
Yoga Stretches to Ease Stiffness and Pain

Exercise is very important for living a healthy life.

However, most people feel that this will take a lot of time, require a lot of money and they might end up struggling with the technique.

All these things might be true but not all exercises are time-consuming and expensive.

Yoga is one of the best exercises that will help you not only make your body stronger but also enhance your beauty.

Most experts in the health field recommend yoga as the best warm-up exercise.

Yoga has so many different benefits starting from flexibility, reducing the chance of injury as well as improving digestion, and reducing chronic pain.

Yoga is the combination of two types of body exercises.

This involves an easy stretching process that helps with opening up muscles and improving the ease and angle of movement.

The second most important part of yoga is meditation.

The focus of meditation is mainly on the way we breathe.

Most of us have a very shallow breathing pattern.

This shallow breathing pattern means that we only utilize 40 percent of our lung capacity.

The reduced capacity of the lungs also means that our heart and lungs have to work hard just to extract a very small amount of energy.

So, as a result, most people suffer shortness of breath and even suffocation.

Yoga will help in completely reducing shallow breathing and allowing a much better chance of better breathing and workout.

How Does Yoga Ease Body Stiffness and Pain?

There are so many different moves within yoga that you will get to learn eventually.

Almost all yoga moves have one thing in common and that is dynamic stretching.

Dynamic stretching has so many benefits.

It helps you improve the angle of movement so you can move easily without any chance of injury

Yoga also helps in soothing the mind and boosting the mental fitness

Yoga helps in opening muscles, making movement very painless.

Yoga also helps us stay flexible so the chances of injury are reduced to a minimum.

Apart from this, yoga is very good for our overall body movement, helping us lift things easily.

Since yoga will improve the flexibility of the body muscles, the movement will become effortless.

This will ease the stiffness that causes pain due to movement.

Yoga will help you work on your muscles in a progressive manner so the movement becomes effortless.

With the help of this article, we will mainly focus on the top 5 yoga moves that will help you reduce muscle stiffness and ease the pain.

Yoga Stretches to Ease Stiffness and Pain

Downward Dog

Downward dog is also known as downward facing dog and Adho Mukha Shvanasana.

This pose helps in improving the blood flow to your upper body, especially to the head, shoulder, neck, and spine region.

To perform this stretch you will have to stand straight.

Now spread your legs according to the shoulders width.

Now it’s time to lift up your hands and hold them there before you set your position.

Now, you will place your hands right in front and get down on all fours.

It is very important to adjust your posture, especially if you have to stretch your back all the way so the blood can flow toward your brain.

Now, move your torso and keep it in the air for a long time.

Make sure the weight is all on the hands when you turn your head down and not on your neck.

If you use your neck as a weight holder, this will impact the muscles and you might end up with an injury.

Child Pose

This pose is commonly known as the child resting pose or Bālāsana.

This is a very simple pose where you will get on all fours.

Now stretch your hand ahead and lower down your face between your hands.

A simple way is to look at this pose as a table pose.

You will start with equal division of weight on all four limbs and shuffle it to the back limbs while you stretch the front limbs.

Now, reverse this situation and keep your weight on the front limbs while stretching the back limbs.

This stretch is not only good for limbs but also promotes blood circulation in the head, shoulder, and back upper region.

Warrior Pose

Warrior pose is also known as Virabhadrasana I.

This pose falls somewhere between lunge stretched and the high prayer pose

For this pose, you will stand straight and then put one foot in the front.

Now, bend the front foot while you extend your hind foot all the way back.

Raise your hands in a prayer pose, fully stretched and palms arranged up against each other.

You will keep your hands above your head in the prayer pose while you are in the lunge pose.

This pose is very good for the lower body, especially your legs, arms, and shoulder area.