Hair Gummies

10 Tips to Grow Hair at a Faster Pace

Every girl wants the hair that Rapunzel had…Long, smooth, pretty, and voluminous. But wait! Is it possible to fulfill this dream now…Yes! It is…The process of getting hair that looks like Rapunzel’s isn’t an impossible task. On average, hair increases by one and a half inches every month, which is approximately six inches every year. 

Naturally, a myriad of things can influence the growth of your hair, such as the ageing process, pollution, general well-being, stress and everyday habits. There are a variety of ways to stimulate your hair growth. One of them is to massage the hell off your scalp. The results of this scalp massage with important natural ingredients will keep the length and, consequently improve your hair’s appearance. 

With the abundance of options available, you can achieve the hair you’ve always wanted. Consuming some supplements or biotin gummies can also be helpful in providing nutrition to your hair and growing it at a faster pace. 

Here’s how you can increase the length of your hair…

1. Make a Cinnamon Hair Mask

Cinnamon isn’t just great for sprinkling over your breakfast cereal. Because of its antimicrobial properties, it can provide benefits to the hair as well as increase blood circulation and provide nourishment to strands. Mix equal amounts of coconut oil and cinnamon, then apply the mixture to your hair, paying attention to the root. Allow it to work for about 45 minutes prior to washing.

2. Detangle Your Hair Gently

Brushing your hair swiftly can weaken them and can lead to hair damage. However, the brush you select can make a difference. While the bristles of a metal-based brush serve a purpose, a comb with wide teeth, an untangling brush, or a paddle with bristles that are rounded are all great alternatives for gently combing knots, and also causing less breakage. Instead of detangling your hair after the shower, you should comb through the knots prior to the time washing your hair.

3. Limit Shampooing Your Hair to Two Times

By doing excess shampooing, you can end up with dry, damaged, and brittle hair as the cleanser strips hair’s natural oil. Depending on your hair type, the amount of times you should wash your hair every week differs. Hair types with coarser, thinner hair are able to go with no shampooing for a couple of days, while finer hair types might find that their hair is greasy after just one day.

4. Massaging Scalp is a Must

We’re so consumed with time and money accumulating products for hair that we often overlook where hair growth begins in the first place: your scalp. Just as healthy soil is crucial to the growth of healthy flowers and plants, the base of healthy hair is a healthy scalp. 

A massage to your scalp has positive effects on blood pressure, stress hormones as well as heartbeat. One easy way to encourage growing hair is at home to provide yourself with a head massage. This can boost blood flow towards your scalp, improve the strength of hair and allow nutrients to get into your hair follicles faster. It’s best to do it every other week if you have oily hair.

5. Get a Hair Trimming from Time to Time

Regular trims help to remove dry, injured hair and are essential to ensure healthy, natural hair growth. If left untreated, split ends could grow up the hair shaft strands, causing further breakage. Depending on the health of your hair, the style you’re wearing and your routine, you may require trimming every six weeks. However, the more you look after your hair on a daily schedule, the less frequently you’ll need trimmings and the more hair you will develop naturally.

6. Include Hair Growth Supplements

Hair growth supplements or gummies can be effective to make your hair grow more quickly. Additionally, they could be loaded with necessary vitamins and minerals, which could be helpful in boosting hair growth. 

However, the minerals and vitamins found naturally in foods are easy for your body to absorb and will provide an improved ratio of nutrients. A healthy diet rich in omega-3s, which are healthy fats, can boost hair growth. The best sources of omega-3s in food include walnuts, flaxseed, and plant oils like canola and soybean oil.

7. Try Out Hot Castor Oil Treatment 

Castor oil is the undiscovered star of the hair world. This oil has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can help fight scalp infections which prevent hair from growing. Additionally, it’s loaded with omega-6 essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamin E as well as other nutrients that penetrate the hair shaft. 

It even assists to seal the hair shaft in order to keep moisture. It is also a fantastic hot oil treatment. Massaging castor oil into your hair will allow your scalp to drink up all the nutrients and aid in promoting hair growth.

For practising a hot castor oil treatment, massage the oil onto your scalp and then apply it at the end of your hair. Then make a bun on the head and secure it using a shower cap and then use a blow dryer for about 15 minutes. You are now free to go into the shower, wash and condition as normal. The hair will be soft and silky in no time.

8. Avoid Heated Styling Tools

It’s probably something you already know but any hair stylist will advise you that the best method to make your hair increase in size is to get rid of your habit of using hot tools. Blowers, styling irons, and blow-dryers can damage your hair, creating dry and brittle hair. 

If you’re looking to increase the length of your hair, it is suggested to air dry your hair and stay clear of any heat-producing tools. However, in case you want to use heated styling tools, make sure that you apply a spray that protects your hair strands.

9. Use a Silk Pillowcase while Sleeping

Cotton absorbs all water from your hair and causes tangles and breakage. Thus, using a satin or silk pillow cover and bed sheet is beneficial for better hair health. While it won’t accelerate the growth process in any way, sleeping on a silk pillowcase creates less friction, and provides hair with a more comfortable surface to lay on. 

10. Consider Using Products Containing Keratin

Products having keratin help to fight dryness and make the hair appear healthier and more radiant. They also aid in strengthening hair, preventing further breakage.

This protein acts as a shield that covers your hair with the essential oils and nutrients that it requires to grow, creating an ideal setting for hair to be healthy and strong.

Summing Up

Including the above-outlined tips can turn out to be effective in increasing the length of your hair. Apart from this, following them would also enhance the quality of your hair and eventually make them stronger. Another very important thing that you should not miss out on when trying to increase your hair growth is supplying proper nutrition to the scalp. All your care would go in vain if the scalp is not healthy. 
Thus, consuming hair gummies rich in biotin can be an ultimate choice over here. Hence, moving forward with the “Gorgeous Hair & Nails” gummies is recommended. These little rabbit-shaped treats contain various elements including Biotin, Vitamins A-E, and Zinc. You just need to chew two of these tasty gummies during the day to improve your overall hair health.