Period cramps are almost every woman’s issue. You might start fearing as soon as you notice that your period date is going to arrive. Period doesn’t come alone. It brings so much irritation, the pain and not to forget the mood swings. Period cramps occur when your uterine muscles contract to shed tissue. This muscle contraction temporarily blocks the oxygen supply to your uterus, releasing chemicals that trigger pain. Gosh! We women have to bear so much.
Every woman needs some period pain relief. Ladies, you might be aware that our diet contains so much nutrition. Did you know there are even some foods available that can help you manage the pain. These are generally foods that would normally be available in your kitchen or at your home but you might not know their significance. Hence, we are here to help you. We have listed down a number of foods that you can eat during your periods and reduce your period pain.
Let’s scroll down to know about the foods that can be helpful in managing your period cramps…
1. Oranges

Oranges are an excellent fruit that is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. It has been observed that antioxidants could assist in relieving menstrual cramps. Oranges have a significant amount of water which makes them a great water-rich fruit.
2. Dark chocolate
If you are in the middle of or before your period, indulge in it. Dark chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa and is a great source of antioxidants, fibre and vital nutrients such as iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. Consuming them during your periods can help you relieve the pain.
3. Milk and milk-related products

The majority of milk and dairy products, like cheese and yoghurt, are excellent sources of calcium. Supplements with calcium can aid in reducing menstrual symptoms such as cramps as well as mood swings and fatigue.
Many kinds of milk, and the majority of them made from plants, include vitamin D, E and magnesium. These nutrients can alleviate pain during the menstrual cycle. Plant-based and dairy-based milk can also assist in keeping you hydrated. You can simply warm up some milk and drink it to get some relief from the excess period pain.
4. Beans
Eating beans, lentils, and other legumes can benefit your health in a variety of ways, including when you’re on your period. Legumes are good sources of fibre, iron, magnesium, and other period-friendly minerals. They’re also good plant-based sources of protein. Protein can help you feel fuller for longer, which may help you avoid snacking on foods that make period cramps worse.
5. Anchovies
Anchovies are an essential addition to pasta dishes, salads as well as pizza. They’re full of minerals which include Vitamin E and calcium that could assist with cramps during the period. They also are an excellent food source for omega-3 fatty acids. It has also been noticed that those who consume more omega-3 rich food can have less painful periods.
Omega-3 as well as vitamin E can be especially advantageous for relieving the pain during periods. Nuts, plant oils, and seeds are excellent food sources for Vitamin E. Additionally, eating omega-3-rich and vitamin E-rich foods are good for your overall well-being.
6. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli
Broccoli, Kale, and Brussels sprouts as well as other cruciferous veggies are excellent sources of calcium, fibre and magnesium. They are also rich in iron. The loss of blood during your period could dramatically reduce your iron levels overall therefore it’s crucial to include it in your diet. Therefore, intake of enough iron in your diet through these vegetables is recommended.
7. Water
Hydration is essential for general health and can lessen your pain during menstrual cycles. If you’re trying to find ways to increase the amount of fluid you drink, you can start by drinking an ounce of water once you have gotten up.
Apart from this, you can also add flavour to water by using fruit or herbs. Don’t forget that water isn’t your only option to replenish your body. Tea, coffee, dairy or plant-based soups, milks, and juicy fruits such as oranges also contribute towards your daily liquid intake.
8. Avocados
Whether you eat them blended in a smoothie, spread on toast, or mashed, avocados are high in boron, magnesium, fibre, and antioxidants. These nutrients can help with period cramps. Thus, consuming it in the way you like can ease your period cramps and alleviate your mood.
9. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
It has been observed that the health-promoting substances found in extra virgin olive oil could also assist in reducing cramps. Extra-virgin olive oil has more antioxidants and nutrients than normal olive oils that have been processed and is therefore the most effective choice. Besides this, extra-virgin olive oil can be a component of a balanced, healthy diet for overall well-being.
10. Strawberries
A cup of strawberry contains over a whole day’s value of Vitamin C as well as around three grams of fibre. Consuming strawberries on a daily basis can help you get less period cramps than women. You should thus enjoy this fruit as a part of a healthy and varied diet. A strawberry smoothie or fruit chat can be a good option to consume strawberries in a tasty way.
11. Oats
Oats improve the health of your body in a variety of ways. This could help with pain during the menstrual cycle. Oats can be delicious and a great method of adding fibre to your diet. Oats can also be a source of magnesium, zinc, as well as vitamin B1. These nutrients can provide benefits in managing pain during menstrual cycles. You can prepare oats by putting in some veggies of your choice or can even eat it with some warm milk and garnish the dish with some seeds.
12. Herbs and spices
It has been observed that certain herbs as well as herbal teas can ease symptoms of menstrual cramps. You can consider these spices and herbs as teas, in foods or as extracts to ease your cramps during menstrual cycles. Fennel can ease discomfort and shorten the length of bleeding. Sage and Cumin can assist in relieving cramps.
Chamomile can ease tension and help improve mood. Ginger can ease menstrual discomfort, nausea and the feeling of bloating. Turmeric can help ease symptoms of PMS. Cinnamon could ease cramps and improve flow. These herbs and spices would already be present in your kitchen so just need to take them out and prepare tea out of them.
In the End
While being on your period and fighting with those period pain, everything feels irrelevant. However, you can reduce or even make your period cramps negligible through the consumption of certain foods. Having gone through the post, you would now be able to identify the foods that can be useful during your period pain. Besides this, you can add up a new activity to your routine too.
That’s nothing but the consumption of period vitamin gummies that will provide all the nutrition to your body that you might be lacking during your period. Thus, while searching for the best gummies, you can stop by the “That Time of The Month” gummies that can help you in enhancing your reproductive health. Furthermore, these gummies can be helpful in getting rid of mood swings, irritations, and anxiety. Wait! There’s more. These tasty strawberry-flavoured gummies help in reducing PMS symptoms too! Two gummies for less painful periods!