The importance of embracing hair care has become inevitable because harsh chemicals in daily hair care products, sudden climate changes, and pollution increases can affect your hair quality, making them prone to damage. Subtle hair growth is something that everyone wishes to accomplish, and you can apply home-based remedies to ensure your hair gets the nourishment it needs.

Home remedies are not the only solution because minor changes in diet for hair growth can also work marvels. There are some selected foods that you can include in your diet and get the desired results in the natural development of your hair.
Following Is a List of Some Best Foods That You Can Take Into Consideration for Natural Hair Care:
The egg is one of the superfoods for sufficient hair care as it contains vitamin A, vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. Apart from this, eggs are also known to have carotenoids that treat skin and hair cells. Eggs are also an abundant source of zinc, selenium, and other hair-loving nutrients. You can eat boiled eggs daily and improve your hair quality thoroughly. You can also use eggs to make hair maks, which provide the nutritional properties it needs from the outside.
We all know that spinach is an abundant source of iron and magnesium. But, spinach is more effective than you think as it also contains vitamin C that heals the condition of hair follicles. Spinach is packed with folate, iron, and vitamins A and C, resulting in healthy, strong hair follicles. You can consume spinach in many forms. You can try the green goddess salad, which includes spinach dressing. Green Veggie juice is another healthy meal alternative that fills and nourishes your body from within. Nutritional gut health has a positive impact on hair growth.
You might have ignored that a cup of pumpkin squash can provide you with beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It is the combination you need for ultimate hair repair that begins from within your roots. Biotin is one of the most nourishing hair growth-inducing nutrients; it promotes hair growth. It eases inflammation of the scalp, which aids in flaring up the follicles plus allows new healthy growth to appear. Pumpkin Seeds have a natural steroid called delta-7 stearine, which thwarts DHT buildup in the hair follicle.
Grapes are high with natural antioxidant properties. You can enjoy these delicious black pearls for consuming Oligomeric proanthocyanidins. It is the factor that protects your hair tissues from severe inflammation. Vitamin E and Linoleic acid in grapes give power to hair follicles. It leads to healthy and strong hair growth. The natural antioxidants in grapes stimulate the scalp’s blood circulation, fostering hair growth.
Flax seeds:
Flaxseeds are a great source of polyunsaturated fatty acids that you can enjoy with anything you like as a light snack. Flaxseeds have omega-3 fatty acids that provide vital proteins and nutrients to hair follicles. It helps stimulate circulation in the scalp and interferes with hair follicle inflammation that causes hair fall. It retains vitamin B and is affluent in biotin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, and folic acid, responsible for stronger hair growth. Soothes the scalp because of the omega-3 fatty acids content that helps reduce scalp inflammation.
The entire family of pulses, including beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas, can help you boost the natural development of your hair. Pulses contain enough amounts of folic acid and other essential B-complex vitamins.
Greek Yogurt:
Because of its probiotics, unsweetened yoghurt can be a boon if you wish to attain shiny, smooth, and long hair naturally. Greek Yogurt is loaded with healthy protein-which is the building block of healthy hair nourished blocks. It contains ingredients that help your blood flow through and better blood flow to your scalp and hair growth. Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid and aids against hair thinning and loss. Pantothenic acid is widely used in many hair care products.
Being a prominent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon makes a definite place as the best food for hair growth. Fishes like salmon, herring, and mackerel are loaded with hair loving-nutrients. Consuming such fishes boosts hair health, promotes healthy hair growth, and reduces hair thinning. This fatty fish is a great source of protein, selenium, vitamin D3 and B vitamins, nutrients that nurture strong and healthy hair.
Peanut is the natural provider of biotin, which controls hair loss and treats the deeper cells of your scalp for boosting natural hair growth. It contains biotin, which both stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Peanuts are great meal addition or even meal substitute, and you can use them in began or vegetarian diet. They are readily available for your consumption as a quick-filling meal that stimulates healthy hair growth.
Chia Seeds:
Besides antioxidants and fibre, chia seeds can also be consumed as a vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are packed with vitamins and minerals that strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair fall. Chia seeds have essential amino acids that help boost your scalp health and further help in hair growth. It protects your tresses from harmful sun rays and polluted air and helps them attain a healthy shine. It can also boost the elasticity and softness of your dull and lifeless hair. Chia seeds are also packed with copper, help blood circulation on the scalp and prevent hair thinning.
Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are a prominent source of beta-carotene; it helps convert vitamin A compound in our bodies. Beta-carotene has been shown to promote vitamin A, which encourages sebum production, and helps keep hair healthy. The Vitamin A content speeds up the growth rate tremendously and fosters thicker hair growth while preventing other hair follicles from regressing.
Avocados are filled with healthy fats, are super delicious and have many nutrients that can help you nourish your hair. It is an abundant vitamin E source, which revives your scalp and increases hair growth. To combat oxidative stress, too, you can consider avocados which have vitamin C, vitamin E, which are super hair healthy antioxidant that helps nourish the scalp. Vitamin E deficiency can damage the scalp skin, which leads to unhealthy hair. Avocados are a great source of essential fatty acids, crucial building blocks of your cells.