hair care

Straight, Curly, Or Wavy: Hair Care Routine Everyone Should Follow

Having healthy and shiny hair can make your confidence boost to another level. In the outside weather conditions, all the dust and pollen found in the environment can weaken your hair and make it lose its shine. These particles can actually get stuck in your scalp and start producing bacterial problems. As a result, you may begin experiencing problems including hair loss, frizziness, split ends, thinning of hair strands, and much more. Depending upon your hair type, the effect of these hair issues may vary. However, you can get rid of them by including certain habits in your hair care regime. Once you commence applying these habits, you may be able to see an improvement in your damaged and dull hair. 

Start scrolling down below and get the best hair care routines that you can follow to provide the ultimate nourishment and growth.

1. Put In Some Amount Of Hair Oil

Hair Oil

Your scalp area secretes a substance called Sebum. This oily substance is responsible for bacterial infections that can further cause scalp issues such as dandruff. This happens when your scalp is not given proper nutrition in the form of hair oil. 

Once you start including oil in your hair care routine, you will be able to see its amazing benefits. Applying hair oil also aids in the protection of follicles from the surfactants by filling up space in between the cells of cuticles. It has also been observed that oiling has stunning effects in reducing hair frizziness and split ends. 

Have a look at these other outstanding benefits that hair oiling provides!

  • Improves hair growth
  • Gives lustre to hair
  • Keeps you away from Premature Graying
  • Reduces Hair Fall
  • Relaxes stress
  • Minimizes Dandruff Issues
  • Makes your Hair Stronger

Including essential oils with your basic hair oil can also be helpful in supplying nourishment to your scalp area. Thus, to get the best outcome for them, you need to go through the steps highlighted below.

  • Begin by mixing your regular hair oil with some drops of essential oil of your choice. 
  • Simply warm the mixture.
  • Next, softly apply it to your scalp and hair.
  • Give a light massage for around 5 minutes. Let it sit for at least an hour.
  • Finally, wash off the oil with lukewarm water using a shampoo. 

2. Avoid Tying Your Hair Tightly

You might be tying your hair up tightly for days. However, you may not be aware of the fact that tying it very tightly can lead to hair breakage. In certain exceptional cases, doing so might result in a permanent hair loss situation. Such an instance appears when your hair is continuously being pulled up. Due to this, the hair follicles start to break. Therefore, to prevent hair damage, try tying up your hair loosely. 

3. Apply Conditioner While Washing Your Hair

Hair care

Conditioning your hair is as vital as oiling it. Once you have washed your hair with shampoo, the next important step is to put on the conditioner to maintain hair health. Make sure that you apply it only to the ends of your hair. Doing so will untangle your strands and also reduce frizziness. After your hair has dried up, it will look shiny and frizzfree. Furthermore, it is evident that conditioners help dry hair look better. 

4. Washing Hair Using Lukewarm/ Cool Water

In winters or other cold days, you might be inclined to wash your hair with hot water. However, it should be noted that hot water has a tendency to remove the necessary oils and water content from your scalp area. Thus, it is preferable to immediately switch this habit and begin using cold or lukewarm water. Washing hair with lukewarm water can cleanse your hair in the right way. This will ultimately permit the hair cuticles and open up the pores present in the region of the scalp. 

5. Limit The Usage Of Electric Straighteners Or Curlers

Do you regularly use electric straighteners/curling irons? Are you putting a lot of heat on your voluminous and shiny hair? In case your answer is a “Yes”, this hair care tip is just for you. Using straighteners or any other electric equipment to style your hair can cause damage to it. 

The heat produced while styling makes your hair thinner and weak. However, if you want to try multiple hairstyles via straighteners, you may apply Argan oil before you commence. Applying Argan oil can protect the hair strands from being damaged. Along with this, it can even add shine and moisture to your hair. 

6. Consume Prescribed Supplements

Apart from providing nourishment to your hair through oil, your hair follicles may require some other essential supplements too. These include supplements containing nutrients such as Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, etc. You can visit a trichologist who specializes in treating hair issues. They can recommend you the supplements as per your hair type that should be included in your diet. Also, taking prescribed supplements can prevent you from having allergies. You can even find hair gummies available in the market that already has all the ingredients required for having healthy hair.

7. Don’t Apply Shampoo Regularly

Although Shampoos are useful in cleaning the dirt and dust on your scalp, applying them regularly can make your hair weak from its roots. Instead, you can try a sulfate-free shampoo as it can assist you in removing extra grease and dirt that makes your hair look dull. However,use of shampoos majorly depends on certain factors including your hair type, your surroundings, and the type of your scalp. 

8. Remove Frizz With A Good Hair Serum

Hair care routine

One of the most important tips to manage your hair care routine is to make use of a good hair serum. The various proteins present in the serum allow the hair to restore the damage. In addition to this, applying hair serum is also necessary for reducing the annoying frizziness of the hair. Serums also prove to be beneficial in providing your hair with a smooth texture.

After you have washed and conditioned your hair, put a few drops of hair serum on your hand and then gently rub on your hair using both hands. Then gently apply it to the bottom part of the hair strands. Make sure that the serum is not applied to the scalp area. 


Adding different habits to your hair care routine can help you in getting the lustrous glow and shine you always wanted to have. We assume after reading the post, you might now have learnt various ways that can be followed to take good care of your hair. As some of them might already be known to you, we have outlined more details that can enhance your overall knowledge. 

Therefore, from applying hair oil to making use of conditioners, your hair needs care to make it healthy. Also, taking supplements or consuming hair gummies for your hair growth and nourishment is also a great idea apart from the other mentioned tips. Good hair is equal to confidence.

Happy Father's Day

Best Father’s Day Gifts You Can Get For Your Hero

Though Father’s Day holds a special significance, a single day can never suffice to let our fathers know what they mean to us and how they play a pivotal role in our lives. From learning to walk to learning hard life-lessons, our fathers have always held our hands. We can never thank him enough and give back to him what he has ever done for us! 

We all have seen that kids feel the safest with their fathers. They always try to copy their fathers in whatever they do, all their moves! Because of course, that’s how most of us are wired. We all want to be like our heroes because we look up to them. A father is the first love of every child and a timeless hero who never fails to protect his child.

Yes! It’s Father’s Day round the corner and choosing from a myriad of gifting ideas gets confusing at times. But we got your back!

We tried making it easier for you to help you decide ‘the’ gift. You might want to have a look- 

Car Cleaning Kits – Because all dads love their cars more than life!

 Car cleaning kits

 Remember those frivolous rebukes from your father when you used to scratch the car or spill something on the seat? Oh yes! All dads love their cars more than anything. A car cleaning kit would be a nice idea to let him know you care for his baby too!

• Air Purifying Plants – Because it’s always relaxing to look at greens

Air purifying plants

Gifting plants is always a good idea because it’s something that would live long and be a reminder of you always. In addition, indoor plants increase oxygen levels at home, absorb harmful volatile organic compounds and bring positivity.

• Accessories Set – An indispensable elegance for the king

Accessories Set

An accessory set is one among many things that most people don’t buy often and many a times repeat the one they own with their attires. So, if he isn’t buying it for himself, gift your father one!

• Sleeping Aid Devices – For his peaceful sleep 

Sleeping Aid Devices

Sleeping aid devices are not only for people suffering with insomnia but they can be used to have a relaxing sleep as well. After a long day of strenuous work this gift can be really useful for your father to have a good night sleep. 

• Grooming Kit  –  For no prickly kisses from dad

Grooming Kit

When you go clueless about what to gift your dads, gifting a grooming kit is never a bad idea. It’s better to gift something useful than just flowers!

• Office Bag – So, he can carry his belongings effortlessly!

Office Bag

Has he been taking that same old bag to the office for years now? Why not gift him an office bag! 

Fathers always make sure their children have the best stuff they need but would always make their needs take a back seat. 

• Tea Brewing Kit – A brewing kit subscription for his relaxing evening tea

Tea Brewing kit

From work to home, one thing that remains constant is ‘Tea time’ for our dads. The first word he says after reaching home is always “Chai!” and why not? It’s so magical how it makes the tiredness go away with just a sip. 

• Cocktail Shaker – So, he can happily experiment with all those cocktail ideas 

Cocktail Shaker

A cocktail shaker would be a cool gift for fathers who like cocktails! We’ve often heard our fathers say how they can make better cocktails than that bartender; why not give them a chance 😉

• Massager – For all of his long days of hard work!


Body strength declines with age and hence we often hear our parents complaining about back aches. Long durations at work also lead to neck pains at times. Gifting a massager would really be a caring gesture to let him know you are aware of his discomforts. 

Gifting fathers material things on special occasions would definitely make him blissed but spending time with him frequently and checking up on him daily would warm his heart. Let’s make him feel special every day.

Let’s celebrate Father’s Day every day!

Don’t forget to tell us how you made father’s day special for your father, and which gift melted his heart.

Vegan Diet

5 Reasons For You To Start A Vegan Diet

Hey, planet! We heard you chit-chatting with your neighboring planets about how we treat you like “the ex” you would rather block from the life cycle. Even Nasa says something is very weird about the Earth’s Vibe; we know the damage we devised for our self-benefit (typical behavior) and completely overlooked the notion of catering back to you. Like red flags, We are sorry for devouring the environmental source and ignoring thousands of warning signs. 

The current climate crisis, like rising global temperatures, warming ocean temperatures, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreats, decreased snow cover, rising sea levels, declining arctic sea ice, extreme weather events, and ocean acidification, is because of the unhealthy connection between the environment and humans (Relatable much?) Our ignorance has led to the world turning upside-down; we love you, Earth, and it wrenches our hearts, so we have decided to take an earthy step to reform and restore the glory!

As the alarming sounds are present in the atmosphere, it’s time we should think about how we are affecting the chain of life. The Earth is hungry for change, and our contribution is all that matters.

How does Veganism Affect the Environment?

As individuals, we can positively change how we interact with our environment. Our food cycle is shattered, and our world is suffering. However, we can establish a more sustainable food cycle for animals, the environment, and ourselves.

Leaving animals off our plates is the most effective strategy to lessen our environmental impact. It helps prevent climate change, and undoubtedly, it is the biggest threat modern humans have ever faced. 

Shifting from meat and other animal products to plant-based diets offers a lot of potential for lowering carbon emissions, minimizing climate change, and enhancing human health. In addition, the vegan diet can help in many ways to combat all these issues, such as: 

  • It’s the diet with the least amount of carbon emissions.
  • It aids in the preservation of biodiversity.
  • It helps to prevent deforestation. Trees serve as a significant carbon sink for the Earth.
  • It restores ecological services that eventually help in the fight against climate change by replenishing our oceans.

5 Environmental Benefits of a Vegan Diet 

Veganism is not only about changing dietary habits. It applies to all aspects of the daily lifestyle avoiding clothes to cosmetics that contain animal-based products. Switching your diet to vegan is an effective way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, and even protect habitats and species.

Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions: In the meat business, animal waste isn’t the only source of hazardous pollutants. Our food system relies on fossil fuel energy to raise, prepare, and transport food. Burning fossil fuel is the world’s greatest single source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Plant-based protein sources, such as beans and nuts, require far less processing and, as a result, are far more energy-efficient than meat. Switching to a plant-based diet saves energy and minimizes fossil fuel emissions.

Conserves Water: Agriculture uses more water than any other major worldwide industry, accounting for 70% of all water consumption. According to estimates, much of the water utilized in agriculture is used to grow cattle feed for the meat industry.

By avoiding meat and switching to plant-based diets, we can conserve a large quantity of water. Switching to a vegan diet can help you save up to 55% on your water bill. Veganism could be critical to preserving our global freshwater supply for future generations.

Protects Rainforest and Lands: It takes a lot of landmasses to supply global meat demand—so much so that nearly one-third of the Earth’s land is dedicated to animal agriculture. The meat industry clears millions of acres of forested land to make way for grazing cattle and growing crops for animal feed.

Deforestation is a process that releases stored carbon from trees into the atmosphere, which is one of the contributing factors to increasing the climate crisis.

Prevents Habitats and Extinction: When the meat industry clears forests for cattle and farmland, it causes deforestation and eliminates habitat for thousands of species that rely on forests for survival. As species lose their habitats and the resources they require to survive deforestation, and their populations gradually decline, sometimes to extinction.

Deforestation is responsible for losing an estimated 135 different species of plants, animals, and insects every day. By removing animals from our plates and lowering meat demand, we remove the meat industry’s motivation to destroy forest habitats for its production, saving farm animals and wild creatures.

Combats world Hunger: 8.9% of the world’s population suffers from malnutrition and food insecurity due to our present food cycle. Furthermore, as soil degradation and climate change threaten global food production, more people may lose access to the nutritious food they require to thrive.

As we’ve previously discussed, adopting vegan helps to mitigate climate change and protect our global food supply by preventing deforestation, soil degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions related to animal production. That acreage might be used to generate nutritious, plant-based protein.

Vegan Foods You Can Add

A plant-based diet addresses all of these issues at once and can resolve them, and moving toward an animal-free diet and lifestyle is not a bad option. This diet reduces the suffering of many animals, minimizes one’s ecological impact, and contributes to a more equitable world.

On the other hand, plant-based eating can provide a healthier and more diversified diet. Here are some things to think about if you’re vegan (or considering becoming a vegan) and want to minimize your environmental impact:

  • Vegetables and fruits: Tomatoes, cabbage, beetroot, pumpkin, garlic, olives, broccoli, apples, nectarines, berries, bananas, melons, oranges are examples of vegetables and fruits. Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber are important sources of nutrients in this type of diet.
  • Pulses: Lentils, peas, beans, soya beans, and lupins are all good and proper protein sources.
  • Whole grains and cereals: Oats, rye, spelled, wheat, barley, millet, rice, and pseudocereals like quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat, as well as pseudocereals like quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat. Complex carbs, fiber, and phytochemicals are all found in these foods.
  • Nuts and seeds: Flax seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and hemp seeds are examples of nuts and seeds that give healthful fats as well as a variety of other nutrients.
  • Plant-based meat alternatives: Tofu, vegan burgers, schnitzels, and sausages are all plant-based meat alternatives. These are available in many variants – for example, based on soya, seitan, or lupins. Numerous plant-based alternatives to milk are available, like yogurt and cheese. Plus, these are often based on soy, nuts, or cereals.
  • Vegan Supplements: Proper supplementation is an important part of a healthy nutrition vegan diet. You can add some delicious vegan supplements to complement your nutritious diet because it will help complete the deficiency of nutrients. 

You don’t have to go to a completely plant-based lifestyle overnight. Get started. Small adjustments in eating habits should be as simple as possible. Try to be a part of a plant-based movement to reap the many benefits of a healthy, environmentally sustainable, and compassionate diet.

period gummies

Period Care: Never Miss These 6 Signs About Periods

Every woman undergoes a different period cycle, from moderate to severe, and distinctive symptoms. An average menstrual cycle lasts for 3 to 7 days, and in case you experience any changes in your monthly cycle, you must be aware. Pay attention to those unbearable symptoms and keep thinking, is there a thing as a normal period? Let’s find out the symptoms you shouldn’t ignore; what are the period problems or symptoms worth discussing with a medical professional.

Irregular periods

As we said earlier, normal is a flexible term for describing periods, and most women have a cycle that lasts 21 to 35 days. If you are missing out on your periods, it is best to find out the cause behind it before it grows into major complications. Find out what are the possible reasons that might affect your period cycle.

  • Stress: Severe long-term stress can actually be a problem of irregular periods. 
  • Extreme Fluctuations in Physical Activity: Losing or gaining weight might cause period problems because it affects your hormones. 
  • Birth Control: Using hormonal birth control pills can affect your period cycle, and it can also affect how often you get your period. 
  • PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome): This condition can also be a major factor causing a disturbance in your menstrual cycle. 
  • Perimenopause: If you are in your late 40s or 50s, you start getting closer to your menopause period. You are officially in that period if they stopped for 12 consecutive months. However, fluctuation can happen.

Heavy Bleeding

Your annoying Aunt Flow might visit you often. A heavy menstrual flow is common, and period blood volumes vary from woman to woman. However, abnormal menstrual flow can also be an indication of menorrhagia. Causes of heavy menstrual flow may include:

  • IUD (Intrauterine device): This birth control method can cause heavy flow as a side effect. 
  • Endometriosis: Tissue that normally lines your uterus grows in other sections of your pelvis, causing this illness. Each month, the tissue in your uterus expands and is eventually lost during your period.
  • Hormonal imbalance: PCOS and hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) are two conditions that can impair hormone production. Hormonal changes might thicken your uterine lining more than usual, resulting in heavier periods.
  • Bleeding disorders: Like Von Willebrand disease, an inherited clotting disorder. The heaviness of your flow can also be affected by these illnesses.
  • Pregnancy complications: Heavy bleeding is common in miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. It’s crucial to remember that these things can happen very early in pregnancy, so you might not even be aware you’re pregnant.

Intense Cramps

Cramps are a common symptom of menstruation. Usually, they’re caused by uterine contractions that press the lining of your uterus outward. Cramps usually begin a day or two before your period starts and continue for two to four days. Crampings can be mild and unbearable for some women. Dysmenorrhea is a term for more intense cramps. PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), STDs (sexually transmitted illnesses), stress, adenomyosis, fibroids, and other conditions can also produce unpleasant cramps.

Breast Pain

During your periods, your breasts might feel a little tender. Hormone fluctuations are most likely the cause of the discomfort. There can sometimes be pain in your armpit, where some breast tissue is known as the Tail of Spence.

Abnormally Long or Short periods

Periods can range from two to seven days in length. Short durations of time may not be cause for concern, especially if they are often for you. Hormonal birth control can also reduce the length of your cycle. Menopause can also cause disruptions in your regular cycles. However, if your periods suddenly become substantially shorter, consult your physician. Your periods may be longer than normal due to the same variables that produce heavy bleeding. Some of the examples are hormone imbalances, fibroids, and polyps.

Abdominal pain

What happens in your uterus has an impact on its surroundings. During that month, most women have diarrhea, abdominal pain, or both. It’s probably nothing to be concerned about if this is part of your period’s usual operating procedure. If not, it could be a symptom of a more serious medical disease, such as PID. Excessive fluid loss from diarrhea can lead to dehydration, and if it gets out of hand, you should visit a doctor.

No matter which period symptoms you face or affects you, don’t ignore them. Talk about your menstrual cycle problem with your physician so that it won’t disturb your routine even on those days. 

Pick Sustainable Products from the Period Care aisle

Choose Better: Pick Sustainable Products from the  Period Care aisle

Menstruation is an inevitable part of a woman’s life, and it comes with a necessity to use menstrual products. We are familiar with plastic pervading modern life, and there is no exception for period care products. In the name of attractive packaging, we can see a spike in menstrual products with unnecessary plastic packaging. Most menstrual products contain up to 90% plastic (excluding packaging). 

So, is there a better solution? Since the expansion of feminine hygiene care products came into existence. Many options are available in the market that can help women imagine better-safe period care and, at the same time, become environmentally conscious. 

You can add sustainable menstrual products like period underwear, menstrual cups, and other eco-friendly alternatives like biodegradable sanitary napkins, cotton tampons, etc. So, here’s to embracing menstruation as a way to make our everyday routines more sustainable and encourage huge organizations to follow suit. Check out the mentioned below that can help you save money and time while also helping conserve Mother Earth.

Why You Choose Them and How To Choose

  • Choose antimicrobial-infused products to maintain hygiene, which will help you make sanitary as simple as possible.
  • Choose products free of hazardous polymers because they are not good for you or the planet’s health.
  • Many menstrual products include phthalates and other chemicals that might affect your health and the environment. Select items that are free of these dangerous chemicals. 

Reusable period care products are the greatest and most environmentally friendly products. Let’s look at some of the best menstrual products to incorporate into your daily routine.

Menstrual Cups 

Menstrual cups are one of the most eco-friendly goods available because they can be reused yearly. It is one of the best menstrual products, made of medical-grade silicone, and capable of working for 12 hours without changing. Menstrual cups are a boon for women who have heavy periods. Plus, they are also available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some brands that sell menstrual cups are Peesafe, Sanfe, Sirona, and much more. 

Reusable Sanitary Pads

The thickness and size of reusable cotton pads can be customized. Compared to synthetic napkins, they may be more comfortable to wear and less prone to induce allergic reactions/rashes. You can protect your intimate area from chemicals found in disposable sanitary napkins and tampons by using reusable sanitary napkins and tampons. The soft and breathable materials make these pads keep the intimate area odour-free. Peesafe, FabPad, and Giocare are one of the brands that sell cotton pads.

Menstrual Discs 

Menstrual discs are similar to menstrual cups, except that they do not require insertion into the vaginal canal. They usually work for 4-5 hours per day. However, they are not as reusable as menstrual cups and must be discarded after a few years of use. Many brands like Sirona, Peesafe, Safecup, etc., are some of the brands that sell menstruation discs.

Period Underwear 

These period underwear are both leakproof and absorbent. Safecup, Lemmebe, etc. are some of the period underwear brands available. Period Underwear eliminates the need for a tampon or sanitary pad, making this period underwear 100% eco-friendly. These underwear are made of nylon and elastane, making them easy to wash and absorb. Period underwear can endure for up to four years. 

Biodegradable Sanitary Pads

Biodegradable sanitary napkins are eco-friendly, which makes them perfect for compost bins. Some brands have begun producing biodegradable sanitary pads utilizing bamboo or banana fibre, making them completely natural and environmentally friendly, biodegradable and compostable and manufactured from plant components. They are not just better for the environment but also for your skin than standard disposable pads. Azah and Plush are one of the brands that sell biodegradable sanitary pads.

Cotton Tampons

Many brands have started selling 100% cotton tampons like Sirona and Peesafe. These tampons are composed entirely of cotton, as the name implies. These tampons are free of chemicals and synthetics. As they are biodegradable, they are easy to decompose within a shorter period

Choose whatever option suits you best according to your needs and lifestyle, and make sustainable menstruation a must. Make a better choice for both your body and your environment.

Facemask | Blackhead Remover Face Masks

9 Blackhead Remover Face Masks That Will Clean Your Pores Thoroughly

Pollution levels have become that annoying ex who comes back or drunk calls you again & again. The toxins settle on your skin’s surface, visibly dulling your skin. We all have those mirror face inspecting sessions where we see black dots on our nose, those pesky germs, dirt, and dead skin accumulated in our open pores.

How can you get rid of this unwanted debris? It’s simple, add a step that caters to this issue solely and makes your skin squeaky clean. The step should include the gunk-pulling face mask that can pull out all that dirt and tighten your pores. You need a warm-wet towel to open up the pores and lather masks that do the deed to clear out the gunk.

Here Are Nine Masks That Can Help You Clear the Blackhead and Make Your Clean: 

  • Prolix Detoxifying Sea Algae Mask: Curated with pure algae extracts, Prolixr™ Detoxifying Sea Algae Mask is enriched with all the essential vitamins and minerals that help protect your skin, and repair damage to  combat signs of aging. It is high in antioxidants that also assist in the fight against free radicals, which are the primary cause of aging. The clay mask helps remove impurities and toxins from your pores, making your skin smooth, baby soft, and clear. This mask also helps to remove acne or any nasties like blackheads from your skin. 
  • Dot & Key Pollution + Acne Defense Green Clay Mask: Dot And Key’s Green Clay Mask is primarily an anti-acne clay mask to combat recurring acne and pollution. It controls excess oil, removes clogged pores, and minimizes the appearance of acne scars, pimples, & blemishes. It is Supercharged with Salicylic Acid, Green Clay, Matcha Tea, and Tamanu Oil, and you will be able to see the difference after applying for only 10 minutes. This green clay mask is a Non-comedogenic clay mask for congested, acne-prone skin.
  • Plum Green Tea Clear Face Mask: This Plum Mask is curated to cater a multi-dimensional skincare routine, which helps cleanse, care for, and control acne. You can instantly get brighter, non-oily, healthier-looking skin. It contains glycolic acid, which gently exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, and antioxidant green tea extracts combat acne. Natural Clay content can help absorb excess oil without drying your skin out, and green tea extracts have known properties that combats acne. It has a gentle, non-drying, and creamy formula that performs well for oily and acne-prone skin. It is 100% vegan, paraben-free, phthalate-free, and cruelty-free.
  • MCaffeine Espresso Coffee Face Mask with Natural AHA & BHA for Exfoliation & Pore Tightening: MCaffeine Espresso Coffee Face Mask relieves, exfoliates the skin, and shrinks pores. It contains Natural AHA, BHA, and Coffee Powder. This mask can improve product absorption after you include it in your routine. It also refines your skin because of the antioxidants. Natural AHA aids in exfoliating the skin deeply while enhancing the skin’s cell renewal process. Plus Point about this mask is it can wake you and your skin up because of the dark Coffee notes of freshly grounded coffee. 
  • Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2X: Clay Mask is formulated with absorbent Jeju Super Volcanic Clusters, walnut shells, and AHA helps clear pores while exfoliating. You can expect a triple exfoliation. It also has a one-pore caring solution; it helps minimize the look of pores, absorb excess oil, gently exfoliate, deeply cleanse, cool, even skin tone, and cleanse pollution particles. It double cleanses to clear all the dust trapped inside the pores.
  • Cetaphil Pro Oil Control Face Purifying Mask: This mask is gentle for acne-prone skin. One application effectively draws out impurities, dirt, and pollutants to deep clean the skin. It is designed to deep clean pores and mattifies the skin, and it is also a creamy-non drying mask that leaves skin clarified and refreshed. It is specifically formulated with white clay and apple fruit extract to gently exfoliate and lift away dead skin cells, improving skin tone and texture. This mask can defend against five signs of skin sensitivity, including dryness, irritation, roughness, tightness, and a weakened skin barrier. Formulated with apple fruit extract to help maintain skin hydration and cucumber seed extract to help brighten skin tone. It doesn’t dry your skin out and is Dermatologists tested and clinically proven to be gentle on sensitive skin.
  • Cetaphil Pro Oil Control Face Purifying Mask: This mask is gentle for acne-prone skin. One application effectively draws out impurities, dirt, and pollutants to deep clean the skin. It is designed to deep clean pores and mattifies the skin, and it is also a creamy-non drying mask that leaves skin clarified and refreshed. It is specifically formulated with white clay and apple fruit extract to gently exfoliate and lift away dead skin cells, improving skin tone and texture. This mask can defend against five signs of skin sensitivity, including dryness, irritation, roughness, tightness, and a weakened skin barrier. Formulated with apple fruit extract to help maintain skin hydration and cucumber seed extract to help brighten skin tone. It doesn’t dry your skin out and is Dermatologists tested and clinically proven to be gentle on sensitive skin.
  • Aztec Secret- Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay: A century-old clay to Indian healing clays have been used to beautify and refresh when used as a facial mask. Many skin acre rituals involved clay-based masks for pimples, blackheads, and skin tightening in the earlier days. One of those clays-included green clay or bentonite, which had healing properties and could help clear the pores. Aztec Secret- Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay is considered the world’s most powerful facial. It can offer deep pore cleansing to keep skin squeaky clean, and clear. This mask can help minimize breakouts and enlarged pores plus lightens blemishes. 
  • Dot & Key Pore Decongesting + Detoxifying Charcoal Mousse Clay Mask: If you deal with tired, dull, and congested skin, this mask should be considered your go-to mask that can clear, smooth, calm and balanced skin. This mask is enriched with activated charcoal, detoxifying your skin, unclogging pores, and reducing blackheads for a clean, even-toned, and smooth texture. One of the natural skin healing ingredients, Eucalyptus, makes this mask filled with goodness that can reduce inflammation and skin irritation to deliver a rested complexion. Dot & Key Pore Decongesting + Detoxifying Charcoal Mousse Clay Mask also has antioxidant-rich clary sage oil that strengthens sagging skin, tightens the pores, and balances oil levels for optimum nourishment. 
  • Murad Environmental Shield Vitamin C Triple Exfoliating Facial: This Vitamin-C infused facial can gently exfoliate your skin, provide instant smoothness, brighten skin, and boost radiance. You can reinvigorate dull-looking skin by adding this mask to your skincare ritual-smooth texture with a blend of three exfoliants to slough off dead skin cells: physical, chemical, and enzymatic. You can expect clinically proven results for smooth texture as effectively as a microdermabrasion facial in one use.
yoga | healthy life

6 Yoga Apps That Will Help You Find Calmness at Home

We all want to be that girl (or whatever you like to be addressed as), the one who wakes up smiling and giggling like Pooh of K3G, saves turtles by buying steel straws. To understand better-the one who has her life together somehow! But what’s stopping us from becoming THAT Girl? 5 minutes extra sleep? Probably! But, indeed, our schedules are always jammed packed because of the hustle culture. 

And taking time for ourselves can seem tricky, but we have to do what we have to do for our well-being! As we are slowly transitioning toward offline life, please spare some time and indulge in mindful movement that takes off the day’s stress and helps align with chakras-as that girl likes to say. We all are guilty (slightly) of paying our Gym membership in advance and not going even a single day. Engage in a physical activity that can be done at home according to your timeline-at your comfort! Try something that transforms your body, soul and mind-YOGA because Yoga Se Hoga (and you can too with the right motive).

Yoga Practicing at home | fitness | wellness

The benefits of practicing yoga are endless but do we have any time to go out and attend class? Nope, so time to get into the world of an unlimited number of yoga apps available on your phone. Start practicing yoga at home, in your pajamas, and you can pause it whenever you want. Okay, now step 2- download the app, but which app, you ask?

We paddled through the ocean of apps available on the internet and found the best of the best apps that you should click download right away. Yoga is simple if practiced keeping very few points in mind. These apps won’t burn your pockets and encourage overall health improvement. These yoga applications are based on yoga’s ancient origins and highlight qualified, knowledgeable instructors. You can expect a unique experience across many categories available on these apps. From the fitness levels to what kind of yoga form you want to focus on-even which part you want to focus on. Moreover, some of these apps provide options to select the instructor’s voice. Beginner to full yogi form, you can practice form that you are comfortable with. 

Here are eight applications that we recommend you download to practice yoga at home: 

  • Down Dog: One of the highest-rated apps, Down Dog, has become one go-to app that caters to all your fitness at home class exercises. This app is a bit pricey, but they run offers now and then, which seems like a deal, plus compensates as their services are quite nice. You have multiple asanas routines to choose from, about 60,000 different configurations! You can build your yoga routine by keeping what you like or which part of the body you would like to go for, and they also have a voice selection option.
  • YogaWorks: Attending a yoga class is a completely different feeling, but when you have a limited period, you can download the Yogaworks app. You can attend a live streaming class, which covers a variety of levels and yoga styles-you can choose the one you would like or need. They have therapeutic yoga for all levels to more advanced vinyasa flow to YogaWorks signature classes. The classes are designed to cater to all from combining alignment, breathwork, and movement. YogaWorks offers over 1,300 on-demand classes; you can switch to different segments, and the routine will also not feel monotonous. 


  • Yoga Glo: If you have time restraints and want a class covering most of your concerns in just 10-15 minutes, then Yoga Glo is for you. This app has a variety of classes and timelines, with more than 5,000 on-demand options ranging in difficulty from beginner to advanced. The programs in this app cover about 16 categories, from vinyasa, Hatha, kundalini, yin, and Iyengar yoga, to barre, Pilates, cardio, strength, HIIT, and more. You have many options to choose from, and you can keep switching. If you are still not sure, try out the seven-day free trial.


  • Apple Fitness: Apple Fitness is a fitness service built around the Apple Watch; they have many insta-famous trainers who have excelled in yoga. Experienced instructors, including Jonelle Lewis, Molly Fox, Dustin Brown, and Jessica Skye, are available on the app. You can sort classes by length, music type, and flow style, making it effortless to discover the ideal match according to your schedule and goals. This app does have guided meditation with video and audio components so that you can end your workout (or day) with an extra dose of chill. 


  • Find What Feels Good Official: Adriene Mishler is one of the most renowned yoga teachers known for Yoga with Adriene’s yoga channel. This app is a based app that has subscription-member-based content only. Find What Feels Good allows you to access hundreds of yoga videos. You can attend exclusive classes and premium courses constructed to cater to concern-based asanas curated to cater to the global community aspect. The emphasis on modifications and the oddly specific and relatable flows is uncanny. You can give it a shot by taking a seven-day free trial. 


best yoga apps | fitness | lifestyle
Young woman doing yoga practice . Concept of healthy life and natural balance between body and mental development.
  • Yoga International: One of the world’s most diverse yoga sites, this app-yoga international, offers more than 1,000 classes from over 500 teachers through its app. They have a timeline of about 15 minutes to more than an hour. They also have many cover styles, including vinyasa, Hatha, Yoga for beginners, restorative, kundalini, and yin. Content is updated daily, and live classes are added, too. You can stream in English and Spanish. This app offers other services beyond asanas-you can also stream podcasts and read articles, which will help you get a broad knowledge of yoga. They have a 30 day free trial offer, which can help you understand whether this app is the one for you or not. 


  • Sarva Yoga: This is an all-in-one app that is not just a basic yoga app but also has a meditation and mindfulness app that promotes overall health improvement. You can practice yoga for weight loss, yoga for meditation, sleep, and live a healthier life. From online yoga classes, guided meditations, sleep stories, live workouts, mindfulness audios, and more. The instructors are skilled in 25 forms of yoga-like Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Yin, Therapy, Aerial, and more. For every wellness, it has goal-based programs, from our range of over 20k+ minutes of mindfulness audio tracks and 300+ online yoga workout videos. At-home studio-like experience, a real-time class that India’s best instructors guide. You will get about 20,000+ minutes of best meditation and mindfulness, improve your sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety with our mindfulness audios across Sleep, Relaxation, Guided Meditations, Mantra Meditations, and Lullaby Music, etc.


hair serum | hair gummies

10 Hair Serums That Can Help Replenish Your Damaged and Frizzy Hair

Summer heat and scorching UV rays can evoke many hair and skin related (not-so-wanted) beauty problems. From Oily-sticky skin, clogged pores, and ( visibly) frizzy hair, these summer caused issues are hard to abide by unless you have a permanent 50% membership at your favorite salon. You have to use a gazillion hair products to achieve any hairstyle with summer frizzy hair.

Fortunately, many options are available in the market for you to choose from. We took charge of finding out the best serums available in the market that cater to Indian hair texture and temperatures. Before styling, you can use the serum and go about your day without worrying about frizz. 

Here Are the Ten Serums You Should Definitely Get To Tame Your Frizzy Hair and Revere the Damage: 

  • L’Oreal Paris Elseve Extraordinary Oil Hair Serum: This serum can completely transform your hair, especially if you are tired of unmanageable, dull hair and frizzy hair. This serum leaves your hair silky soft and benefits you with the lightweight formula of the Extraordinary Oil Serum-infused with a blend of 6 rare flower oils – Lotus, Chamomile, Flax, Tiare, Rose and sunflower. You can use this before shampooing as a pre-care ritual for nourishment and even after post-shower to detangle your hair. You can also use this before using heat tools as a heat protectant- Some use it as an overnight DIY spa treatment
  • Tresemme Keratin Smooth Hair Serum: This serum is formulated to restore hair keratin and leave your hair visibly straight plus smoother. Tresemme Keratin Smooth Hair Serum is infused with the goodness of Camellia Oil and nurtures each strand, making them silky smooth. It provides hydration to your hair needs, improves elasticity and strengthens your hair. This nourishing serum controls frizz for up to 3 days; this is curated to cater to Indian temperatures- and is suitable for naturally and chemically treated hair. Tresemme Keratin Smooth Hair Serum tackles split ends, tames unruly hair and makes them more manageable.
  • L’Oreal Professionnel Absolut Repair Oil 10-In-1 Multi-benefit Leave-In Hair Serum: If you are for an allrounder product that can underestimate your hairstyling process and minimizes the damage, then this 10 in 1 Serum Spray is your saviour! The professional formula of the 10 in 1 Perfecting* Multipurpose Spray instantly provides damaged hair with ten benefits. It has nourishing properties, allows resurfacing, reduces split ends, has a lightweight formula to minimize greasiness, and adds softness. You can manage your hair with just a few spritzes. It helps detangle and control frizz, plus the best part is that it protects you from pollution. This Leave-In Hair Serum is also heat protection up to 230°C/450°F. 
  • Wella Professional Luminous Oil Reflections Smoothening Oil: This serum helps protect and prevent natural lipid degeneration for a smooth and reflective surface. Wella Professional Luminous Oil Reflections Smoothing Oil can protect hair cuticles from free radicals, and it also helps cleanse the impurities off your hair due to minerals. It replenishes your tresses and provides the nourishment they need. It adds shine and enhances light reflection. 
  • The Body Shop Grapeseed Glossing Serum: This serum contains Grape seed oil, rich in essential fatty acids. It helps protect the hair shaft from moisture loss by coating it, which also helps smooth the hair. It contains oils that cause no buildup on the hair. This serum contains no silicon, plus regular use can coat your hair to ensure that they are never dull and thin. You can expect smooth texture, fewer tangles, malleable, and gives hair a natural sheen. It hydrates the hair, especially if you wish for smooth and straight hair. 
  • Sebastian Professional Taming Elixir Weightless Smoothing Creme Serum: This serum is formulated with essential avocado oil to help eliminate frizzy or uncontrollable hair; it also gives flexible control and leaves hair soft, supple & manageable to use. It glides on your hair properly through your damp hair for light-definition & frizz control. You can use this as a heat protectant. 
  • Innisfree Camellia Essential Hair Oil Serum: Innisfree Camellia Essential Hair Oil Serum is derived from fermented and fresh camellia oil from Jeju Island to provide ample nourishment plus a lustrous shine. This serum helps to achieve a healthy shine and reverses damaged hair. The ingredients in this serum are considered nurturing, and fermented camellia oil fills the holes of damaged hair and camellia oil coats the cuticles. This hair serum revitalizes damaged hair affected by frequent salon treatments and dyeing. This serum gets absorbed in your strands smoothly, making it easy to use. 
  • MCaffeine Coffee Frizz & Hair Fall Control Hair Serum with Walnut & Argan Oil: This serum is loaded with Pure Arabica Coffee; it can improve hair manageability and strengthens hair strands. MCaffeine Coffee Frizz & Hair Fall Control Hair Serum is loaded with coffee oil, Caffeine, Walnut Oil, and Argan Oil. Coffee Oil & Caffeine amplify the strength of your hair, improve its shine and fight hair dullness. It also has Walnut Oil that reduces frizz and improves hair manageability, just like argan oil. The Coffee Hair Serum is one of the best hair serums for women & men.
  • BBLUNT Intense Moisture Hair Serum with Jojoba & Vitamin E, No Parabens, Sulphates: This serum boosts moisture, minimizes fizz, plus helps manage your hair better. BBLUNT Intense Moisture Hair Serum has Avocado, Jojoba, and Vitamin E, enabling your hair to restore the lost moisture and nourish while protecting from heat & UV damage. It can tame the frizz, lessen dryness and count oodles of hydration, resulting in smooth and shiny hair. It has a unique colour-protect formula- plus paraben and sulphate-free. It is curated for Indian hair textures, and it simply helps keep the damage and dryness far away. 
  • TIGI Bed Head Control Freak Frizz Control Serum: This serum can help control the frizz, plus this straightening serum promises to fight the frizz and stomp the curl. The formulation is a light, greaseless, humidity-resistant formula that adds a glossy finish, leaves your hair smooth and silky, and is great for naturally curly or frizzy hair. It controls humidity impacts, plus you can use it as a thermal protectant.
Make Your Nails Stronger And Healthier

Top 5 Products That Make Your Nails Stronger And Healthier

Not being able to go to salons and seeing our nails being a mess is quite a tiring tale of the year 2019-20. Till last year we all were obsessively washing our hands with sanitiser too often. This habit might have killed 99.9% of germs but caused our hands & nails to become seriously weak and brittle.  

Just like our hair, nails do not hurt when we cut them. Although taking care of them for gradual growth is a whole other question. Besides, some common factors, such as household chores and lack of key vitamins, make it rather hard for nails to grow properly.

Best nail growth might be impossible, especially when you do not have sufficient time for bimonthly manicure appointments. Other than this, when you indulge in everyday tasks such as laundry and dish cleaning, your nails tend to lose their strength, which further affects the growth of nails. You may not turn to salons quite often, but you can always consider some selected products that can make your nails healthier and stronger.

Following is a list of top 5 nail growth products that you can consider investing in to keep those nail art canvases clean and catchy:

Nail Hardener:

There is no definite way to protect nails’ natural strength, especially when household activities can deteriorate over time. The water quality directly impacts your nails, and one can start using protective products that can reverse or minimize the damage. Using a nail hardener can provide utter solidity to your nails.

A nail hardener performs by reacting with your nails’ protein. When your nails are weak, the protein is like a ladder with broken rungs – the ladder feels loose and wobbly. You can make the ladder sturdier by adding extra rungs to connect the two sides. They create chemical bonds that tie the protein chains together to make the nails harder. These products use ingredients like formaldehyde and calcium.

Nourishing Basecoat:

In addition to daily activities, the constant use of nail lacquer also changes the nails’ inner structure, causing nail damage. Instead of splurging your special savings on the best nail growth products, you can buy a nourishing base coat from a reliable brand and use it every time before applying nail polish.

It provides grip, strengthens the nail, prevents stains, and promotes long-lasting nourishment that makes your nail polish stay longer; it is great if you indulge in DIY sessions. It will help if you are looking for a nourishing base coat with nail-caring ingredients that can help you recover from weak, brittle, peeling nails. Ingredients like keratin, vitamin E, soy protein, calcium, bamboo, and castor oil are things your nails need to stay strong for a longer period. 

Nail Strengthener: 

Nail care seems simple, but your nails get ruined after getting an intricate nail art or a gel manicure. It can be due to nutritional deficiencies or damages induced by nail treatments like gel, shellac, acrylics, etc. Plus, inexpert buffing, filing, and persistent soaks in acetone for DIY removals can be less of a cure. But after using a nail strengthener, you can provide your nails with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and skincare ingredients like hyaluronic acid distilled to the nail.

If you are planning on investing in the best nail growth treatment, you can consider using a high-quality nail strengthener. A nail strengthener is loaded with the essential oils that condition the cuticles and solidify your nails naturally.

Classic nail strengtheners are available in many shades other than clear. You can fete your nails without compromising on the shade. Calcium and hydrolyzed wheat protein help them grow more robust and the length you desire. 

Nail and Cuticle Conditioner:

Slathering your hands and cuticles with creams is not enough; we condition our hair and moisturize our body, follow a proper skin hydration routine, and often neglect our nails. We should add another step to condition our nails and the cuticles.

Brittle nails and dry cuticles can become painful over time, so trying the nail-loving treatment is a great idea. Nail and cuticle conditioners are packed with vitamins and hydrating ingredients like fruit and nut oils like almond, jojoba, and apricot oils which manage most nail-related concerns.

It keeps your nail surrounding skin moisturized and strengthens brittle nails after the harsh removal of gels, dip powders, and acrylics. Cuticle oil is another benefitting solution curated with the formula that delivers moisture and reverses the outer skin cuticle damage.

There are many options available in the market, so try going for fast-absorbing serum-based options so that you don’t feel sticky. Therefore, you can buy a nail and cuticle conditioner from a well-known nail care brand to achieve the best nail growth outcomes hassle-free.

Biotin Supplements: 

Low nutrient diet can lead to short, dehydrated, and damaged nails, especially if deficient in nutrients like iron, vitamins A and C, biotin, and collagen. These nutrients are essential for proper nail growth, and foods like eggs, spinach, and mushrooms are some of the primary sources of essential vitamins.

Iron supplements can improve your nail strength, preventing breakage and splitting biotin supplements, strengthening your nails from within to grow to the fullest. Biotin is helpful in both hair and nail growth, and you can ensure healthy, consistent growth.

These foods promote the formation of new cells and fasten the rejuvenation process. Various types of biotin supplements are available these days in the market, so you need to look out for something that suits you the best. 

Instead of choosing the regular biotin capsules, you can switch to delicious gummies that are easy to consume and have many other benefits. One of the options to choose from is Power Gummies, and it is a budding name in the natural care arena where we endeavor to develop a healthy system of supplement consumption.

We live in a world where no one has enough time to consume complete nutrition. They offer a broad range of chewable gummies containing essential vitamins and biotin to make it easier. Two gummies each day will take care of the nail growth and strength and provide ample nutrition for natural hair growth.

Multivitamin Products To Boost Your Health

Top 6 Multivitamin Products To Boost Your Health

We have so much on our plates while balancing daily hustle-bustle; the season change, pollution, and Covid-19 pandemic are the extra unnecessary serving that overflows our plates. It has become inevitable to include holistic nourishment in our diets. Multivitamins can fulfill the missing nutrients in our body; nutrients are needed to maintain a healthy body functionality. Most vitamins are usually not found in everyday food or are not attainable easily because the food is processed.

Hence, they are highly beneficial to health. Taking multivitamins has many benefits- they reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Further, they help boost your immunity by supplying antioxidants like vitamin C. With a regular intake of multivitamins, and you can have healthier eyes, skin, and hair. 

Here We Have Six Multivitamin Options That Are Filled With Nutrients That You Need to Maintain a Healthy Body: 

  • Wellbeing Nutrition Melts® Multivitamins: These melts are cultivated to provide a precise dose of all bioactive ingredients that help you get 100% RDA of all your vital vitamins. These are oral nano strips that are clinically proven to be 100% bioactive. These rapid dissolving melts are prepared using patented German Nano Technology to provide you with a full dose of vitamins A, B-Complex, C, D3, K2, ashwagandha, and ginseng. Nutrition melts are only natural ingredients that reinvigorate your body with a blend of key vitamins for holistic wellbeing. It helps easy and complete absorption of all the goodness and nutrients. It improves immunity, increases energy, promotes heart health, boosts cognitive health, improves memory, and may reduce stress. It can also help maintains muscle strength and may uplift mood. These melts have no sugar, preservatives, gluten, soy, or nuts, plus they are 100% bioavailable and clinically proven. 
  • SugarBear Women’s Multivitamin: These scientifically formulated, vegan vitamin complexes are designed for women. These tasty beauty bears contain vegan sourced amino acids that may aid collagen production! It is developed with 16 micronutrients like omega-3, vitamins B12, C, D2, and E to help increase the vitamins many women may be missing in their advised day-to-day diet. These supplements also contain folate, a form of vitamin B9 that maintains healthy cell growth. The yummiest berry-flavored SugarBear Hair gummies are 100% vegan, certified halal, and kosher. 
  • WOW Life Science Multivitamin for Women: These multivitamins for women are a nutrition-packed blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and specialized blends. It has 12 essential vitamins that help boost energy and improve metabolism, plus 11 macro minerals and trace minerals that help maintain healthy bones and muscles. Five specialized blends with amino acids, antioxidants, and fruit and herb extracts help fight oxidative damage and manage nerve and gut health. The supplements are formulated to fill the nutritional void in your everyday diet to sustain your wellness goals. WOW, Life Science Multivitamin capsules for women are made in the Himalayas. It is 100% vegetarian and cruelty-free. Every capsule contains a 600 mg blend of ingredients, and each pack has 60 vegetarian capsules. It has enzymes and plant compounds to support cholesterol levels and have antioxidants and nutrients to support healthy eyes. These supplements are allergens such as gluten and stearate. Made in the Himalayas. 
  • Wellbeing Nutrition Daily Greens: Organic Plant Superfood Effervescent Tablets are the most convenient and delicious way to get a daily dose of 39 greens, fruits, veggies, and herbs. Crafted with an organic blend of essential and alkalizing real greens, straight from the farm. These supplements have Spinach, kale, aloe vera, wheatgrass, brussel sprout, alfalfa, oregano, spirulina, chlorella, broccoli, ashwagandha, moringa, basil, and a potent blend of over 30+ antioxidant-rich superfoods including blueberry, raspberry, cherry, apple, acai, turmeric, cinnamon, green tea, carrot, green coffee bean and many more. Each tablet has a 100% daily value of 12+ whole food multivitamins, minerals, and electrolytes like vitamin C, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, fiber, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, manganese, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E and many more phytonutrients all derived from organic greens and fruits. 

Daily Greens help boost immunity and metabolism, fight free radicals, cure acidity and bloating, boost digestive enzymes with plant probiotics, decrease inflammation, make your skin glow, detox the body, and aids in weight loss, protects your brain, and relieves stress. Drop the effervescent tablet in 250ml of water or any other liquid, and wait for it to dissolve. These tablets can be taken up to 2 times a day for adults and once a day for children between 4-and eight years. These supplements are free from gluten, wheat, dairy, sugar, preservatives, allergens, and colors. Safe for vegans and diabetics.

  • Carbamide Forte Plant-Based Multivitamin Tablets For Men & Women: These Multivitamin Tablets are curated to keep your energy at high levels, increase your stamina and keep you charged all day. It is a blend of fruits, vegetables, natural extracts, and superfoods. It is a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients to keep your heart efficient, mind-focused and improve overall well being. Each tablet contains 13 vitamins, nine minerals, eight superfoods, seven active greens, 14 vegetables, eight fruits, 20 herbs, and three natural extracts. Meets 100% of your daily requirement for all vitamins and most minerals: One multivitamin supplement covers 100% of your daily vitamin and mineral requirements and fills your nutrition gaps with veggies, greens, and herbs. This antioxidant and superfood blend works on a cellular level to boost your immunity naturally. These powerful antioxidants’ protection from free radical damage helps skin and hair health. This organic multivitamin for women and men with alkalizing blend, fiber blend, and detox blend maintains a healthy digestive balance, revives healthy flora, and promotes immune system health.
  • OZiva Plant-based Omega Multi with Vegan Omega 3 fatty acid & multivitamins for better immunity: OZiva Plant-Based Omega Multi supports holistic nutrition, especially for vital organs like the brain and heart. It combines algal Omega-3, plant multivitamins, and extra virgin olive oil. Plant-Based Omega Multi supplies 200 mg of vegan EPA+DHA (Omega-3), four plant vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, and K2 MK-7, and 100 mg of extra virgin olive oil. It promotes heart, brain, and joint health with vegan omega-3 fatty acids. It increases immunity and helps fight stress with essential multivitamins. Vegan-friendly formula derived from algae, Soy-free, gluten-free, and non-GMO with no added preservatives.