weight loss gummies

5 Easy Night Time Exercises for an Effective Weight Management

Working out regularly is very essential when you want to gain a fit and active body that you have always been thinking about. Exercising every day can improve your blood sugar levels, cardiovascular health, and your sleep too. Apart from this, your lifestyle will also get affected in a better way. You may have even enrolled in a gym to get proper workout sessions to reach this fitness goal. However, there can be certain possibilities where you won’t be able to hit the gym and may also have to miss out on your sessions. 

Worry not! We have the perfect solution for you to carry out your weight management exercises. When not able to work out in the mornings, you can do some easy activities such as plank, squats, or stretching. Practising these exercises at night can help you in shedding some of the extra kgs. In addition to this, it has also been observed that exercising at night helps you lose weight at a faster rate than in the morning. You can even include some weight management gummies to boost your process of weight loss. 

We have indeed described below some of the best and easy nighttime exercises that you can perform at home and lose weight too!!

1. Knee Pushups 

Wondering about the benefits that knee push ups provide when practised at nighttime? So, let us begin then. For further information, performing knee push ups strengthens your shoulders, arms, and chest. This exercise is also advantageous for those desiring to have abs. 

  • Kneel on the ground.
  • Spread your arms wide and position both hands and shoulder-width apart on the ground.
  • With your centre tight, lower your body until your chest is almost touching the floor.
  • Straighten your arms and push your torso back.
  • Repeat the motion 10-12 times.

2. Plank

Planks have been considered one of the most effective exercises for abdominal strengthening. Performing it at nighttime can not only improve your body’s flexibility but also assist you in getting rid of your back pain if present. Along with boosting your metabolism, this exercise is very beneficial for increasing your muscles. Did you know most people burn almost 2 to 5 calories per minute for holding up the plank position!!! Isn’t that amazing!! 

Come on…start doing planks with these simple steps:

  • Put yourself in a push-up position.
  • Bend your elbows and place the weight of your body on your forearms.
  • Engage your body’s centre part, and tighten your buttocks.
  • The body has to be kept straight beginning from head to heels.
  • Hold on to this position for as long as possible.

3. Lunge Jump

Being one of the high-intensity workouts, practising lunge jumps makes your body sweat more and burn out those added calories. Doing it regularly strengthens your lower parts of the body such as the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, and glutes. In addition to this, it also makes them more flexible and stable. 

Here is the process to make your body ready for practising lunge jumps:

  • Place your feet and hips apart from each other.
  • Bring one foot in front and bow at the knee.
  • Keep lowering till the other knee is just above the surface.
  • Utilising your hands to gather momentum, jump high and change legs before touching down.
  • Your other leg should be positioned in front as you touchdown.

Perform as many repetitions as possible within 60 seconds. You need to carry out three sets of Lunge Jumps with intervals of 60 seconds in between them. 

4. Squats

Performing squats at night is helpful for those wanting to boost their weight loss. Your hips, glutes, quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings help you in performing various basic activities during the day such as sitting, walking, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to build and tone them up properly. Apart from this, once you start practising, the lower body muscles would also be strengthened. You can do as many repetitions in sets of three with 60 seconds of rest in between.

  • Stand shoulder and legs width apart with toes moderately stretched outwards
  • Keep your arms around the waist with palms in. 
  • Kneel, push your butt back, and strengthen your centre.
  • Maintain a flat back and a lifted chest.
  • Bend your arms and put your palms close together in the direction of your chest at the same moment.
  • Return to your initial position and tighten your hips.

5. Stretching

After you are done practising all the high-intensity exercises, it is very important to end your workout session with some stretching. Exercises such as the eye of the needle, seated forward fold, side stretch, arm and wrist stretch, butterfly, etc. can be done at this time. Doing so will provide relaxation to your muscles and also aid in cooling down your body to a resting state. You can even go for a small walk or do deep breathing so that your heart rate is calmed down. 

Have a look at these two stretching poses to complete your workout:

  1. Seated Forward Fold
  • Sit down with your legs outstretched ahead of you.
  • Now, extend the back of both legs by stretching towards your toes or knees.
  1. Eye of the Needle
  • Rest on the back with your right ankle crossed over your left thigh or knee.
  • Take hold of the left thigh and bring that towards your chest.
  • Then repeat the exercise on the other side too.


Practising the above-highlighted exercises at night time can be very beneficial in burning the calories that come in your way when trying to lose weight. These exercises can be easily performed at your home in your favourite space. After regularly working out for a few days, you would get to see effective results in your body weight. Also, do not forget to eat your healthy meals despite working out. 
Furthermore, you are advised to try out some amazing and healthy weight loss gummies. Packed with numerous ingredients including L-Carnitine, Green Coffee, Garcinia Cambogia, and Vitamin-C, “The Beach Body” gummies from “Power Gummies” are a delicious treat to try at night. You simply need to chew two of them to improve your weight loss rate.