Yoga, as you all know, is a form of exercise that has been practised in our country for a long period of time. The yoga poses or asanas, when practised on a regular basis, increases the metabolism of your body. It can also improve flexibility and mental well-being. Yoga is a way to stretch your body and aids in blood circulation.
Yoga is not a tough practice at all. Thus, this practice can easily be included in your daily regime. It’s also a good way to reduce stress. It is, therefore, a fantastic method to live a healthier way of life. You might think of yoga as a way to practise meditation and mindfulness. It’s because yoga is slow, steady which is why nobody would think of it as a way to lose weight.
However, that’s not the case. If you do yoga properly and you are committed it can yield significant outcomes. Yoga not only increases your flexibility and mental well-being but can also help you burn calories fast. This is, in fact, a healthy way of managing weight. It also heals your body within. Additionally, it is advisable to chew some weight management gummies that will help you in boosting this journey.
Down below are listed some of the yoga poses that will help you in managing your weight…
1. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The bow pose is an excellent method to begin. It helps strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, while also providing them with an intense toning effect. It also stretches your entire body. This can result in losing weight over time. Furthermore, it helps to improve posture. In case you suffer from headaches, back problems, or neck pains that are severe, avoid this pose.
Know how to form this pose:
- Lay on the floor on your stomach.
- Bring your toes towards the floor, and then slowly bend your knees.
- Now, grasp your ankles with your hands.
- Inhale and then lift your upper body off the floor.
- Then exhale and stretch your legs and back. Keep holding your legs firmly.
- Take your head up and look straight.
- Maintain the same position for about 10 seconds.
- Practise this posture around 10 to 15 times.
2. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
Bridge pose is the perfect choice for you in case you have been looking for simple yoga asanas to manage weight. It’s a kind of yoga posture that bends the back and helps in relaxing it. It can help energise your body and make it more flexible.
This pose targets the glutes, thyroid, spine, shoulder as well as thighs. It even assists in improving digestion as well as reducing menopausal and hypertension symptoms. Do not perform bridge poses in case you are undergoing neck or shoulder injuries.
Know how to form this pose:
- Place your body upon your back. Bend your knees and your feet to the floor. They should be hip-width apart.
- Move your feet to your hips.
- Make sure your feet are in a straight line.
- Try to raise your body with the stomach facing upwards.
- Your chest and chin must be in the right place.
- Relax, and then try to repeat the posture around 10 to 15 times.
3. Phalaksana (Plank Pose)

A plank is a great pose for strengthening your core. This is a simple pose but has many advantages. It builds your core strength as well. This yoga pose is also excellent for relieving back pain. Moreover, regular practising of phalakasana is a great stress buster. Also, avoid putting too much pressure on your wrist and knees while performing this pose.
Know how to form this pose:
- Get into the push-up position.
- Using your palms, you need to then lift the upper body against the floor.
- Now, relax the neck by looking downward.
- Hold this position for around ten to fifteen seconds.
- Repeat this yoga pose about 10 to 15 times.
4. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
It is one of the foundational yoga poses and an ideal pose for beginners to try. Trikonasana is one of the best yoga exercises for weight management. This yoga pose is perfect for stretching your shoulders and hips muscles. Besides doing so, it can also aid in reducing the stored stress of your body. But wait! Don’t try to overstretch or strain your neck when performing this asana.
Know how to form this pose:
- Stand straight with your hand above your head.
- Now, spread apart your legs.
- Then stretch down and try to touch your feet with the same hands,
- Your other hand should be straight and facing the ceiling
- Hold this position for around 10 seconds.
- Switch the position with the other hand and repeat the same process.
- Repeat the same position for 10 to 15 times.
5. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
This pose is a fantastic way to stretch your whole body. It can help maintain balance and flexibility in the body. This would provide strength to your legs, back, and shoulders. However, it can be pretty challenging. This yoga pose should only be performed under strict guidance. Your body would also be energised and would also be balanced. People with heart problems, high blood pressure, or shoulder problems need to avoid performing this asana.
Know how to form this pose:
- Stand straight and keep your feet together.
- Stretch your legs apart.
- You then have to bend one of your knees in front and place the other one parallel to the ground.
- Then slowly try to raise your hands over the head.
- Hold this pose for 15 seconds.
- Now, use your other knee & repeat the process.
- Try to do this asana 10-15 times.
6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose)
The Adho Mukha Svanasana or the dog pose is beneficial when it comes to providing the body with a stretch. It can help you tone your arms, legs, and stomach. Furthermore, it can strengthen your shoulder muscles. Performing this pose on a regular basis can be advantageous in the future. You may feel that it’s one of the resting poses but when you actually start doing it, a burn can be felt within. People with high blood pressure are advised to avoid this pose.
Know how to form this pose:
- Lie flat on your stomach.
- Slowly try to lift your upper body with the palms and make a pose just like a mountain.
- Inhale as you raise your upper body.
- Hold this position for about 30 seconds.
- Now, exhale and get back to your original position.
- Repeat this yoga pose around 10 to 15 times.
In a Nutshell
Yoga relaxes your mind and helps your body function efficiently. Unlike gym workouts, even if you stop practising yoga for a few days due to some emergency reasons, it won’t show up on your weight. However, performing the asanas daily can show a significant change in your weight. In fact, after a period of regular practice, your body would become flexible as well.
Apart from doing this, you can look out for weight loss gummies that can help you in managing your weight. “The Beach Body” gummies can help you in this situation. They are even enriched with some amazing ingredients such as L-Carnitine, Green Coffee, Garcinia Cambogia extract, and Vitamin C. Chewing two of the rabbit-shaped gummies can enhance your metabolic process and can pace up the rate of your weight management procedure.