Natural Skincare Ways To Get Rid of Acne.

11 Natural Skincare Ways To Get Rid of Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages, especially during puberty and young adulthood. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. 

While there are many over-the-counter and prescription treatments for acne, they can be expensive and may have unwanted side effects. Natural skincare remedies for acne, on the other hand, are often less expensive and may have fewer or negligible side effects. These remedies would not only be effective but also easy to implement. 

They are definitely worth trying as a first line of defence against acne. Therefore, we have outlined some of the most effective natural remedies for acne and provided detailed explanations of how to use them. Besides this, it is also recommended to try intaking skin gummies that contain vitamins which in turn can act as an additional benefit in getting rid of acne.

Scroll down to have a look at the natural ways that you can add to your skincare regime for removing acne issues…

1. Tea tree oil 

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has natural antimicrobial properties and can help reduce the growth of acne-causing bacteria. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the swelling and redness associated with acne. You first need to mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil and apply it to the affected area with a cotton ball.

2. Aloe vera 

Aloe vera 

Aloe vera can be one of the natural skincare ways to get rid of acne. It has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help reduce redness and swelling caused by acne. Aloe vera can also help moisturise the skin without clogging pores. Start by applying fresh aloe vera gel to the acne part and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off.

3. Honey

Honey is a natural antimicrobial and can help kill the bacteria that cause acne. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and swelling. Apply raw honey to the affected area and let it rest for around 10-15 minutes. Later, rinse your face. 

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has natural astringent properties and can help unclog pores and reduce oil production. It also has antibacterial properties that can help kill the bacteria that cause acne. You simply have to mix equal parts vinegar and water and apply it to the acne part using a cotton ball.

5. Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the severity of acne. It can also help regulate oil production and boost the immune system. To increase your zinc intake, you should eat foods that are high in zinc such as oysters, nuts, beans, and pumpkin seeds, or take a zinc supplement.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne. It can also help reduce sebum production and kill the bacteria that cause acne. Due to these benefits, it can be added to your skincare. Just brew a cup and let it cool before you apply it to your acne.

7. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can help unclog pores and reduce oil production. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and swelling. You need to apply this liquid gently over the affected acne area. 

8. Turmeric

Turmeric has natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help reduce redness and kill the bacteria that cause acne. It can also help brighten the skin and improve overall skin health. Mix a tablespoon of turmeric with honey or aloe vera gel and apply it to the acne.

9. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is another natural astringent that contains alpha-hydroxy acids that can help exfoliate the skin and unclog pores. It can also help reduce oil production and kill the bacteria that cause acne. Dilute a few teaspoons of lemon juice with water and apply it with a cotton ball.

10. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and improve overall skin health. They can also help regulate oil production and reduce the severity of acne. To increase your omega-3 intake, eat foods high in omega-3s such as salmon, walnuts, and chia seeds, or take an omega-3 supplement.

11. Probiotics

Probiotics can help improve gut health, which in turn can improve skin health. They can further help reduce inflammation and regulate oil production. For increasing your probiotic intake, eat foods such as yoghurt, kefir, and kimchi, or else consume a probiotic supplement.

On the Whole

Acne can be frustrating to deal with, but there are natural skincare remedies available that can help. These can be effective and easy-to-implement solutions for people who want to get rid of acne without resorting to expensive or potentially harmful treatments. It is important to remember, however, that each person’s skin is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. 

Therefore, it may be necessary to experiment with different remedies and approaches to find what works best for you. Additionally, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques, as these can all contribute to overall skin health. Apart from this, chewing skin gummies can be beneficial as well. 

The “Jaw Dropping Skin” gummies are perfect for your consumption. They have been packed with ingredients including Grape Seed Extract, Evening Primrose Seed Oil, Vitamins A & E, and Sea Buckthorn Powder. This amazing composition helps in getting rid of acne and pimples. In addition to this, it promotes a natural glow, helps in protecting your skin from UV radiation, and beautifies your skin from within. 

Two Gummies a Day for Effective Nutrition as we say!!!

weight management gummies

Detoxify the Body with These 5 Wonderful Drinks

Body detoxification is something you might have heard of. If not let us first go through that. The human body has a variety of natural ways to detoxify through sweat, liver and urine as well as faeces. However, the use of preservatives and pesticides has increased the toxin intake of humans to a record level. This is why it is important to alter the diet in order to assist the body in the detoxification process. 

Detoxing is a process that helps organs eliminate the toxins within themselves. If the consumption of toxic substances is not reduced it may cause numerous issues like acidity, stomach pain, bloating, constipation, etc. It may even cause nausea, fatigue, headaches and skin issues. 

Drinking detox drinks every day can help you in boosting your metabolism which in turn can be beneficial in enhancing your weight management procedure. Detox drinks consist of fruits, herbs and antioxidant-rich vegetables that flush out toxins and cleanse the intestine as well. Also, while trying to manage weight, you can begin the consumption of weight management gummies. 

To ensure that you don’t become bored of drinking the same drink for detox every day, we’ve put together a range of options that can aid you in managing weight. Start scrolling then…

1. Mint Cucumber Detox Drink 

Mint Cucumber Detox Drink

Mint is traditionally regarded as the best ingredient for soothing an upset stomach. Mint also improves the flow of bile through the stomach speeding the digestion process. Coupled with antioxidant-rich cucumber and lemon, this cooler is as much a saviour from the toxic overload.

Ingredients That You Require:

  • 1 cucumber
  • 8-10 mint leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Some ice cubes
  • Some iced water
  • A few mint leaves and lemon rings

Its Preparation:

  • Peel, chop and blend cucumber, mint leaves and 1 cup of water. 
  • Strain and discard pulp.
  • Add lemon juice, black salt and dilute with water if needed.
  • Pour the beverage in glasses, put some ice cubes and garnish with lemon rings and mint leaves.

2. Litchi Ginger Lemonade 

Litchi Ginger Lemonade 

Mostly consumed with tea, ginger is traditionally seen as an effective agent against inflammation. This detox drink not only cleanses your vital organs but also packs the flavours of two of your favourite delights – litchi and lemonade. 

Ingredients That You Require:

  • ½ cup of minced ginger
  • ½ cup of fresh lemon juice
  • Ice cubes 
  • 1 glass of litchi juice
  • 1 cup of grapes
  • ½ cup of chia seeds
  • Mint leaves
  • A pinch of salt

Its Preparation:

  • In a jar, put the minced ginger, lemon juice and litchi juice.
  • Add some ice, salt to taste and then blend it well.
  • Pour it in a jar. Further, add sliced grapes and chia seeds to it. Mix it well with a spoon.
  • Finally garnish it with some mint leaves and serve chilled.

3. Jeera Water 

Jeera water can be one of the most basic tricks that you can adapt to detoxify your body. It requires no time and effort in its preparation and also helps in managing loss. Jeera water is said to aid digestion and improve bowel movement. 

It secretes enzymes, which help in breaking down sugars, fats and carbohydrates that keep the gut healthy. Better digestion further helps in improving metabolic rate, leading to healthy weight loss.

Ingredients That You Require:

  • 2 tablespoons of jeera
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Its Preparation:

  • Let jeera and water soak overnight. 
  • Mix jeera in the morning with lemon and honey to provide it with an energising and sweet taste. 
  • Drink it up prior to starting your day, or before a morning workout. 

You can even prepare jeera water instantly with the following method:

  • Take a pan and boil around 2 cups of water.
  • Put some tablespoons of jeera and leave it for at least 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain the water so that the jeera is removed.
  • Put some honey to enhance the taste. Drink it while it’s warm to get the best of results.

4. Carrot Orange Ginger Drink

Oranges are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin C and other nutrients. Carrots are even rich in beta-carotene as well as fibres that aid in healthy weight loss as well as digestion. Ginger is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and is a long-standing remedy for digestion problems such as gastric cramps, stomach cramps, and bloating.

Ingredients That You Require:

  • 1 large carrot
  • 2 oranges
  • ¼ inch of crushed raw turmeric
  • ½ inch of crushed ginger
  • ½ teaspoon of lemon juice

Its Preparation:

  • Take out the juice of carrot and orange in separate portions.
  • Put the juice into a blender. Then add ginger and turmeric.
  • Blend until smooth for around 30 seconds.
  • Now squeeze half a lemon.
  • Strain this mix and serve it. 

5. Haldi Tea

An ideal blend of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components, haldi tea has numerous health benefits. Turmeric, a potent detoxifying spice for the liver, improves the immune system and enhances the function of the liver.

Ingredients That You Require:

  • ½ teaspoon of haldi
  • ½ teaspoon of chopped ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 2 cups of water

Its Preparation:

  • In a bowl, add water, and then put it on the stove to boil.
  • Let it simmer with all the other ingredients.
  • Stir well.
  • Continue to boil the water until it is reduced to half.
  • Strain the water and serve it hot.

In Short

Detoxifying your body is necessary. Doing so helps you to get rid of all the toxins and make your inner body clean. This in turn results in healthy weight management. An added advantage of drinking detox drinks is that they promote metabolism. Apart from doing this, the consumption of weight loss gummies can be thought of. 

Hence, you can go for “The Beach Body” gummies that have a delicious orange twist flavour. These gummies also contain some amazing ingredients such as Green Coffee, L-Carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia extract, and Vitamin C. And you know the best part- they have 0 grams of sugar!

Popping just two of these tasty treats can not only give a boost to your metabolism but promote healthy weight loss. 

Your New Approach to Health!

Women's day celebration at office

How to celebrate Women’s Day at Work

It’s a different day, a different month, and a different year as well, but the question of the celebration of Women’s day remains the same. Every year, around the Globe on 8th March, people celebrate International Women’s Day. However, it’s not an everyday holiday. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating and appreciating women. 

It is a day to reflect on the progress that we’ve made toward gender equality. It’s important to celebrate and empower women who have already achieved and made a name for themselves in every sector, to encourage other potential women across the world. Over the last few decades, women have become a fundamental part of the corporate world. 

They have proven their capabilities and have shown their creativity to lead the organisation successfully. Women’s Day provides the opportunity for the Corporate sectors to acknowledge and appreciate the integrity, efforts, and contribution of women employees. It seems like the best time for the management to keep them motivated. 

In honour of the Day, with the theme #embraceequity, given below are 4 beautiful ideas for Women’s Day gifts for employees:

1. Take the Women Squad out for Lunch or Spa 

Take the Women Squad out for Lunch or Spa

There’s no better way to make a Woman around you feel special or happy than food. You can celebrate the special day either by organising a fancy lunch or bringing in lunch for all the female employees. Later, you can treat them with their favourite desserts for a bright happy sweet smile on their face. 

Other than the food, a gift is an amazing way to express gratitude and appreciation. A Spa Gift Hamper would be the perfect choice for a Women’s day gifts for employees. The fragrance of the hamper will be enticing and it will be perfect to release the stress and tension from their life. 

2. Advocate the Day on Social Media Platforms

Social Media platforms have become a place to express one’s feelings. It would be a great opportunity to use the flexibility of Social Media and show how you celebrate the day in your organisation. Organisations can also get involved in the campaign with the theme #EmbraceEquity. 

They can encourage the staff to pose and take a photo wearing purple in support of the day, and upload it on social media platforms. This will be a great opportunity for a company to portray gender-neutral work culture. 

3. A Simple Thank You from All the Men at the Office

We often forget the impact a simple thank you can have on people. This can be the perfect opportunity for all the men in the company to come forward and share their “Thank you” notes to the women for their hard work and dedication. 

In the end, it’s the small steps and efforts that matter and help to push the notion of Gender equality in the workplace. Given the theme of the year, men can also share their contributions or ideas on the notion of Gender Equity in the corporate world. 

4. Organising Fun Games

Organising Fun Games

A fun day at work is always appreciated. In honour of the Day, you can decorate the workplace to show appreciation towards the women employees and make it more fun and cheerful. You can organise fun activities and games. Competitive matches like Treasure hunts between men and women employees of the organisation can be organised.

 If not outdoor, indoor fun games such as Tambola, UNO, by giving each employee a customised International Women’s Day Bingo card. Or by playing the “Name The Dame” game by dividing the team into two. These fun activities will help in creating a joyful atmosphere.

As a reward to all the Female employees, the company can provide for menstrual leave. This will ensure diversity and inclusion in the workplace and ensure that the organisation is more attentive to the needs of its employees.


It’s high time we appreciate and acknowledge the greater participation of Women in the professional and everyday world. One should of course make the Day special for all the women in their life. However, remember celebrating Women’s day should not be restricted to just one day. Above are some mentioned Women’s Day gifts for employees that one can definitely rely on, but the best gift for a woman always remains the gift of Respect and care. 

Gift her Health with the “That Time of the Month” gummies that are formulated to make your periods better. The delicious strawberry-flavoured gummies are also packed with Passiflora Extract, Vitamin C & B6, Milk Thistle Extract, and Chasteberry Extract. Intaking them just 5 days before your period due date, during the ongoing cycle, and 5 days after they have ended can help you release the period pain, better your mood, and reduce your irritation. It will help you induce a peaceful sleep so that you don’t have to worry about the cramps.

Holi colours

6 Tips to Prevent Damage & Enhance Hair Growth on Holi

Holi, the celebration of colours, is right around the corner. It is a time of happiness, and togetherness, where people play with vibrant colours, dance to music, and indulge in delicious food. While this festival is a lot of fun, it can also cause damage to your hair if proper care is not taken. 

During Holi, people use a wide variety of colours that are usually made of synthetic chemicals, which can be harmful to your hair. These colours can cause hair damage, breakage, hair fall, and other hair-related problems. Therefore, it is essential to take good care of your hair during Holi to prevent damage and promote hair growth

No worries, people! There are a number of essential tips that can assist in preventing hair damage that happens while playing Holi. There are even biotin-rich hair gummies available that can help maintain your scalp health and grow your hair longer and thicker by fulfilling the body’s requirement for healthy growth of hair. 

Hence, let’s have a look at some of the tips that can turn out to be effective in protecting your hair from any damage…

1. Oil Your Hair Before Playing with Colours

hair oiling

Oiling your hair before playing with colours is an excellent way to protect your hair from the harsh chemicals present in the colours. The oil will create a barrier between your hair and the colours, preventing them from penetrating your hair shafts and causing damage. So, apply a generous amount of oil to your hair and scalp, and massage it thoroughly. Coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil are some of the best options for hair oiling.

2. Cover Your Hair

Covering your hair with a bandana, scarf, or hat is another effective way to protect it from damage. This will not only prevent the colours from getting into your hair but also keep it protected from the sun and dust. Make sure to tie your hair up in a bun or a braid before covering it to avoid any tangling.

3. Avoid Tight Hairstyles

Tight hairstyles like braids and ponytails can cause your hair to become tangled and knotted, leading to breakage and hair fall. In fact, this can even take a toll on your hair growth. Instead, opt for loose hairstyles like a messy bun or a simple braid. This will also help prevent colours from getting into your hair.

4. Use Natural Colours

Natural colours

Using natural colours made from flowers, vegetables, and other organic materials is always a better option than chemical-based colours. Natural colours are not only safe for your hair but also for your skin and overall health. You can make natural colours at home by using ingredients like turmeric, henna, and beetroot.

5. Wash your Hair Thoroughly

After playing with colours, it is essential to wash your hair thoroughly with mild shampoo and lukewarm water. This will help remove the colours from your hair without damaging it. Rinse your hair thoroughly until the water runs clear, and make sure to avoid using hot water as it can further damage your hair. Clean hair is also responsible for better scalp health which in turn can aid hair growth. 

6. Apply a Hair Mask

Using a hair mask can help nourish and repair your hair after exposure to colours and other environmental factors. A hair mask can help restore the moisture in your hair, prevent breakage, and promote hair growth. You can make a hair mask at home using natural ingredients like yoghurt, honey, and avocado.

On the Whole

Holi is a fun and colourful festival, but it can also cause damage to your hair. The synthetic colours used during the festival, combined with sun exposure, dust, and pollution, can lead to problems like damage, breakage and hair fall. 

However, by taking proper care of your hair, you can prevent damage and promote hair growth during the festival. Thus, by following the above-mentioned tips, you can enjoy the festival without worrying about hair damage and other hair-related problems. Besides this, it’s also important to look after your scalp health. The better its health will be, the more your hair will grow shinier and longer. Therefore, going for biotin-infused hair gummies can be beneficial. 

Oh! You need to get the best gummies out there and they are none other than the “Gorgeous Hair & Nail” gummies. These tasty treats come in mixed berries adding a splash of flavour to your mouth. Not to forget their amazing ingredients which include Biotin, Zinc, Folic Acid, and Vitamins A to E: all that you need for better growth of your hair. 

Pop just two gummies every day and say goodbye to all hair problems today!

women's day

5 Tips to Pamper Yourself on International Women’s Day

Ladies…it’s time for International women’s day. The 8th of March is a global celebration of women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. It’s a day to honour the contributions of women to society and to raise awareness of the ongoing struggle for gender equality. 

However, women continue to face discrimination, gender-based violence, and a lack of equal opportunities in many parts of the world. Women’s Day is a reminder that there is still much work to be done to achieve gender equality. In addition to celebrating the accomplishments of women, Women’s Day is also an opportunity for women to take some time for themselves. 

Women are often the caregivers, taking care of their families and putting others’ needs before their own. On Women’s Day, it’s important to prioritise your own well-being and indulge in some self-care. Buy yourself a women’s day gift, go shopping, and there’s a lot more that you can do on this day.

Here are some of the tips that you can include to pamper yourself on International Women’s day…

1. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining your mental and physical well-being. This Women’s Day, make sure you take some time to practice self-care. Get enough sleep, eat healthily, and exercise regularly. Take a long bath, read a book, or do something else that relaxes you. You’ll feel better both physically and mentally, and you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.

2. Buy Yourself a Gift

womens day gift

There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a gift every once in a while. It doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant; it’s the thought that counts. Buy yourself a women’s day gift to celebrate your accomplishments and reward yourself for your hard work.

3. Schedule a Spa Day

A spa day can be an excellent way to pamper yourself on International Women’s Day. Find a spa in your area that offers massage, facial, or other treatments that you enjoy. Book an appointment and let yourself relax and unwind. 

Take advantage of the sauna or steam room, and remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. If you can’t get to a spa, you can always create your own spa day at home by lighting candles, playing soothing music, and using your favourite skincare products.

4. Treat Yourself to Your Favourite Food

women's day

Ordering your favourite meal or trying a new restaurant can be a great way to treat yourself on the occasion of women’s day. Food can be a source of comfort and pleasure, and indulging in your favourite dish can be a great way to celebrate Women’s Day.

5. Take a Trip with your Girl Gang

A trip with your girl tribe can be a great way to treat yourself and explore new places. You can plan a weekend getaway or a day trip to a nearby destination. Travelling with your group can be liberating and allow you to have some time to yourself to reflect and recharge. You can have your favourite food, shop for new things, try new adventures, and just enjoy your day to the fullest. 

In the End

Women’s Day is a day to celebrate, honour, and empower women around the world. Ladies…there is no need for someone else to pamper you. You can pamper yourself this International women’s day. It’s essential to celebrate your accomplishments and recharge your batteries. Buy the perfect women’s day gift for yourself. 

You deserve to be celebrated, respected, and given equal opportunities in all aspects of life. Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining your well-being, so don’t feel guilty about taking some time for yourself. You deserve it! You can also get a pack of “That Time of the Month” gummies that are enriched with Magnesium Sulphate, Chasteberry Extract, Milk Thistle Extract, Vitamins C & B6, and much more. Popping simply two gummies can uplift your mood, help you sleep better, and even help you get rid of period cramps. 

Period Care Gummies for your Better Health…Happy Women’s Day!!!

Holi Colours

5 Organic Colours That You Can Make at Home for Holi

Holi is a festival of colours and joy that is celebrated all over India and other parts of the world. During this festival, people smear each other with coloured powder and water. However, most of the colours used during Holi contain harmful chemicals such as lead, mercury, and other heavy metals that can cause skin irritation, allergies, and other health problems. Even your regular skincare routine might also not shield your skin. 

These harmful chemicals can also pollute the environment and affect the water supply. Therefore, to avoid these issues, you should also go for making organic colours at home. This can be a great way to celebrate Holi while also being eco-friendly and safe. Organic colours are made from natural materials such as flowers, spices, and fruits, and do not contain any harmful chemicals.

By making your own organic colours at home, you can avoid using commercial colours that are harmful to your health and the environment. Organic colours are not only safe and eco-friendly, but they are also easy to make at home. You can use a variety of natural materials to make different colours such as red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It is also a good idea to consume collagen gummies that help protect the health of your skin. 

So, let’s get started and learn how to make organic colours at home for Holi…

1. Red Colour

Holi Colour

Creating red colour out of organic ingredients can be beneficial in your skincare. Hence, to make it, you can use dried hibiscus flowers. Grind the flowers into a fine powder and mix it with water to form a paste. You can even use dried red rose petals instead of hibiscus flowers. 

Another way of creating red colour is through the beetroot. First, take a few chopped beetroot flowers and boil them in water. Let it cool and then strain the liquid. You can add this liquid to face powder and play with it during Holi. 

2. Yellow Colour

Turmeric is one of the ingredients that always makes its way into homemade skincare remedies. Yellow colour can be made using turmeric powder. This ingredient can be found in almost all houses. Just take turmeric powder along with gram flour in a ratio of 1:2. 

This will help you form a dry powder which is also termed “gulal”. Those wanting to make a wet paste can take yellow chrysanthemums or marigold flowers. Add the petals and some water to blend them finely to make a thick paste. 

3. Green Colour 

Neem as you know has been used as a skincare ingredient for a long time. But did you know this can also be made into a gulal for your Holi celebrations? Sundry neem leaves and after they have dried up, mix them in a blender to get it in powder form. For making wet green colour, you can use the leaves of spinach or even neem. Dip the leaves for a few hours in water to get green-coloured water.                           

4. Blue Colour

For making blue colour for Holi, take around two tablespoons of blue food colour that is in liquid form. Put this in 3 cups of either talcum powder or cornstarch. Mix them well to form a blue-coloured gulal. You can also make wet blue colour by simply mixing a few teaspoons of blue food colour together with water. This colour will not be harsh and add to skincare. 

5. Orange Colour

Creating organic colours at home, especially orange can be a bit difficult. However, with an easy tip, you can achieve this. To make an orange-coloured gulal, you need around ¾th cup of water, 1 tablespoon of Kewra water, 1 tablespoon of powdered orange food colour, and 3 cups of cornstarch. 

In case you don’t have cornstarch, you can use talcum powder as well. Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly and leave it to dry. After it has dried, strain the mixture finely. Now, you are set to play with your orange colour.

In Short 

Making organic colours at home for Holi is a great way to celebrate the festival while also being eco-friendly and safe. By using natural materials, you can avoid harmful chemicals and create colours that are safe for your skin and the environment. However, while making organic colours at home, it is important to take some safety precautions. 

You should wear gloves to protect your hands from staining. Cover your work surface with newspaper or plastic to avoid staining. It is also a good idea to do a patch test on a small area of skin before using the dye on your body. Besides, you can also do something else as a skincare tip. Intaking vitamins-rich collagen gummies can be a boon to your skin’s health. Therefore, you can stop by the “Jaw-Dropping Skin” gummies. 

These gummies are best for building your collagen and promoting a natural glow to your skin. The ingredients packed in these gummies consist of Evening Primrose Seed Oil, Vitamins C & E, Sea Buckthorn Powder, Glutathione, Grape Sea Extract, and so much more. Popping just two of these lemon twist flavoured gummies can even help combat dark spots, and assist in preventing acne and pimples. 

Have a happy and colourful celebration!

Hair Growth

Which Foods Accelerate Hair Growth?

Having healthy, shiny, and thick hair is a desire for many of you. Being an important part of your appearance, it can greatly affect your self-esteem and confidence. Unfortunately, many factors, such as genetics, stress, hormonal imbalances, and poor nutrition, can negatively impact your hair health and lead to hair loss and slow hair growth

However, by incorporating certain foods and vitamins into your diet, you can promote healthy growth and prevent hair loss. From eggs and nuts to leafy greens and avocados, there are a number of foods that can accelerate growth, so you can have the luscious locks you’ve always wanted. 

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, and consuming an adequate amount of protein is essential for promoting the healthy growth of hair. In addition to protein, your hair also requires a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, Biotin, and vitamin C, to thrive. Therefore, besides including certain foods, you can also include biotin gummies in your routine as they can fulfil your body’s total requirement of nutrients for the healthy growth of your hair. 

Here are some of the foods that can boost your hair growth procedure…

1. Sweet Potatoes

Hair Growth

Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining a healthy scalp and boosting hair growth. Eating sweet potatoes regularly can help to improve the overall health of your hair.

2. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, are high in biotin, which is a B vitamin that is known to promote the healthy growth of hair. They also contain healthy fats and vitamins that are beneficial for hair health. Eating a handful of nuts or seeds each day can help to improve hair and scalp health.

3. Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as iron. These vitamins and minerals are important for hair health and can enhance your growth. Eating a diet that is rich in leafy greens can assist in boosting your hair growth and giving shine to them. You can make salads using your favourite greens and for uplifting the taste, add on some mixed herbs or oregano. 

4. Avocados

Avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, as well as vitamins B and E. These vitamins and fats help to keep the scalp and hair hydrated and enhance the longer growth of your hair.

5. Berries

Berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are high in antioxidants, which help to protect the hair from damage. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for promoting collagen production and improving hair growth.

6. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. These nutrients help to promote a healthy scalp and promote a lenghtier growth of hair. You can consume a cup of greek yoghurt with your afternoon meals or make raita out of it. 

7. Lentils

Lentils are something almost everyone has in their kitchen. However, do you know lentils can help in your hair’s growth? These are great sources of iron, biotin, and folic acid. These vitamins and minerals are essential for hair health and can assist in growing longer and shinier hair. 

8. Quinoa

Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids that are necessary for growing longer hair. It’s also a good source of iron, magnesium, and biotin. Using quinoa, you can make tasty salads, and khichdi and have it during breakfast or dinner. 

9. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a rich source of biotin, as well as protein and iron. These nutrients are essential for hair health and can boost the growth of your hair. You can make tasty chickpeas salad by putting your favourite veggies such as carrots, lettuce, etc., and mixing them together with some dressing. 

10. Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is the building block of hair. They also contain biotin, iron, and other vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair health. Eating eggs regularly can help in making your hair longer and reduce hair loss.

11. Brown Rice

Brown rice is a good source of magnesium, which helps to regulate blood flow to the scalp and grow your hair lengthier. It’s also a good source of biotin and vitamins B and E. Therefore, you just need to replace your white rice with brown rice and add it normally to your meals. 

To Conclude

Incorporating the right foods and vitamins into your diet is essential for promoting healthy    and preventing hair loss. By making simple changes to your diet and incorporating these hair-boosting foods and vitamins, you can achieve healthy, strong, and beautiful hair. 

It’s also important to note that consuming these foods and vitamins in your diet is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to enhancing healthy hair growth. In combination with a healthy lifestyle and regular hair care routine, you can ensure that your hair is the best it can be. Therefore, it is recommended to intake biotin gummies in your routine for an added advantage. Hence, you can start with the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies. 

These mixed berries-flavoured tasty treats have essential nutrients such as Biotin, Zinc, Folic acid, and Vitamins A to E. Chewing simple two of these delicious gummies per day can help you grow your hair lengthier. Besides this, it would also improve your scalp health making your hair follicles grow stronger and boosting their shine. So, make sure to add these and enjoy the benefits of luscious, healthy locks!

valentines day

Valentines Day- What is It?

Valentines Day is something almost everyone has heard of. Every year people celebrate it on February 14th. Although it’s a western tradition, people in our country have also started celebrating it and it has gained popularity over the years. But do you know the actual reason why this day is celebrated and what is its significance? Well…if not…this is the right place for you. Let’s dig deep and know more about this. 

Long ago, the Roman Empire was undergoing a period of intense persecution of Christians. According to that, Saint Valentine defied the emperor’s ban on marriage and continued to perform secret marriages for young couples. He was eventually imprisoned and executed for his actions on February 14. Due to this, he became a symbol of love and devotion and was eventually recognised as the patron saint of lovers.

Another theory is that the holiday was influenced by the pagan festival of Lupercalia, which was celebrated in Rome in mid-February. This festival involved the exchange of love notes and the pairing of romantic partners, which may have inspired the later association of Valentine’s Day with romantic love.

Regardless of its origins, the holiday of Valentines Day has evolved over time to become a day to celebrate love and affection between partners. The holiday is now celebrated in many countries around the world and has become a significant part of popular culture, with many people exchanging cards, gifts, and messages of love on February 14.  In addition, couples go out to dinner, exchange love messages, or spend time together to celebrate their love.

Guys, giving gifts is a common tradition on Valentines day. Thus, you need to collect some amazing valentine gift ideas for her so that you can present the best one. 

Valentines Week & Its Significance:

Valentine’s Week is a seven-day celebration leading up to Valentine’s Day on February 14th. This week is a time to express love and affection through various gestures and activities. Each day of the week has its special significance, and people often exchange gifts and messages to show their love and appreciation for their partner. 

Here is a list of the seven days of Valentine’s Week and their significance:

1. Rose Day (February 7th) 

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On this day, roses are exchanged as a symbol of love and affection. Roses have been a traditional symbol of love for centuries, and the exchange of roses is a way for people to express their love and appreciation for each other.

2. Propose Day (February 8th) 

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People make romantic proposals to their loved ones on Propose Day. This is an opportunity for couples to express their love and commitment to each other, and to take their relationship to the next level.

3. Chocolate Day (February 9th) 

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As its name suggests, chocolate day is meant for exchanging chocolates. They are given as a symbol of sweetness and love. Chocolates have long been associated with love and romance, and are a popular gift on Valentine’s Day.

4. Teddy Day (February 10th) 

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Teddy bears are a symbol of comfort and affection. Teddy bears have a long history of being associated with comfort and love and are often given as gifts to children and loved ones. Hence, February 10th is celebrated as Teddy Day as people give their partner teddy bears. 

5. Promise Day (February 11th) 

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On this day, couples make promises to each other to strengthen their relationship. This is an opportunity for couples to commit to each other and make a promise to always be there for one another.

6. Hug Day (February 12th) 

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Hugs day is when hugs are exchanged as a symbol of love and comfort between love partners. Hugs are a physical expression of love and affection and are a way for people to show their love and support for each other.

7. Kiss Day (February 13th) 

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On this day, kisses are exchanged as a symbol of love and affection. Kisses are a physical expression of love and affection and are a way for couples to show their love and commitment to each other.

8. Valentines day (February 14th) 

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February 14, as you might know, is D-day, Valentines Day. It is the day to express love and affection towards others, usually through gifts, cards, and messages. And to make this day more memorable, you should plan on giving some unique valentines day gifts to your special one. 

Summing Up

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that has evolved from a religious observance to a cultural celebration of love and affection. Whether celebrated as a romantic holiday or a day to honour all forms of love, Valentines Day remains an important day for people around the world to express their love and appreciation for those they care about. So, guys and ladies, buckle up to express your love and affection towards your partner and show how deeply you are in love with them.

valentines day

How to Look Gorgeous on Valentines Day?

Valentines day is knocking at the door ladies! It’s time to channel your beauty. And if you are going out for a date, lunch or dinner, you cannot miss this chance. You have to keep the limelight on yourself and be absolutely gorgeous. But do you know to be that perfect one out there, you need to keep everything in accordance with your date plan? 

First, you need to check up on your outfit followed by the makeup, hairstyle, and other factors that you will get to know as you read down further. Beauties, also make sure that you need to take care of your skin’s health as applying makeup can interfere with that. Therefore, it is advised to try consuming skin care collagen gummies that help in building collagen and enhancing the health of your skin. 

Thus, the key to looking gorgeous on your Valentine’s date is to focus on feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin and body. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can look and feel your best on this day. Ladies…you also need to plan valentine gift ideas for him to make the moments more special. 

So, let’s scroll down and know how you need your valentine’s day attire…

1. Outfit 

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The first and foremost thing before going on Valentines day is to pick an amazing outfit that looks pretty on your body. Go for a flattering outfit that makes you feel confident. You can prefer a classic little black dress or some trendy jumpsuit that you are comfortable in. 

You also need to keep in mind the venue and the timing of the date. In case you are going for a lunch date, you can wear subtle shades of red, pink or white whereas when going for a dinner date, you can wear a black or red dress. But above all! Remember you should feel comfortable wearing it. 

2. Makeup

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The next step is to decide the makeup that you’re gonna wear with that outfit. But first, do some skin care by cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising it before starting off with the makeup. You also need to choose the makeup that enhances your natural beauty. Thus, you can try out some smokey eye makeup or glittery eyes. Along with this, you can put any shade of red lipstick to glam up your look. 

3. Hairstyle

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A well-groomed hairstyle can make a huge difference to your overall attire on Valentines day. You can also go for a haircut or get your hair coloured to upgrade your look. Other than that, you can create various hairstyles as per your face cut, such as braids or a high ponytail. You can even leave your hair flowing if that suits your face.  

4. Accessories

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Next and one of the important things that you might overlook is accessories. They can add a touch of elegance to any outfit and can be used to draw attention to your best features. You can add some statement pieces or can even put on some clips to your hair in order to boost your look. 

5. Footwear

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Last but not the least, you need to have a check on your footwear as well. Your dress’s look would get even better when you get a pair of matching heels. Broad heels or stilettos can be perfect for this occasion. However, you can go on with your matching shoes as well. Just make sure to be comfortable. The more comfortable you will be, the more you will be able to enjoy the moments spent with your Valentine. And yes the valentine day special gift is important as well. 

In Summary

When you focus on all the parts contributing to enhancing your attire, you look absolutely gorgeous on Valentines day. The hairstyle, the makeup, the accessories, the outfit, everything is essential in order to achieve that perfect look. Remember ladies, you need to take care of your skin’s health Therefore, it’s recommended that you start consuming vitamin-rich skin care gummies. 

Hence, you can move forward with the “Jaw-Dropping Skin” gummies. These lemon twist-flavoured gummies are enriched with Evening Primrose Seed Oil, Sea Buckthorn Powder, Grape Seed Extract, and Vitamins C & E that build your collagen and provide the ultimate skin care. Chewing two of them every day can improve your skin’s health. Besides this, it would also be beneficial in getting rid of acne and pimples, thus beautifying the skin from within. 

Hey wait! Don’t forget to carry that smile on your face!

valentines day

6 Unique Valentines Day Gifts for Your Partner

Valentine’s Day is a day of love and romance, a day to celebrate the special bond that you share with your partner. It is a day to show your love and appreciation for the person who brings happiness and joy into your life. You might have been giving traditional gifts such as chocolates, flowers, and jewellery all these years and you were always appreciated. 

However, this year if you want to go the extra mile and make your partner feel truly special, you need to think outside the box. This is where unique Valentines Day gifts come into play. Worry not dear, we are here to help you find the most unique gift that will help strengthen the bond between you two. We have put down some unique gift ideas among which you can choose the ones that go with the likings of your partner. 

Start scrolling through the numerous valentines day gift ideas that are unique and can express your love to your special one…

1. Two State Necklace

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Among some other unique valentines day gifts, a two-state necklace can also be your choice. This can be perfect for you two if you both belong to different states or regions. This will make your partner express your feeling that love has no boundaries. 

2. Long Distance Bracelets with Touch 

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Tired of being in a long-distance relationship? Being far from your partner on Valentine’s day can sadden your mood. However, there’s a perfect and unique gift that you can give your love this Valentine’s so that they get to know that they are close despite the distance. 

These are none other than long-distance bracelets that you and your partner can wear on their wrists. When one of you misses the other, you just have to tap on the bracelet and your partner’s bracelet will light up and vibrate. You just have to recharge them and download an application that will connect both bracelets. 

3. Keychain with QR

valentines day gift

Another valentine’s gift that you can go for is a keychain. You might be thinking what’s unique about this? But for your information, this keychain is a little different. You can customise it and put in a QR code. So, when your partner scans this QR, their favourite song will start playing on Spotify. 

You can even curate a playlist of their favourite songs and after scanning the code the playlist would come up on their phone among which they can play what they want. This would be a unique gift and your partner would appreciate your efforts. 

4. Acrylic Plaque with Personalised Song

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Every couple has a favourite song on which they both remember their memories and vibe together. Hence, why not cherish those moments again and engrave that song on a plaque? You can even customise the plaque with your favourite photo together. 

5. Curated Guitar Pick

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Music bonds people. And if your partner and you both connect on music and a plus point is if he/she likes playing the guitar, you can take this up and choose the valentine day special gift. You can gift your partner a wooden guitar pick that has been personalised. You can engrave your favourite day or date or can even write some code which only you both know. This can make them remember you whenever they try to play some beautiful song. 

6. Capsule Letters

valentines day gift

Those who want a sentimental and romantic gift for their partner can surely go for capsule letters. These capsules are obviously not edible. It contains small messages that you can write for your partner, some small and cute messages, to express your love and feelings for them. You can put the messages back and close the lid. So, whenever your partner misses you, he/she can pull out a capsule and read the messages.

To Conclude

Giving gifts on Valentines day is a common romantic gesture. However, giving some unique valentines day gifts can make it different and your partner would end up loving this more. When you make an effort in finding the best and most unique gift, your better half would appreciate it and get to know how strong your feelings are for them. Therefore, by going through the above-highlighted ideas, you can now find the best gift for your love. Also, make sure that you think about your partner’s choice when selecting the gifts as this would make them more personalised.