverse this situation and keep your weight on the front limbs while stretching the back limbs.

This stretch is not only good for limbs but also promotes blood circulation in the head, shoulder, and back upper region.

Warrior Pose

Warrior pose is also known as Virabhadrasana I.

This pose falls somewhere between lunge stretched and the high prayer pose

For this pose, you will stand straight and then put one foot in the front.

Now, bend the front foot while you extend your hind foot all the way back.

Raise your hands in a prayer pose, fully stretched and palms arranged up against each other.

You will keep your hands above your head in the prayer pose while you are in the lunge pose.

This pose is very good for the lower body, especially your legs, arms, and shoulder area.

Dietary Supplements Market Forges Ahead with New Launches and Expansions

Dietary supplements market growth would be driven by the rising consumer awareness about general well-being and preventive healthcare. The increase in lifestyle diseases and other chronic conditions also drives the demand for dietary supplements. The increasing disposable income of individuals also aids market growth. The growing trend of personal nutrition will also propel the market’s growth. Product innovations for applying dietary supplements in personal care, weight management, preventive healthcare, and general well-being will contribute to the development of the market. 

The Dietary Supplements Market

As per the report published by The Brainy Insights, the global dietary supplements market is expected to grow from USD 157.22 billion in 2021 to USD 340.62 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 8.97% during the forecast period 2022-2030. The North America region emerged as the largest market for the global dietary supplements market, with a 40.34% share of the market revenue in 2021. North America currently dominates the dietary supplements market due to increasing lifestyle and chronic diseases/conditions, encouraging people towards preventive healthcare such as dietary supplements. The population’s high disposable income is driving the region’s dietary supplements market.
The growing geriatric population is also propelling the intake of dietary supplements that are high in nutritional value and low in caloric content. The rising consumption of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements by working individuals, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and regular people are driving the market.
The Asia Pacific is expected to grow the fastest during the forecast period, given the growing western influence on consuming dietary supplements in the region. The increasing disposable income drives personalized nutrition demand in markets like China, India, South Korea, and Vietnam. The thriving pharmaceutical sector and large consumer base are attracting major market players to the region. Market players are adopting innovative competitive strategies to capture the market by increasing research and development and thereby contributing to the growth of the regional dietary supplements market.

Leading companies in the industry include Abbott, ADM, Amway Corporation, Bayer AG, Glanbia PLC, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Herbalife International of America Inc., Nestle SA, Nu Skin Enterprises Inc., and Pfizer Inc., among others which are offering more significant opportunities and are continuously focused on new product developments and venture capital investments to obtain market share. 

Ingredient type segmentation

The ingredient type segment is divided into vitamins, minerals, enzymes, probiotics, fibers & specialty carbohydrates, botanicals, proteins & amino acids, omega fatty acids, and others. The vitamin segment dominated the market with a revenue share of around 37% in 2021. The application segment is divided into energy & weight management, bone & joint health, immunity, diabetes, lungs, skin/hair, mental health, menopause, prenatal health, anti-aging, insomnia, sexual health, anti-cancer, cardiac health, gastrointestinal health, general health, and others. Over the forecast period, the gastrointestinal health segment is expected to grow the most and acquire the highest market share during the forecast period. It will grow at a CAGR of 12.29%. The form type segment is divided into tablets, soft gels, gummies, liquids, powders, capsules, and others.
The tablet segment dominated the market with a revenue share of around 44% in 2021. The distribution channel segment is divided into supermarkets/hypermarkets, pharmacies, specialty stores, online, and others. The pharmacies segment dominated the market with a revenue share of around 45% in 2021. The growing presence of pharmacies in developing countries will contribute to the segment’s growth. The well-established network of pharmacies in developed countries makes them a popular choice for buying dietary supplements, given their convenience. The presence of pharmacists who can assist customers by offering the proper over-the-counter medication according to their needs is an added advantage driving the development of the segment. The availability of all brands and their products in one place is another significant benefit they offer. 

According to the WHO report “Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Livelihoods and Food Security”, poverty has increased. Around 30 million of the middle-class population slid below the poverty line in 2020. The loss of income has reduced food consumption or the nutritional value, as food of inferior quality has to be consumed. Children of those who lost their livelihoods are suffering from malnutrition, wasting, and stunting. On the other side of the coin, the closure of the school and the sports-related activities conducted in schools have increased the number of obese children. The worst hit countries are in the African continent and the South Asian region of the Asian continent, including India. Dietary supplements can be employed to mitigate the problem of undernutrition and overnutrition. They aid in weight management; they promote digestion and improve immunity. These can fulfill the nutritional requirements of the body as well as help fight diseases and illnesses. 

Regional Segmentation Analysis

The market is analyzed based on five regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and the Middle East and Africa. The Asia Pacific is expected to be the largest market during the forecast period. The dietary supplements market in the Asia Pacific has been expanding rapidly. China, India, South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam dominate the dietary supplements market in the Asia Pacific. Japan’s aging population is inclined towards consuming dietary supplements due to their natural and compact nature in the form of pills, capsules, and tablets, which are easy to in-take. The cases of obesity and malnutrition are increasing in the south Asian region, with the numbers of malnutrition rising because of COVID-induced lockdowns. The cases of malnutrition are a combination of numbers of children with conditions like wasting and stunting. The immunity of individuals has also reduced globally. These factors have increased the need for supplements like probiotics, immunity boosters, and other dietary supplements which promote heart, lung, & gut health, improve digestion, increase immunity and fight off diseases/illnesses. 

About the report: 

The global dietary supplements market is analyzed based on value (USD Billion). All the segments have been analyzed on a worldwide, regional, and country basis. The study includes the analysis of more than 30 countries for each part. The report offers an in-depth analysis of driving factors, opportunities, restraints, and challenges for gaining critical insight into the market. The study includes Porter’s five forces model, attractiveness analysis, raw material analysis, supply, and demand analysis, competitor position grid analysis, distribution, and marketing channels analysis.


6 Ayurvedic Herbs You Need to Give a Try for a Peaceful Sleep

A sound sleep is essential to keep you mentally and physically relaxed. Sleeping peacefully ensures that your next day is full of energy. However, due to our busy and hectic lives, we develop a lot of stress and anxiety. This stress on your mind can restrict you from getting sound slumber. As a result of these issues, you might get a disturbed sleep routine or have to undergo some other sleep disorders. 

Although medicines may help you it but should not be consumed for a longer period. As observed, sleeping pills can be harmful to those having asthma and other lung problems. They may even show some side effects. Therefore, to bring it to your knowledge, our green earth has a lot of ayurvedic herbs that can promote sound sleep. 

Apart from being natural, these herbs won’t show any side effects. Consuming them would aid your disrupted and even release all the stress formed inside your body. Consuming some vegetarian sleep gummies would also be beneficial along with these ayurvedic herbs to provide you with the peaceful and sound sleep that your body and mind need.

Scroll down to these amazing ayurvedic herbs that can aid your sleep issues and reduce your anxiety and stress:


Vacha, scientifically named Acorus Calamus, is an ayurvedic herb that is useful for people having sleep disorders. This herb is a cooling medicinal plant that soothes nerves and induces sleep. It calms down your brain which eventually aids in releasing the tension present in your mind. Vacha has always been used for treating people that have insomnia or anxiety. Apart from helping people doze off peacefully, Vacha is also beneficial in maintaining a healthy stomach, preventing infection, improving throat conditions, and much more. 


Brahmi, an ayurvedic herb, is known for its outstanding outcome in improving alertness and concentration of your mind by reducing emotional turmoil. Due to the link between oxidative stress, neurotransmitter concentrations, inflammation, and HPA-axis activity, the herb holds great potential as a mood-enhancing and sleep-inducing drug. Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri has been recognized as a brain tonic in Ayurveda that can be used for curing digestive issues. It also increases blood flow, which aids the body’s natural process of healing. 


A disturbed Vata dosha, as per Ayurveda, disrupts the nervous system, resulting in Anidra or insomnia.

When such an issue occurs, consuming Sarpagandha can be advantageous in curing it. Scientifically called Rauwolfia Serpentina, this ayurvedic herb is said to help people doze off better. 

Sarpagandha’s sleep-inducing property relaxes the nervous system and provides calm slumber. This ayurvedic herb includes almost 50 different alkaloids. These alkaloids aid in the reduction of high blood pressure which can cure sleep problems. 


If you are always finding your mind in a hyperactive situation, Jatamansi is the one-stop ayurvedic herb that your body needs. It calms down your mind and provides relaxation. As per Ayurveda, an increased Vata dosha makes the nerves sensitive, which leads to Anidra or sleeping disorder. Since Jatamansi has Tridosha balancing properties, it soothes the nervous system. Further, it promotes restful sleep due to its distinctive Nidrajanana (sleep promoting) impact. Apart from this, Jatamansi is a memory booster and an all-natural brain tonic. 


Shankhpushpi is an ayurvedic plant rich in glycosides, alkaloids, and flavonoids that aid to calm your nervous system and relieve mental stress. This herb functions as a natural sedative for anxiety disorders, which provides better sleep. Consuming Shankhapushpi releases all your stress which helps you sleep peacefully.  


Ashwagandha is a very popular ayurvedic herb that you might have already used while preparing tea. But! Did you know that this herb can also aid your sleeping problem? If not then let’s start reading together. Consuming Ashwagandha enhances your sleep quality and may aid in the insomnia treatment process too. The plant’s leaves, in particular, contain a chemical named trimethylene glycol, which promotes sleep generation. This amazing herb can treat your daily problems such as tension, anxiety, and tiredness.


As you may already be familiar with some of the names of these ayurvedic herbs, we hope your knowledge might have grown more after knowing their significance in promoting stress-free sleep. Including these herbs would also have a lifelong effect on your body in a positive way. Once you start consuming them, slowly and steadily you would get to see some outstanding results in regard to your sleep and anxiety. 

In addition to consuming the above-mentioned ayurvedic herbs, you can chew some sleep gummies too. Being enriched with multiple healthy nutrients such as Melatonin, Passiflora extract, and Vitamin B6, the ““Blessful Sleep” gummies from “Power Gummies” can have a significant effect on your sleep. These tasty treats can boost your body’s requirement for a peaceful slumber. The natural ingredients put in these cute little gummies have a non-habit forming formula due to which you can consume them without any fear. You just have to chew 2 of these sleep gummies every day before going to your bed.

aesthetic nutrition

Science-based advantages of meditation

Nowadays meditations expand in ubiquity as an ever-increasing number of individuals know about its advantages. For sure, it assists with preparing your psyche and assisting you with centering and diverting your considerations. Most people get themselves indulged in meditation so that they can remain stress-free. Many individuals use meditation to decrease their feelings of anxiety and to remain positive. Meditation also helps in improving your sleeping patterns, and moreover better agony resilience. In today’s blog, I will be discussing the science-based advantages of meditation. So just keep on reading. 

Managing stress 

As discussed above, most people join meditation classes so that they can keep themselves away from depression. According to various surveys, scientists came to know that mindfulness-based therapy was helpful for people who were suffering from stress, depression, and anxiety. And the good news is that mindfulness therapy is also helpful for those individuals who want to quit smoking. Research has proceeded to demonstrate the way that those side effects of stress-related conditions can likewise be diminished if you perform meditation regularly. There are a bunch of meditation styles that can assist you in overcoming your stress. Individuals with stress-related ailments can likewise encounter decreased side effects with meditation.

When we get depressed and anxious, our body releases the hormones named cytokines, (hormones responsible for influencing one’s state of mind, and this can prompt gloom). 

Another activity was conducted on the individuals who were practicing the meditation therapy and the others who were not. So, it was revealed that the individuals who perform meditative therapy were more positive-minded as compared to those who didn’t.

A better understanding of yourself 

When you will practice the meditation techniques you will find a good version of yourself. It can assist you with growing better comprehension of yourself. In one of the studies, several women suffering from breast cancer were participating. It was found that twenty-one women who were performing meditation therapy was having more and better self-confidence as compared to those women who just took the sessions of social support. 

Along with that, if you are practicing meditative techniques on a regular basis, you tend to get more creative and imaginative when it comes to solving any issue. 

You get more focused

You will notice that with the passage of time you tend to get more focused, as your strength and stamina will improve by practicing meditative therapy. According to one of the studies it has been revealed that the individuals who practice meditative therapy were more focused and attentive, as compared to those who don’t. 

Besides, meditation has additionally been found to invert the cerebrum designs that lead to stress, unfortunate consideration, and brain meandering. Similarly one of the studies revealed that, if you practice the meditation techniques for four to five days you can improve your focusing abilities. 

Clarity of thinking

Our memory starts getting deteriorated with the passage of time. But luckily we can improve our memory and can have more mental clarity by practicing meditative techniques. Meditation can help with controlling depression and assist with working those adapting to look after your relatives who are experiencing dementia. By participating in the mediation you could see expanded memory and mental lucidity. There are expanded advantages as reflection can assist with battling dementia and age-related cognitive decline. 

You become more generous and kind

Due to the positive impact of meditation therapy, you get more kind and generous towards yourself and towards others as well. Individuals can figure out how to expand these sorts of considerations and sentiments to others with the help of training. It is instructed to stretch out to companions, colleagues, and eventually, adversaries as well. In various studies, it has been revealed that the people who performed the meta-meditative techniques (one of the types of meditative therapy which begins with creating kind sentiments and considerations toward yourself) were having more empathy towards other people and towards themselves too. 

Metta meditation is practiced to assist with creating good sentiments, at first towards yourself and afterward towards others. Metta can assist with making energy, sympathy, and empathy towards others. 

Help you to break dependencies

Meditation can assist with creating helpful disciplines which can see you breaking conditions by expanding your attention to triggers for habit-forming ways of behaving and expanding your self-discipline. Meditation can assist individuals with diverting their consideration, controlling their feelings and motivations, increment how they might interpret what is behind their way of behaving, and increment their resolve.

The improved pattern of sleep

A sleeping disorder, eventually, will influence almost a large portion of the populace. A review took two care-based meditation programs that relegated members to two distinct groups randomly. One of the groups practiced meditation, and the other didn’t. The people who practiced meditation nodded off significantly earlier and they dozed for longer. The people who didn’t reflect didn’t have a similar outcome. There are a couple of meditation procedures that can assist you with getting much more peaceful and relaxed. Through meditative techniques, you can improve your sleep quality.