
Improve Sleep Quality By Avoiding These Foods

Waking up after a night of peaceful and deep sleep feels so calming. Sleep is also quite necessary for the efficient working of your body. However, to take this sleep, you need to take care of a lot of factors. From depending upon your room temperature to the foods you consume, you have to look after all of them. Eating healthy throughout the day is important. 

However, there are some foods including some veggies and fruits that can put an obstruction to your sleep. Thus, it’s essential that you identify them and try to avoid them. In case, you have been consuming them, you would get to know about them and then prevent intaking them. 

This would ensure peaceful and enhanced sleep. Apart from doing so, you should also be aware that there are melatonin gummies available in the market that can improve your sleep quality and along with taking care of your diet, you can chew them as well. 

Let us have a look at the foods that can be causing disruption to your sleep quality…

1. Caffeinated Products

There are a lot of foods that contain caffeine, even though you don’t expect it. The soda and tea are typically caffeinated unless they are marked or otherwise. Some desserts and ice creams contain chocolate, coffee, or other forms of caffeine. 

Chocolate and other food items that contain caffeine can act as stimulants. Hence, they make it harder to fall into the deeper stages of sleep. The normal sleep that you take also gets decreased due to these caffeinated products. 

2. Acidity-Causing Foods

Certain acidity-causing foods can be a nightmare for sleep. Foods that are difficult to digest and have lots of fibre could result in discomforting gas. You may even have to experience cramps and pressure because of the consumption of excess beans, dry fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. This would thus make it difficult for you to sleep and may keep you up all night. 

Fruits and vegetables with high fibre are beneficial for your body but are not ideal for sleeping. Hence, you should try to avoid them prior to bedtime. Other causes of acid reflux are foods such as citrus juice, raw onions, tomato sauce, or white wine. These can disrupt sleep by making heartburn more severe. That’s why you could regret having a pizza slice before going to bed.

3. Dark Chocolate

You might be tempted to eat dessert, and may think that a small dark chocolate bar can be better than a slice of cheesecake. But this isn’t the case. Chocolates can hinder your sleep if taken before bedtime. Dark chocolate can be a polyphenol-rich treat but it contains caffeine which disrupts your sleep. 

Those who have a faster metabolism may have a chance of getting a night of sleep but those with a slow metabolism may have to experience disrupted sleep. It takes six to 10 hours to eliminate caffeine, so it means that if you want to enjoy a dark chocolate treat, you need to consume it during the noon time and not later in the day. 

Apart from this, you should also stay away from foods with a lot of sugar that could cause blood sugar levels to rise and then drop which can cause obstruction in your sleeping schedule. Desserts, sweets as well as candy are not ideal for your nighttime snacks for this reason.

4. Spicy Foods

Anyone suffering from heartburn understands that spicy food can cause issues in the evening. But there’s another reason to stay clear of these foods. Naturally, your body’s temperature should be lowered to help you sleep. Hence, consuming hot peppers can increase the body’s temperature. The sensation of being hot could keep you awake longer. If you like food that has some tangy or spicy flavour, you should try eating it during breakfast or lunch instead of dinner.

5. Fried Foods

Foods that make your stomach feel heavier, actually take longer to be digested. Fried, greasy, and cheesy foods can cause nausea and cause you to stay up late at night. You should also avoid having cheese burgers, steaks, fries, or other fried food later in the evening. Instead of eating those fried foods, you can look up for their alternatives and consume foods that can actually help you fall asleep at night. You can surely drink a glass of warm milk before heading towards your bed. 

6. Alcohol

It might seem as if drinking a couple of beers, a glass of wine, or a glass of champagne aid in falling asleep. However, there are reasons to avoid drinking alcohol, particularly excessively prior to going to bed. Alcohol can aid in a sleepy state but it disrupts your normal sleep pattern later at night. 

This may reduce the quantity of sleep you receive. Drinking alcohol can relax all muscles of the body that could cause sleep apnea as well as high-pitched snoring. It even relaxes the esophageal muscle which is more likely to trigger acid reflux.

7. Water-Rich Foods

Going to the bathroom a number of times in the middle of sleep may interfere with it. Of course drinking plenty of water is essential to being healthy, however, you must be careful not to get an overflowing bladder late at night. Therefore, it is advised to stay away from foods that are rich in water content, such as cucumbers, celery, and watermelon.

8. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are extremely beneficial for overall health but they’re probably not the ideal food to consume before bed. These vegetables can hinder your ability to sleep. This can cause digestive issues as well. So, it is recommended to eat these vegetables earlier in the morning so that your body has enough time to take them in before you go down to sleep at night.

9. Citric Fruits

The consumption of tomatoes could also have an adverse effect on your sleeping. It is because of the chemical tyramine. It is an amino acid that can increase the brain’s activity and can delay sleep. Foods rich in Vitamin C are not an appropriate choice for dinnertime snacks since they could cause heartburn and acidity when not properly digested. It can not only disturb your sleep pattern but could also make your morning miserable with an unending burning sensation.

At the End 

As you already know, the food you consume plays a vital role in enhancing your sleep quality. The more healthier and nutritious food you eat, the more your sleep cycle improves. Similarly, unhealthy food such as oily, fried food or junk, disrupts your sleep schedule. 

Even consuming caffeinated beverages and alcohol can cause interference with your sleep quality. Therefore, avoiding the list of foods that have been highlighted above can be beneficial. Along with this, you can start the consumption of delicious sleep gummies that aids in improving sound sleep. Hence, the “Blessful Sleep” gummies can be your ideal partner. 

These rabbit-shaped gummies have adequate quantities of Melatonin, Vitamin B6, and Passiflora Extract. Popping two gummies before heading to bed can calm your mind and also assist in repairing your skin.