7 Tips to Manage Testosterone Levels for a Thicker Beard Growth
Guys, are you tired of staring at your patchy, uneven beard in the mirror every morning? Well, have no fear, because managing your testosterone levels can help promote healthier beard growth, and it’s easier than you might think! Testosterone isn’t just the hormone responsible for giving you a deeper voice, it’s also critical for promoting muscle mass, bone density, and a lustrous beard.
However, as you get older, your testosterone levels start to decline, and your beard may suffer as a result. But fear not, because there are plenty of ways to naturally manage your testosterone levels and promote thicker, healthier facial hair growth. In addition to this, beard gummies are also a good option when trying to boost your beard’s growth.
Here’s how you can enhance your testosterone levels for better facial hair growth…
1. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help increase testosterone levels, which in turn can promote beard growth. You should try to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises, such as jogging, cycling, or weightlifting, most days of the week. Exercise can also help reduce stress, which is another factor that can lower testosterone levels.
2. Get Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep can decrease testosterone levels, so it’s important to get enough rest each night. Sleeping at least seven to eight hours per night can help support healthy testosterone levels and thus promote facial hair growth.
3. Manage Stress

Stress can lower testosterone levels, so finding ways to manage stress is important for boosting beard growth. Consider trying relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Taking small breaks throughout the day to stretch or go for a walk can also help reduce stress.
4. Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and vegetables can assist in enhancing testosterone levels. Hence, make sure to include foods like nuts, leafy greens, and avocados in your diet. These foods contain nutrients like vitamin D, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are all important for testosterone production. The consumption of beard gummies also helps in providing the essential nutrients for thicker facial hair growth.
5. Take Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for testosterone production, and many people don’t get enough of it. The best way to get vitamin D is through sun exposure, but if that’s not an option, you can also consider taking a vitamin D supplement.
6. Consume Enough Zinc
Zinc is another essential nutrient for testosterone production, and you might not be able to get enough of it in your diet. Foods like nuts, whole grains, and pumpkin seeds are high in zinc and can manage your testosterone levels.
7. Avoid Alcohol & Smoking
Both alcohol and smoking can decrease testosterone levels. Hence, it is advised to avoid or limit these habits if you want to promote facial hair growth. Alcohol can also increase oestrogen levels, which can interfere with testosterone production, thus, making your beard’s growth slower. There are also other do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of when trying to grow a thick beard.
In Essence
Managing testosterone levels is essential for promoting thicker and healthier beard growth. Having a thick, full beard isn’t just about looking cool, it is also a sign of healthy testosterone levels and good overall health.
Enhancing healthy testosterone levels through exercise, sleep, stress management, and a healthy diet can help support thicker facial hair growth. Furthermore, with the intake of biotin-rich beard gummies, you can fasten the pace of growth. Thus, consuming the “Dapper Hair & Beard” gummies is recommended.
The wonderful composition of Fenugreek Seed Extract, Vitamins, Minerals, Biotin, Folic Acid, and Beta Sitosterol makes it the best for increasing the density of your facial hair. You just have to pop two gummies per day for boosting the rate of your facial hair growth as well as promoting hair regrowth.