Which Juices Can Help in Lowering Period Pain?
Periods bring with them, all the discomfort, changes in mood, the irritation. Not to forget the pain in the abdominal area. These four to five days are a hell of a journey. Cramps make you lie down in bed all day. You might even take a few painkillers to just get rid of the pain. However, this only has an instant effect. After having a painkiller tablet, you would get rest just for a few hours and then the cramps would come back again.
Consuming tablets every time when the pain occurs can have side effects on your health. Thus, you need to switch. So, ladies, you should be aware that there are certain natural ways that can assist in reducing your period pain. This way is no other than the consumption of fruit juices. Fruits contain so many nutrients that can help the body in filling its requirements during periods. You know the best part: these juices can actually aid your period cramps. Sipping on these juices can ease your period days. Furthermore, you can look out for period pain gummies that can be an additional way to lower cramps.
So, let’s go through the juices that can help in reducing your period cramps…
1. Papaya Juice

Consuming juice from papaya or eating papaya during menstrual cycles is a great method to ease discomfort and pain. Papaya is high in minerals and vitamins. Papaya also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The natural painkiller properties of papaya are employed to reduce period pain. Papaya has been used for years to treat menstrual problems.
2. Aloe Vera Juice
The juice of aloe vera is considered to be one of the most commonly used solutions for cramps in the menstrual cycle and discomfort. The juice of aloe vera is a herbal laxative and blood purifier. It helps cleanse the blood, boost digestion, and help relieve constipation. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help ease cramps and pain in the period. Aloe vera juice can help reduce inflammation and helps alleviate cramps and pain during menstrual cycles.
Additionally, the juice of aloe vera aids in balancing the pH levels within the body. It aids in maintaining the body’s electrolyte balance which is one of the primary reasons for painful menstrual cycles. Aloe vera juice can also help detox and cleanse the body. It assists in flushing out toxins and waste within the body. This could further help relieve nausea, bloating, fatigue headaches, and bloating.
3. Orange Juice
Orange juice is rich in calcium and Vitamin C along with other vitamins that can aid during this period. The juice of oranges is an excellent beverage for women to alleviate the pain and cramps that are caused during menstrual cycles. It can be a good alternative to consuming a high-sugar diet that could aggravate the problem. Chewing Vitamin C-rich period pain gummies can also be a good idea to reduce the cramps.
4. Watermelon Juice

Drinking watermelon juice is a fantastic option to ease menstrual pains and cramps during your menstrual cycle. It’s not just beneficial for your skin, but this delicious fruit is also great for keeping your body hydrated. The watermelon juice has been proven to ease the pain that comes with menstrual pain, such as pelvic pain, abdominal back pain, lower back pain and cramps during menstrual cycles.
This makes it a powerful natural treatment for all kinds of menstrual pain. Watermelon juice is rich in potassium, helps in relaxing muscles as well as decreases muscle contractions. Also, it contains magnesium and vitamin B6 as well, both of which are essential in keeping joints and bones healthy.
5. Pineapple Juice
Pineapple juice can help you relieve menstrual pain. Drinking pineapple juice during your periods can also help prevent anaemia. Drinking pineapple juice during your period can relax the abdomen and lessen the discomfort. The juice is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals and is a natural cure for a variety of health issues. It is also nutritious, delicious, tasty and refreshing.
6. Blueberry Juice
Blueberries can be a fantastic option to ease nausea, cramps and other menstrual symptoms. They’re anti-inflammatory. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which can reduce inflammation within the body.
They’re also high in antioxidants. These antioxidants protect against free radicals that could cause harm to cells in your body and tissues. You can make your homemade blueberry juice by mixing fresh berries and water, and then filtering out the leftovers that are not purified.
7. Carrot Juice
The nutrients found in carrots aid the body eliminate excess oestrogen, which helps stop your body from creating painful cysts. In addition, it’s an excellent supply of Vitamin A which can aid in regulating your menstrual cycle as well as ease discomfort during your period. Drinking carrot juice can help in reducing your cravings. The texture and sweet flavour of the juice can make you feel that your cravings are being satisfied.
8. Beetroot Juice
Beetroot juice is a wealth of nutrients. The nutrients in this juice aid in regulating menstrual blood flow and also reduces menstrual cramps. Beetroot is a rich source of nitrates, which aid in relaxing blood vessels. It relaxes the uterus, and assists in reducing discomfort.
Beetroot is even a rich source of organic acids that aid in dispersing the lactic acid, and consequently ease discomfort. Beetroot is also high in potassium and magnesium, which help improve the overall health of women.
9. Apple Juice
Apple juice has a lot of healthy nutrients and can even reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer by as much as 70 per cent. The best part is that drinking an apple juice glass is that it can make you feel more relaxed and help to ease cramps. It can aid in boosting energy levels and improve moods as well. In addition, it can decrease the discomfort and pain that come with PMS symptoms.
10. Lemon Juice
Drinking lemon juice during periods is standard practice for women due to its ability to alleviate pain since it is a rich source of nutrients. Lemon juice can help increase the amount of vitamin C, which aids in relieving pain.
Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that aids in the reduction of muscle cramps and pain. The citric acid found in lemons can assist in lowering the pH level of the body. It has been observed that pH reduction aids in reducing pain during menstrual cycles and bloating.
In a Nutshell
Period pain causes so much irritation. Mood swings and those cramps, everything drops as a bomb during the period days. However, there are some natural ways that can help you in reducing the cramps. So, sipping on some fruit juices rather than going for soft drinks can be quite a good idea to get rid of the period cramps and get some relief instead.
As nutrient loss happens during this time, it is vital that you keep supplying them back into your body with the help of some period pain gummies. Therefore, the “That Time of the Month” gummies can assist you in doing so. However, its benefits are not just limited to supplying essential nutrients. It also helps prevent period cramps as well as aids in enhancing your reproductive health. Chewing two gummies each day can reduce your hormonal imbalance and can even help you provide restful sleep.