
Women’s Health

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Period Care: Never Miss These 6 Signs About Periods

Every woman undergoes a different period cycle, from moderate to severe, and distinctive symptoms. An average menstrual cycle lasts for 3 to 7 days, and in case you experience any changes in your monthly cycle, you must be aware. Pay attention to those unbearable symptoms and keep thinking, is there a thing as a normal period? Let’s find out the symptoms you shouldn’t ignore; what are the period problems or symptoms worth discussing with a medical professional.

Irregular periods

As we said earlier, normal is a flexible term for describing periods, and most women have a cycle that lasts 21 to 35 days. If you are missing out on your periods, it is best to find out the cause behind it before it grows into major complications. Find out what are the possible reasons that might affect your period cycle.

  • Stress: Severe long-term stress can actually be a problem of irregular periods. 
  • Extreme Fluctuations in Physical Activity: Losing or gaining weight might cause period problems because it affects your hormones. 
  • Birth Control: Using hormonal birth control pills can affect your period cycle, and it can also affect how often you get your period. 
  • PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome): This condition can also be a major factor causing a disturbance in your menstrual cycle. 
  • Perimenopause: If you are in your late 40s or 50s, you start getting closer to your menopause period. You are officially in that period if they stopped for 12 consecutive months. However, fluctuation can happen.

Heavy Bleeding

Your annoying Aunt Flow might visit you often. A heavy menstrual flow is common, and period blood volumes vary from woman to woman. However, abnormal menstrual flow can also be an indication of menorrhagia. Causes of heavy menstrual flow may include:

  • IUD (Intrauterine device): This birth control method can cause heavy flow as a side effect. 
  • Endometriosis: Tissue that normally lines your uterus grows in other sections of your pelvis, causing this illness. Each month, the tissue in your uterus expands and is eventually lost during your period.
  • Hormonal imbalance: PCOS and hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) are two conditions that can impair hormone production. Hormonal changes might thicken your uterine lining more than usual, resulting in heavier periods.
  • Bleeding disorders: Like Von Willebrand disease, an inherited clotting disorder. The heaviness of your flow can also be affected by these illnesses.
  • Pregnancy complications: Heavy bleeding is common in miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. It’s crucial to remember that these things can happen very early in pregnancy, so you might not even be aware you’re pregnant.

Intense Cramps

Cramps are a common symptom of menstruation. Usually, they’re caused by uterine contractions that press the lining of your uterus outward. Cramps usually begin a day or two before your period starts and continue for two to four days. Crampings can be mild and unbearable for some women. Dysmenorrhea is a term for more intense cramps. PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), STDs (sexually transmitted illnesses), stress, adenomyosis, fibroids, and other conditions can also produce unpleasant cramps.

Breast Pain

During your periods, your breasts might feel a little tender. Hormone fluctuations are most likely the cause of the discomfort. There can sometimes be pain in your armpit, where some breast tissue is known as the Tail of Spence.

Abnormally Long or Short periods

Periods can range from two to seven days in length. Short durations of time may not be cause for concern, especially if they are often for you. Hormonal birth control can also reduce the length of your cycle. Menopause can also cause disruptions in your regular cycles. However, if your periods suddenly become substantially shorter, consult your physician. Your periods may be longer than normal due to the same variables that produce heavy bleeding. Some of the examples are hormone imbalances, fibroids, and polyps.

Abdominal pain

What happens in your uterus has an impact on its surroundings. During that month, most women have diarrhea, abdominal pain, or both. It’s probably nothing to be concerned about if this is part of your period’s usual operating procedure. If not, it could be a symptom of a more serious medical disease, such as PID. Excessive fluid loss from diarrhea can lead to dehydration, and if it gets out of hand, you should visit a doctor.

No matter which period symptoms you face or affects you, don’t ignore them. Talk about your menstrual cycle problem with your physician so that it won’t disturb your routine even on those days. 

Pick Sustainable Products from the Period Care aisle

Choose Better: Pick Sustainable Products from the  Period Care aisle

Menstruation is an inevitable part of a woman’s life, and it comes with a necessity to use menstrual products. We are familiar with plastic pervading modern life, and there is no exception for period care products. In the name of attractive packaging, we can see a spike in menstrual products with unnecessary plastic packaging. Most menstrual products contain up to 90% plastic (excluding packaging). 

So, is there a better solution? Since the expansion of feminine hygiene care products came into existence. Many options are available in the market that can help women imagine better-safe period care and, at the same time, become environmentally conscious. 

You can add sustainable menstrual products like period underwear, menstrual cups, and other eco-friendly alternatives like biodegradable sanitary napkins, cotton tampons, etc. So, here’s to embracing menstruation as a way to make our everyday routines more sustainable and encourage huge organizations to follow suit. Check out the mentioned below that can help you save money and time while also helping conserve Mother Earth.

Why You Choose Them and How To Choose

  • Choose antimicrobial-infused products to maintain hygiene, which will help you make sanitary as simple as possible.
  • Choose products free of hazardous polymers because they are not good for you or the planet’s health.
  • Many menstrual products include phthalates and other chemicals that might affect your health and the environment. Select items that are free of these dangerous chemicals. 

Reusable period care products are the greatest and most environmentally friendly products. Let’s look at some of the best menstrual products to incorporate into your daily routine.

Menstrual Cups 

Menstrual cups are one of the most eco-friendly goods available because they can be reused yearly. It is one of the best menstrual products, made of medical-grade silicone, and capable of working for 12 hours without changing. Menstrual cups are a boon for women who have heavy periods. Plus, they are also available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some brands that sell menstrual cups are Peesafe, Sanfe, Sirona, and much more. 

Reusable Sanitary Pads

The thickness and size of reusable cotton pads can be customized. Compared to synthetic napkins, they may be more comfortable to wear and less prone to induce allergic reactions/rashes. You can protect your intimate area from chemicals found in disposable sanitary napkins and tampons by using reusable sanitary napkins and tampons. The soft and breathable materials make these pads keep the intimate area odour-free. Peesafe, FabPad, and Giocare are one of the brands that sell cotton pads.

Menstrual Discs 

Menstrual discs are similar to menstrual cups, except that they do not require insertion into the vaginal canal. They usually work for 4-5 hours per day. However, they are not as reusable as menstrual cups and must be discarded after a few years of use. Many brands like Sirona, Peesafe, Safecup, etc., are some of the brands that sell menstruation discs.

Period Underwear 

These period underwear are both leakproof and absorbent. Safecup, Lemmebe, etc. are some of the period underwear brands available. Period Underwear eliminates the need for a tampon or sanitary pad, making this period underwear 100% eco-friendly. These underwear are made of nylon and elastane, making them easy to wash and absorb. Period underwear can endure for up to four years. 

Biodegradable Sanitary Pads

Biodegradable sanitary napkins are eco-friendly, which makes them perfect for compost bins. Some brands have begun producing biodegradable sanitary pads utilizing bamboo or banana fibre, making them completely natural and environmentally friendly, biodegradable and compostable and manufactured from plant components. They are not just better for the environment but also for your skin than standard disposable pads. Azah and Plush are one of the brands that sell biodegradable sanitary pads.

Cotton Tampons

Many brands have started selling 100% cotton tampons like Sirona and Peesafe. These tampons are composed entirely of cotton, as the name implies. These tampons are free of chemicals and synthetics. As they are biodegradable, they are easy to decompose within a shorter period

Choose whatever option suits you best according to your needs and lifestyle, and make sustainable menstruation a must. Make a better choice for both your body and your environment.