Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote physical and mental well-being. In addition to its many health benefits, yoga is also believed to promote hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp and reducing stress levels.
Growing hair is a complex process that is influenced by many factors, including genetics, diet, and lifestyle. While yoga may not be a magical solution to hair loss, it can be a helpful tool in promoting the healthier growth of hair. However, by performing specific yoga asanas daily, you can potentially improve blood flow to your scalp, reduce stress, and support overall hair health.
In this way, yoga can be a natural and holistic way to care for your hair and promote its growth. Furthermore, to increase the pace of the growth, you can also begin intaking biotin gummies that will provide the required nutrients to your hair and help it grow longer and thicker.
Here are the yoga asanas that are beneficial for having healthy hair growth…
1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the most common yoga poses, and it helps in increasing blood flow to the scalp, which can improve hair growth. In case you are suffering from medical issues such as high blood pressure, diarrhoea, dislocated shoulder, or retinal detachment, you should avoid doing this pose.
- Start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
- Then, tuck your toes and lift your hips up towards the ceiling while straightening your legs.
- Press your hands into the mat and lengthen your spine.
- Hold the pose for a few deep breaths or around 30 to 45 seconds, then release.
2. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Uttanasana can stimulate the hair follicles and increase circulation to the scalp, promoting better growth of hair. Those having an injury in areas such as the lower back, ankle joint, or knee joint, are advised not to perform this asana.
- To do this pose, stand with your feet hip-width apart and fold forward at the hips.
- Let your head hang down towards the ground, and grab onto your ankles or calves.
- Hold the pose for about 15 to 30 seconds before releasing it.
3. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)
Vajrasana can help in reducing stress and anxiety, which are common causes of hair loss. As you perform this pose while sitting upright, nutrients get absorbed properly by the body promoting healthier hair growth. Your digestive issues can also be treated through this pose.
- First, sit on your heels with your hands resting on your thighs.
- Take deep breaths and focus on relaxing your body and mind.
- Hold the pose for at least 30 seconds to a few minutes.
- Slowly release the pose.
4. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Sarvangasana is an advanced yoga pose that improves blood circulation to the scalp, which can boost growth and prevent hair loss. People suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems, or slip disc should avoid doing this pose.
- Begin by lying on your back with your arms by your sides.
- Lift your legs up towards the ceiling and use your hands to support your hips as you raise them off the ground.
- Keep your legs straight and your feet bent.
- Stay in this pose for a few seconds till you go back to the original position.
5. Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose)
Sasangasana helps in stretching the spine and improving blood flow to the scalp, which can thus lead to healthy hair growth.
- Commence on your hands and knees with your hands on your lower back.
- Then lower your forehead towards the ground while reaching back to grab your heels.
- Keep the position for some seconds and then return to your comfortable position.
6. Balayam Yoga (Rubbing Nails)
It is one of the easiest yet most effective yoga poses. Balayam Yoga involves rubbing the fingernails together, which can stimulate growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. You just need to sit comfortably and rub your nails together for 5-10 minutes every day.
7. Kapalbhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)
Kapalbhati Pranayama can help in reducing stress levels, which can prevent hair loss and grow your hair longer. Practising this pose early in the morning before consuming any food can give you effective results.
- For performing this breathing technique, sit comfortably and take a deep breath in.
- Then, exhale forcefully through your nose while pulling your belly in towards your spine.
- Repeat for 10-20 breaths.
In a Nutshell
While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for promoting hair growth, yoga can be a helpful addition to your hair care routine. The various yoga asanas that focus on improving blood circulation to the scalp and reducing stress can help support overall hair health and promote growth. Besides doing this, it is also recommended to consume biotin gummies that fulfil your scalp’s requirement for healthier growth of hair.
So, if you are confused about which gummies to go with, you can certainly stop by the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies. These gummies are packed with all the required nutrients such as Vitamins A to E, Folic Acid, Biotin, and Zinc. Chewing two of these mixed berry-flavoured gummies every day can improve your scalp’s health, and stimulate your hair follicles for longer growth of hair. This would even help grow your hair longer and thicker than before.